So we have a customer who is completely satisfied with our product and decided to share his story about a health related incident that happened to him 8 years ago in a Customer Review and said that our food supplement has benefited him.
Unfortunately, his story triggered the Amazon bots and our product was removed from the sale.
We have appealed this removal: we have provided information that our product is safe and complies with all regulations. We also explained that the customer review is actually positive and obviously the customer is happy and had no issues with our product.
But the compliance team doesn't bother to read what we say and keeps repeating that the evidence provided is not enough to prove that the product information complies with the EU Food Information Regulation.
And they ask for a Plan of Action (POA) and we want to appeal:
(a) What was the root cause of the problem?
(b) What steps will you take to solve the problem?
c) What steps will you take to prevent future problems?
So now we're forced to falsely admit that our product caused a problem for the customer, and somehow we have to explain that we're going to take steps to fix the problem and prevent it from happening in the future.
I am looking for advice on how to get out of this crazy situation.
For moderators: Case ID 10205417322
Here is a text of a Customer Review: "Die Cholin-Kapseln kenne ich seit 2016 als ich in Hurghada drei Tage vor unserem Rückflug eine TIA hatte.
Nach 10 Tagen Klinikaufenthalt durfte ich in Begleitung eines Flugarztes nach Düsseldorf fliegen. Am Flughafen wurde ich dann mit einem Krankenwagen ins nächstgelegene ev. Krankenhaus gebracht.
Dort wurden mir dann nach der Aushändigung der bis dahin erhaltenen Medikamente sofort gesagt, dass ich die Cholin-Kapseln nicht mehr nehmen soll.
Ich habe sie trotzdem bis zum Ende eingenommen und sie immer wieder bestellt, da sie u. a. meine Wortfindungs-Störungen verhindern."
And translation to EN: "I have known about the choline capsules since 2016 when I had a TIA in Hurghada three days before our return flight.
After 10 days in hospital, I was allowed to fly to Düsseldorf accompanied by a flight doctor. At the airport, I was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital.
There, after handing over the medication I had received up to that point, I was immediately told that I should no longer take the choline capsules.
I took them until the end anyway and kept ordering them because, among other things, they prevent my word-finding difficulties."