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Product wrongly restricted

by Seller_lYiQ5ZvMVCzzE

Hi, we have been selling a kids swim vest (not a life vest) for the past 5 years in the UK. This year amazon removed the listing due to the reason below

Your case has been verified and it appears that the product you want to sell is not life jacket/ buoyancy aid related.

However, the item name and product’s description from the Detail Page are not corresponding with the product classification.

Therefore, in order to move forward with the approval process, we kindly ask you to update the title and the product’s description from the Detail Page by replacing/removing the keywords with the appropriate information in order to avoid further restrictions:

• life_vest_type

*Please remove this attribute

We appreciate your cooperation in this important matter.

You may have other statutory rights for redress including out-of-court dispute settlement.

I have tried but cannot remove • life_vest_type

i have deleted the listing and waited more than 24 hours before uploading via flat file but still has the • life_vest_type in the product details tab.

i have been going round in circles with amazon support for the past 13 days. They take 2-3 days to answer and the answer is just a cut n paste reply. i phone and they say they can't access the case.

Anyone know how to resolve this?


Tags: Listing deactivated
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In reply to: Seller_lYiQ5ZvMVCzzE’s post

Hello @Seller_lYiQ5ZvMVCzzE,

Thank you for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing a case ID?

Kind regards,


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In reply to: Seller_lYiQ5ZvMVCzzE’s post

Hello @Seller_lYiQ5ZvMVCzzE,

Hope you are doing well 😀

ASIN has been reinstated by the partner team. Please, confirm from your end.



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