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All my inventory changed to Reserved: FC transfer after the dangerous goods review and it is now classified as Non-Dangerous good

I have an ASIN went under dangerous goods review on 10 June 2024 and it was classified as Non-Dangerous good the next day.

However, all my inventory is then changed to Reserved: FC transfer and not unavailable to customers.

The support keeps giving me the canned response "inventory is shipped between fulfilment centres for effectively manage storage and create the best availability for customers".

This doesn't make any sense to transfer ALL MY INVENTORY between fulfilment centres and there is NO AVAILABILITY for customers.

Can you please stop transferring ALL MY INVENTORY between fulfilment centres and making part of the inventory available?

Case ID: 9885783092


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Hello @Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S,

Your inventory should be available for the customers as per Reserved Inventory report help page:

"Units in the FC transfer status are available for customers to buy. However, customers might be shown a future ship date if no other units are available in the fulfilment centres for immediate fulfilment."

Additionally, here I am including the information that I found on how long this process can take:

"Transfers may take up to 22 to 25 days to complete. In some cases, transfers may take longer and investigation may be required (for example, delays due to Covid-19 restrictions or weather restrictions)."



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All my inventory changed to Reserved: FC transfer after the dangerous goods review and it is now classified as Non-Dangerous good

I have an ASIN went under dangerous goods review on 10 June 2024 and it was classified as Non-Dangerous good the next day.

However, all my inventory is then changed to Reserved: FC transfer and not unavailable to customers.

The support keeps giving me the canned response "inventory is shipped between fulfilment centres for effectively manage storage and create the best availability for customers".

This doesn't make any sense to transfer ALL MY INVENTORY between fulfilment centres and there is NO AVAILABILITY for customers.

Can you please stop transferring ALL MY INVENTORY between fulfilment centres and making part of the inventory available?

Case ID: 9885783092


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All my inventory changed to Reserved: FC transfer after the dangerous goods review and it is now classified as Non-Dangerous good

by Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S

I have an ASIN went under dangerous goods review on 10 June 2024 and it was classified as Non-Dangerous good the next day.

However, all my inventory is then changed to Reserved: FC transfer and not unavailable to customers.

The support keeps giving me the canned response "inventory is shipped between fulfilment centres for effectively manage storage and create the best availability for customers".

This doesn't make any sense to transfer ALL MY INVENTORY between fulfilment centres and there is NO AVAILABILITY for customers.

Can you please stop transferring ALL MY INVENTORY between fulfilment centres and making part of the inventory available?

Case ID: 9885783092


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Hello @Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S,

Your inventory should be available for the customers as per Reserved Inventory report help page:

"Units in the FC transfer status are available for customers to buy. However, customers might be shown a future ship date if no other units are available in the fulfilment centres for immediate fulfilment."

Additionally, here I am including the information that I found on how long this process can take:

"Transfers may take up to 22 to 25 days to complete. In some cases, transfers may take longer and investigation may be required (for example, delays due to Covid-19 restrictions or weather restrictions)."



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Hello @Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S,

Your inventory should be available for the customers as per Reserved Inventory report help page:

"Units in the FC transfer status are available for customers to buy. However, customers might be shown a future ship date if no other units are available in the fulfilment centres for immediate fulfilment."

Additionally, here I am including the information that I found on how long this process can take:

"Transfers may take up to 22 to 25 days to complete. In some cases, transfers may take longer and investigation may be required (for example, delays due to Covid-19 restrictions or weather restrictions)."



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Hello @Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S,

Your inventory should be available for the customers as per Reserved Inventory report help page:

"Units in the FC transfer status are available for customers to buy. However, customers might be shown a future ship date if no other units are available in the fulfilment centres for immediate fulfilment."

Additionally, here I am including the information that I found on how long this process can take:

"Transfers may take up to 22 to 25 days to complete. In some cases, transfers may take longer and investigation may be required (for example, delays due to Covid-19 restrictions or weather restrictions)."



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