Read onlyI've been receiving numerous messages from customers over the past few months indicating that Amazon is notifying them about items being lost or delayed, even after the parcels have been delivered. While some customers are honest, not all are, and they're requesting refunds based on these messages. As you know, if a customer files a false A-to-Z claim, Amazon often takes my funds without hesitation. This is followed by the usual frustrating customer support response when I raise concerns. I genuinely feel at a disadvantage in this situation.
I've been getting this too. I've even had a customer leave me a negative feedback due to the confusing, automated emails Amazon are sending them about their item running late. I use Amazon Buy Shipping for all my items and none have tracking so there is no way to know if an item is running late.
I could write an entire thesis on this problem, however, here is a summary of my (extensive) thoughts…
1. Amazon clearly prefer all orders to be sent tracked. As a CD specialist, the extra cost in doing so would make our prices somewhat uncompetitive. Furthermore, Amazon’s standard shipping allowance per CD is a measly £1.26/item, whilst the cheapest (reliable) tracked service costs £2.70/item (Royal Mail Tracked 48). Meanwhile, pro sellers have the option to vary their P&P rates – the last time we tried increasing our P&P to cover sending everything 48 tracked, our sales dropped alarmingly.
2. Royal Mail 1st/2nd class postage purchased via Amazon does include a tracking number – you’ll find it just above the QR code – example: 3B-053 893 B8. This can be entered into the Royal Mail tracking site which will confirm delivery but not actual tracking. Sadly, many postal workers can’t be bothered to scan standard items on delivery, resulting in c. 25% of items recorded as undelivered. Amazon then sends a message to customers informing that their items may be lost and that a refund is in order – regardless of whether the package(s) have been delivered. As we are all aware, a majority of customers will jump at the chance of a refund whilst keeping the goods.
3. We now use a gentle reminder to Royal Mail delivery staff in the form of a label attached to packages, with the wording in bold red type – “Dear Postman, please ensure that this package is scanned on delivery. Thanks!” This has increased the percentage of deliveries successfully scanned to over 95%.
4. Nevertheless, Amazon still insist on offering refunds to customers, despite packages having been delivered and scanned. (Gee, thanks, guys!)
5. If a customer asks for a refund in such circumstances i.e. where goods have been delivered as confirmed by the Royal Mail track-and-trace site, a firm-but-friendly email is sent to the customer with scans of the proof of posting and screenshots of the delivery label and the Royal Mail track-and-trace confirmation page.
6. Here is our email template…feel free to adapt and use.
Dear (customer name xxxxxxxxx)
Regarding your enquiry for your order for (item xxxxxxxxx) (order number xxxxxxxxx)
We confirm that your CD was delivered at (time xxxxxxxxx) on (date xxxxxxxxx)
Please refer to the attached tracking document, Royal Mail proof of delivery (date xxxxxxxxx).
Please read the following carefully, noting the tracking number/barcode for your parcel (bar code xxxxxx)
Your order was placed at (time xxxxxxxxx) on (date xxxxxxxxx).
Your order was despatched at (time xxxxxxxxx) on (date xxxxxxxxx)
Your order was delivered, (time xxxxxxxxx) on (date xxxxxxxxx) to the recipient and address as per your order: -
(name xxxxxxxxx)
(address xxxxxxxxx)
Please see the attached documents: -
proof of posting (date xxxxxxxx)
Royal Mail proof of delivery (date xxxxxxxx)
All relevant information on the attached documents has been highlighted for clarity.
The Royal Mail has also provided a GPS location of the exact position of your postman and the time when the package barcode was scanned at the point of delivery.
Please note that these coordinates are accurate to within less than one square metre.
Thank you for shopping with (name of Amazon store xxxxxxxx)
Yours faithfully
7. Using the strategy as detailed above, we very seldom hear from the customers again, except where one or two may sheepishly admit that they have “found” the missing item(s).
8. And how odd that customers who complain that their packages may be “lost” never, ever ask for a replacement - but immediately request a refund. Very strange!
Good luck. Let’s beat the scammers.
Also getting this. Not helped by the way that Royal Mail 'tracked' services often fail to complete the process, by logging receipt of a package at the 'parcel shop (post office) but then not recording any further progress with the movement of the package. Presumably this is leading to at least some of the offending messages being sent to customers.
Amazon need to stop sending messages and displaying "may be lost ask for a refund" on Royal Mail 1st and 2nd Class orders.
I'm having to refund 'lost' orders on letter rate that does not have tracking but postage is purchased via buy shipping....Something isn't quite right here either as my buyers aren't usually as impatient plus 'item didn't arrive, refund' messages are excessively higher than normal
I posed a similar message in another post yesterday (Extract below)
So whilst waiting for reply from any potential sellers with this knowledge I can in the meantime say that within 30 minutes of sending the buyer proof of delivery, the buyer messaged back to say that someone else in the house had put it in a cupboard & forgot to tell them, REALLY!
I asked Bing AI what happens to buyers that say an item is INR & then say they have found it when presented with proof. The response was "When an Amazon buyer claims that an item did not arrive but later finds it after being presented with proof from the seller, the situation typically resolves without further issues.
So if I go to Tesco & steal a joint of meat & the police come round can I say someone put it in my freezer & forgot to tell me? I don't think so
Amazon must be aware that this happens, customers have contacted me and said so, one recent customer left feedback stating it had arrived on time but Amazon stated it maybe lost. Most items I send out are through Amazon's 'Buy Shipping' 2nd class letter, which isn't tracked. Amazon seem to be able to confirm to the customer that it may be late or lost though.
Welcome to Amazon, you work hard for the money amazon actively either gives your money away or encourages the customer to Sc£ ew U.
That's why we are running down our Amazon side of things, and leaving you can not win.