Read only我是刚来亚马逊的一个新手我帮助我的亲人销售产品导致我的账号出现真实性投诉我在第一时间联系了官方客服,客服给我推荐了一个申诉平台多次申诉一直不成功导致目前我对这个平台特别失望对待刚入门的新卖家十分不友好
"I am a newbie on Amazon. I helped my relatives sell products, which led to authenticity complaints about my account. I contacted the official customer service as soon as possible. The customer service recommended a complaint platform to me. I have appealed many times but failed. As a result, I am very disappointed with this platform. It is very unfriendly to new sellers."
As this is the UK forum please post in English.
Why has your appeal failed?