Has anyone else noticed what Amazon is doing? They're hiding the listings of new items being offered by Marketplace Sellers when Amazon are selling the same item


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Has anyone else noticed what Amazon is doing? They're hiding the listings of new items being offered by Marketplace Sellers when Amazon are selling the same item

Hi All

Whilst trying to work out how to win the buy box, I have spotted what appears to be a deliberate attempt to hide listings from buyers of new items when Amazon themselves are offering the same item new. This example is in books, but no doubt being applied across the entire catalogue.

I have to start by saying that it could be me in the waydo I have my preferences set, so I would encourage other sellers to try this for yourself & report your findings in this thread.

The book below is being sold by Amazon for £13.18 new. I have gone in at £12.99 but noticed this when looking at the competition for this book. It says "Other used & New from £8.92"

You will see below it says 6 other options & has clickable tabs in order to reduce the visible options USED LIKE NEW, USED VERY GOOD, USED GOOD + 1 OTHER (This displays acceptable) each time you click one of those tabs for example Used LIKE NEW it will remove those listings from view. The box to the right says FILTER 4 & below that it says CLEAR ALL

When & more importantly IF a potential buyer clicks on "CLEAR ALL" it then shows Marketplace sellers that are offering listings of that item as NEW so unless the potential buyer clicks on "CLEAR ALL" then they're not going to see Marketplace Sellers new offerings for that item NEW giving the impression that Amazon are the only seller offering that item as new.

Like I say try it for yourself, it seems that when you look at other sellers offerings on items that the filter always seems to default in the same way. I would like to hear from sellers in all categories not just books to see how widespread this deception is. You can add screen grabs by linking an image from your PC using the button on the right of the screen above the message body (looks like two little white mountains in a black box.

If my theory is correct then this will be passed to the CMA (Competition & Markets Authority) Thank you sellers in advance for your checks into this.

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Tags:Seller fulfilled
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Hi All

So upon further investigation please see this below. Apart from clicking on "CLEAR ALL" you can also click on "FILTER" (image below) you will note that the NEW box is not checked but other conditions are checked. I manually checked NEW into the box & then the NEW copies appeared, then I went onto the same listing & it had defaulted back not showing copies of NEW from anyone apart from Amazon themselves.

I also got a friend to check the listing from his PC & it displayed exactly the same to him with the NEW box not being checked. The BIG QUESTION here then must be does Amazon control what conditions are displayed by default?

If they do then why have left the NEW box unchecked? Only for oner reason in my view to intentionally hide NEW items in order to give the impression to buyers that they're the only option for a customer to buy new.

If I am right they need stopping! (Image below)

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For the example you're showing

Amazon are at £13.18 with free delivery, next day for prime members or a day or two later for non prime.

You are at £12.99 also with free delivery but showing as between 7 and 10 days away.

I imaging most people would rather pay the extra 19p and get it a week sooner, I know I would.

The buy box is a combination of price, delivery promise, seller experience/feedback, stock level and probably several other things.

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As already mentioned, your delivery window is longer than that of Amazon itself. Also, what quantity do you have available? Amazon takes a lot of factors into account when awarding the buybox.

Having said that, it is one rule for Amazon, another for the rest of us...Amazon has listed numerous out-of-print titles from itself that are hugely underpriced and with ridiculously long dispatch dates.

When they add their 'Usually dispatched within 6 to 7 months' offerings, it suppresses offers from other sellers (no one can compete at these crazy prices)...see an example here:


Back to your example, when I click on it, I have drop down menu for conditions. If I click 'new', I see this:

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