Read onlyI was just wondering if anybody else has experienced this as a Used/Refurb electronics seller.
I've never seen this amount of returns (granted, I'm fairly new on Amazon). but I am receiving returns on a scale I've never seen before for mostly "Accidental orders" of products that are clearly marked as used (with detailed descriptions and pictures) but customers are assuming are new.
I somewhat understand if I have the buy box on a product that isn't sold as new anymore but I'm receiving returns for items that clearly have a brand new seller as the buy box but I am the first option on "Used".
Why are customers not reading before they purchase? Surely the huge price difference in sellers is more than an indication that the items are not brand new?
Customers will read the main page, see it says new then look for the cheapest price without seeing the used bit. I would say 50% of our returns are due to the customer not reading the listing properly.
Quite simply, many customers do not read. Nothing more to it than that.
Even on our side, we can put the size of things in the title, in the description in the images. Doesn't matter - people still return with the reason, didn't realise how small 8mm would be.
Not a lot you can really do other than price for your return costs.
The return rate on Amazon is very high compared to other sites. I think buyers assume its unlimited returns. We charge more for the same products on Amazon to compensate for the pre-paid labels and the number of orders that for some reason buyers don’t receive Hmm.
I had a customer get a postage paid return for a used acceptable knitting booklet on the basis that it was not new. No, it was not offered for sale as new but used acceptable.
We have exactly the same problem - Amazon really need to make it clear to the buyer that they are buying a Used item.
The problem is made worse when the customer uses the return reason "description on website was not accurate" and gets a free return, even though it was the customers error.
yes amazon does not in any clear way make it clear that used items are sold on same listings as new.
And as we have to pay postage back it costs them nothing, so amazon simply do not care
I am a seller of used mobile phones and i too find the return rate ridiculous. So much so that i assume I'll lose a good 20% of my monthly turnover to returns.
Fortunately i am an Amazon Renewed seller, so it's not often our customers assume the items are new. However we get A LOT of other stupid reasons for return. OR, no reason at all.
Sometimes we have items returned after months, for no reason... and up losing hundreds of pounds on items. It's awful.