Hello to all the new sellers and new visitors to the forums!
We’re always trying to make the forums more engaging, more educational, and just more…more for the Amazon selling community. That’s why we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, and what content or discussion topics you’d find especially beneficial.
What would be most valuable for you as a new or aspiring seller? If you came to the forums looking for something and didn’t find it, let us know about it. We're here to support your business growth, and your feedback is incredibly helpful.
We're excited to keep evolving the forums to better serve all of our selling partners, so don’t hesitate to share feedback. We can't wait to hear your ideas or see your “thumbs up” on replies you agree with!
Hello to all the new sellers and new visitors to the forums!
We’re always trying to make the forums more engaging, more educational, and just more…more for the Amazon selling community. That’s why we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, and what content or discussion topics you’d find especially beneficial.
What would be most valuable for you as a new or aspiring seller? If you came to the forums looking for something and didn’t find it, let us know about it. We're here to support your business growth, and your feedback is incredibly helpful.
We're excited to keep evolving the forums to better serve all of our selling partners, so don’t hesitate to share feedback. We can't wait to hear your ideas or see your “thumbs up” on replies you agree with!
How about you level up the seasonal sellers first who have existing issues before you focus on the new ones.
Two things that I noticed that no one has any answer to. This includes moderators.
1. Changing your country of origin for your legal entity.
2. Removing claims from a suspended listing (the listing is suspended and, therefore, its locked. It wont let you change claims even though Seller Support responses claim that all you have to do is remove the claims.)
Ohhh, look at that! No new sellers responded. Rut Roh, someone isn't doing a good job creating a welcoming atmosphere. They probably came on here and ran away or you suspended them taking away forum access lol.
I'm here to find the informations about AGL and AWD. I have many questions and issues with my first two shipments but can't find answers from the supports and internet. Wish they have their own sections on this forums and have someone can answer or find the answers.
A few things I found very confusing, that would help new sellers if they were corrected in the system, or told:
1. Open Orders that show a status of Pending "Awaiting payment verification" ARE NOT awaiting payment verification. They're really just waiting to be shipped out by Amazon.
Anyone that shops on Amazon knows orders don't go through without payment. It should say "Awaiting shipment" or "Processing".
2. Manage FBA Returns: It's very confusing to go to Orders >> Manage Returns and seeing a blank list.. then in fine print, to the upper right, having to click "View FBA Returns". THEN "Manage Return Orders" to see list of returns.
It would be easier to just have one list, with a filter for FBM/FBA, or something easier to see for FBA sellers.
3. Put VOC comments right in the Return Details. It's very frustrating to have to go 2 places (Manage Return Orders >> Details AND VOC page) to see all the return's details and reasons.
Overall, Seller Central needs to be revamped. It looks like it hasn't been since it started, which makes it clunky, hard to use, and misleading.
Hello to all the new sellers and new visitors to the forums!
We’re always trying to make the forums more engaging, more educational, and just more…more for the Amazon selling community. That’s why we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, and what content or discussion topics you’d find especially beneficial.
What would be most valuable for you as a new or aspiring seller? If you came to the forums looking for something and didn’t find it, let us know about it. We're here to support your business growth, and your feedback is incredibly helpful.
We're excited to keep evolving the forums to better serve all of our selling partners, so don’t hesitate to share feedback. We can't wait to hear your ideas or see your “thumbs up” on replies you agree with!
Hello to all the new sellers and new visitors to the forums!
We’re always trying to make the forums more engaging, more educational, and just more…more for the Amazon selling community. That’s why we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, and what content or discussion topics you’d find especially beneficial.
What would be most valuable for you as a new or aspiring seller? If you came to the forums looking for something and didn’t find it, let us know about it. We're here to support your business growth, and your feedback is incredibly helpful.
We're excited to keep evolving the forums to better serve all of our selling partners, so don’t hesitate to share feedback. We can't wait to hear your ideas or see your “thumbs up” on replies you agree with!
Hello to all the new sellers and new visitors to the forums!
We’re always trying to make the forums more engaging, more educational, and just more…more for the Amazon selling community. That’s why we’d love to hear what brought you to the forums, and what content or discussion topics you’d find especially beneficial.
What would be most valuable for you as a new or aspiring seller? If you came to the forums looking for something and didn’t find it, let us know about it. We're here to support your business growth, and your feedback is incredibly helpful.
We're excited to keep evolving the forums to better serve all of our selling partners, so don’t hesitate to share feedback. We can't wait to hear your ideas or see your “thumbs up” on replies you agree with!
How about you level up the seasonal sellers first who have existing issues before you focus on the new ones.
Two things that I noticed that no one has any answer to. This includes moderators.
1. Changing your country of origin for your legal entity.
2. Removing claims from a suspended listing (the listing is suspended and, therefore, its locked. It wont let you change claims even though Seller Support responses claim that all you have to do is remove the claims.)
Ohhh, look at that! No new sellers responded. Rut Roh, someone isn't doing a good job creating a welcoming atmosphere. They probably came on here and ran away or you suspended them taking away forum access lol.
I'm here to find the informations about AGL and AWD. I have many questions and issues with my first two shipments but can't find answers from the supports and internet. Wish they have their own sections on this forums and have someone can answer or find the answers.
A few things I found very confusing, that would help new sellers if they were corrected in the system, or told:
1. Open Orders that show a status of Pending "Awaiting payment verification" ARE NOT awaiting payment verification. They're really just waiting to be shipped out by Amazon.
Anyone that shops on Amazon knows orders don't go through without payment. It should say "Awaiting shipment" or "Processing".
2. Manage FBA Returns: It's very confusing to go to Orders >> Manage Returns and seeing a blank list.. then in fine print, to the upper right, having to click "View FBA Returns". THEN "Manage Return Orders" to see list of returns.
It would be easier to just have one list, with a filter for FBM/FBA, or something easier to see for FBA sellers.
3. Put VOC comments right in the Return Details. It's very frustrating to have to go 2 places (Manage Return Orders >> Details AND VOC page) to see all the return's details and reasons.
Overall, Seller Central needs to be revamped. It looks like it hasn't been since it started, which makes it clunky, hard to use, and misleading.
How about you level up the seasonal sellers first who have existing issues before you focus on the new ones.
How about you level up the seasonal sellers first who have existing issues before you focus on the new ones.
Two things that I noticed that no one has any answer to. This includes moderators.
1. Changing your country of origin for your legal entity.
2. Removing claims from a suspended listing (the listing is suspended and, therefore, its locked. It wont let you change claims even though Seller Support responses claim that all you have to do is remove the claims.)
Two things that I noticed that no one has any answer to. This includes moderators.
1. Changing your country of origin for your legal entity.
2. Removing claims from a suspended listing (the listing is suspended and, therefore, its locked. It wont let you change claims even though Seller Support responses claim that all you have to do is remove the claims.)
Ohhh, look at that! No new sellers responded. Rut Roh, someone isn't doing a good job creating a welcoming atmosphere. They probably came on here and ran away or you suspended them taking away forum access lol.
Ohhh, look at that! No new sellers responded. Rut Roh, someone isn't doing a good job creating a welcoming atmosphere. They probably came on here and ran away or you suspended them taking away forum access lol.
I'm here to find the informations about AGL and AWD. I have many questions and issues with my first two shipments but can't find answers from the supports and internet. Wish they have their own sections on this forums and have someone can answer or find the answers.
I'm here to find the informations about AGL and AWD. I have many questions and issues with my first two shipments but can't find answers from the supports and internet. Wish they have their own sections on this forums and have someone can answer or find the answers.
A few things I found very confusing, that would help new sellers if they were corrected in the system, or told:
1. Open Orders that show a status of Pending "Awaiting payment verification" ARE NOT awaiting payment verification. They're really just waiting to be shipped out by Amazon.
Anyone that shops on Amazon knows orders don't go through without payment. It should say "Awaiting shipment" or "Processing".
2. Manage FBA Returns: It's very confusing to go to Orders >> Manage Returns and seeing a blank list.. then in fine print, to the upper right, having to click "View FBA Returns". THEN "Manage Return Orders" to see list of returns.
It would be easier to just have one list, with a filter for FBM/FBA, or something easier to see for FBA sellers.
3. Put VOC comments right in the Return Details. It's very frustrating to have to go 2 places (Manage Return Orders >> Details AND VOC page) to see all the return's details and reasons.
Overall, Seller Central needs to be revamped. It looks like it hasn't been since it started, which makes it clunky, hard to use, and misleading.
A few things I found very confusing, that would help new sellers if they were corrected in the system, or told:
1. Open Orders that show a status of Pending "Awaiting payment verification" ARE NOT awaiting payment verification. They're really just waiting to be shipped out by Amazon.
Anyone that shops on Amazon knows orders don't go through without payment. It should say "Awaiting shipment" or "Processing".
2. Manage FBA Returns: It's very confusing to go to Orders >> Manage Returns and seeing a blank list.. then in fine print, to the upper right, having to click "View FBA Returns". THEN "Manage Return Orders" to see list of returns.
It would be easier to just have one list, with a filter for FBM/FBA, or something easier to see for FBA sellers.
3. Put VOC comments right in the Return Details. It's very frustrating to have to go 2 places (Manage Return Orders >> Details AND VOC page) to see all the return's details and reasons.
Overall, Seller Central needs to be revamped. It looks like it hasn't been since it started, which makes it clunky, hard to use, and misleading.