Read onlyGuten Tag zusammen! :)
Mittlerweile seit einiger Zeit haben wir eine recht kuriose Konstellation bei einem sonst sehr gut laufenden Artikel:
Die BuyBox geht allerdings seit 1-2 Monaten an einen Händler mit folgenden Eckdaten:
Dadurch, dass der Händler mit Selbstversand ständig die BuyBox hat, wird der Artikel insgesamt _deutlich_ seltener verkauft. Sobald er mal kurzzeitig nicht die BuyBox hat, gehen die Gesamtverkäufe wieder doppelt oder dreifach so schnell.
D.h. Amazon schadet sich aus unserer Sicht hier gleich doppelt:
Mir ist total klar, dass uns die BuyBox nicht "zusteht" und am Ende entscheidet eben der Algorithmus. Soweit alles ok. Ich frage mich nur, warum Amazon einen für sich selbst so ungünstigen Algorithmus verwendet.
Hat irgendwer eine Erklärung dafür? Oder vielleicht sogar Tipps, wie ich die Verkäufe wieder etwas ankurbeln kann? 🤔
"Good day everybody! :) For some time now we have had a rather strange constellation in an article that is otherwise doing very well:
We are the dealer with the cheapest price
100% positive dealer reviews
An Amazon seller for years
Item runs via FBA and is sufficiently in stock
However, the BuyBox has been going to a dealer for 1-2 months with the following key data:
Item price is 2-3 euros above our price.
Amazon reduces the retailer's price with its own discount
Even with the Amazon discount, the price is 99 cents more than ours
Dealer is relatively new on Amazon
Dealer has a rating of only 93%
The dealer sells the item exclusively via self-shipment
Retailers usually only have a few items available online
Because the self-shipping retailer always has the BuyBox, the item is sold _significantly_ less often overall. As soon as he doesn't have the BuyBox for a short time, the total sales go twice or three times as fast.
In our opinion, Amazon is doing double damage here:
Every sale must be subsidized by a price discount
It is estimated that 200-400 fewer items of the item are sold per month because customers initially only see the self-shipment and therefore do not buy it at all.
It's totally clear to me that we're not "entitled" to the BuyBox and in the end it's the algorithm that decides. So far everything is ok. I'm just wondering why Amazon uses such an unfavorable algorithm for itself.
Does anyone have an explanation for this? Or maybe even tips on how I can boost sales again?"
As this is the UK forum please post in English, or maybe ask on the German forum?
Hello @Seller_8rnkq30hQvUdP,
Thank you for posting on the UK Seller Forums.
For better communication, I suggest posting in English. If you prefer to communicate in German, please reach out to the German Seller Forums.
Kind regards,