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Closing my seller account

I have been trying to close my deactivated account many times the past few years without succes. I have to reactivate it before i can close it, but in order to do that I have to upload my "VAT numbers" which I no longer have access to since I closed my company long ago.

Is there any way around this problem? Could I get an amazon employee to directly close my account for me perhaps? (since it is obviously impossible for me)

The reason this concerns me is because I have been receiving bills for storage fees ect. but I thought it would cost me nothing to deactivate my account, which was my reason for choosing to deactivate instead of closing my account in the first place. I feel stuck in continuous unnecessary payment without a way out, since the chatbot for help with amazon issues does me no good (trust me I have had the same outcome with trying different things like 30 times I think).

Best regards Jos

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neither you nor Amazon can close a deactivated account.

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If you're being charged for storage then maybe you still have inventory or unmanaged returns in FBA. Once that is sorted a deactivated account is much the same as a closed account but for the risk of it being hacked and operated by someone else.

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Closing my seller account

I have been trying to close my deactivated account many times the past few years without succes. I have to reactivate it before i can close it, but in order to do that I have to upload my "VAT numbers" which I no longer have access to since I closed my company long ago.

Is there any way around this problem? Could I get an amazon employee to directly close my account for me perhaps? (since it is obviously impossible for me)

The reason this concerns me is because I have been receiving bills for storage fees ect. but I thought it would cost me nothing to deactivate my account, which was my reason for choosing to deactivate instead of closing my account in the first place. I feel stuck in continuous unnecessary payment without a way out, since the chatbot for help with amazon issues does me no good (trust me I have had the same outcome with trying different things like 30 times I think).

Best regards Jos

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Closing my seller account

by Seller_GukauPkVIoBwI

I have been trying to close my deactivated account many times the past few years without succes. I have to reactivate it before i can close it, but in order to do that I have to upload my "VAT numbers" which I no longer have access to since I closed my company long ago.

Is there any way around this problem? Could I get an amazon employee to directly close my account for me perhaps? (since it is obviously impossible for me)

The reason this concerns me is because I have been receiving bills for storage fees ect. but I thought it would cost me nothing to deactivate my account, which was my reason for choosing to deactivate instead of closing my account in the first place. I feel stuck in continuous unnecessary payment without a way out, since the chatbot for help with amazon issues does me no good (trust me I have had the same outcome with trying different things like 30 times I think).

Best regards Jos

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neither you nor Amazon can close a deactivated account.

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If you're being charged for storage then maybe you still have inventory or unmanaged returns in FBA. Once that is sorted a deactivated account is much the same as a closed account but for the risk of it being hacked and operated by someone else.

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neither you nor Amazon can close a deactivated account.

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neither you nor Amazon can close a deactivated account.

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If you're being charged for storage then maybe you still have inventory or unmanaged returns in FBA. Once that is sorted a deactivated account is much the same as a closed account but for the risk of it being hacked and operated by someone else.

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If you're being charged for storage then maybe you still have inventory or unmanaged returns in FBA. Once that is sorted a deactivated account is much the same as a closed account but for the risk of it being hacked and operated by someone else.

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