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How can this happen? £2,000 of stock lost but no record on Amazon

by Seller_gpqqZ5FYuNK50

About 6 weeks ago a well known Furniture Shop 200 miles away contacted me saying that Royal Mail had delivered a parcel to them, addressed to me from Amazon but for some strange reason had their address as the return address, so it appears Royal Mail accidentally delivered it to them.

It was 176 units of my stock (my FNSKU labels and packaging) worth around £2,000 cost.

Fortunately they were honest and contacted me.

I have checked my shipments nothing "missing", I have checked my removal orders nothing.

How can I track stock levels through Amazons reports?

I want to check no other stock has gone walkies! It came in an Amazon box with no packing slip, paperwork or anything.

Absolutely shocking as a small business this is a fortune for us!

I have no idea how this possibly could have happened? Has anything like this happened to anyone else or any ideas how this event could possibly have happened?

Thanks! (Very worried what else has gone walkies!)

Tags: Inventory, Missing
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In reply to: Seller_gpqqZ5FYuNK50’s post

Hello @Seller_gpqqZ5FYuNK50,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Can you share a shipment ID or case ID with me so I can look into this?

Regards, Spencer

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