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Hello Sellers,

In an effort to support sellers with compliance and safety regulations, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the 'Product Safety & Compliance' category (Please note that this launch will initially be limited to the UK, with plans to expand to the rest of the European Union in the future.)

This decision was made after carefully considering feedback from our valued selling partners and closely monitoring market trends and compliance laws. The new category is envisioned as an additional support channel to assist sellers with all product safety requirements and compliance documentation.

The launch coincides with the introduction of the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) laws, which will come into effect on 13/12/2024. The GPSR replaced the existing General Product Safety Directive and the EU directive on dangerous products resembling foodstuffs. It will introduce new requirements for most non-food consumer products sold in the EU, building upon the Market Surveillance Regulation and other existing EU directives and regulations.

We are thrilled about this launch and look forward to addressing any additional questions or concerns you may have.


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GPSR How to upload
by Seller_3O5bSLyLPFBpN

I need to upload GSPR compliance by December for 4000+ listings. How do do it by any template or flat file? Is it possible? If yes, how to do it? I can't find any helpful template. Customer support doesn't help. Please help.

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by Seller_RMqVCXkFpbRHN

1. First can any one recommend a reasonable EU contact person representative company, we have thousands of listings.

2. The safety pictures that have to be uploaded in listings, for example we sell leather jackets so does it have to be picture of the safety tag and can it be in English or it has to be in German for De and Italian for AZIT.

3. Where do we have to put manufacturer details and EU responsible person details. In all listings? and also on the product tags?

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Good morning,

I'd like to bring to your attention a rather unusual case regarding the sale of products that are widely available on Amazon UK.

These are products containing Cordyceps and Turkey Tail mushrooms, extracted from the fruiting body, both of which are extensively sold on Amazon.

Our products have been manufactured by a certified producer who also supplies many other brands on Amazon.

It has now been over a month that our product has been blocked for containing "unapproved ingredients."

How is it possible then that there are so many ASINs identical to our products still available on Amazon?

Here is an extensive list for Cordyceps:

And here is one for Turkey Tail:

How can we effectively communicate with the support team, which seems to ignore the context and always responds with automated messages?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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