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Results for "계좌대여⸨텔 MOONPAY_CALL⸩개인통장당일지급^가상계좌업체^기업가상^f계좌판매^무사고장집^안전피지^가상계좌이체^우리가상^우리은행가상"

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Fair Pricing Violation
by Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja

I have just had an argument with Account Health over a listing that we have been given a violation on.

The item is a foil balloon, that we buy from Amscan for 37p

We was selling this for £2.79 which means that after fees and shipping, we make around 20p profit.


We are overpriced as amazon are selling this for 30p !!!!!

The account health specialist states they stand by amazons decision and we need to reduce our price to meet market place expectations.

Oh and to top it off, amazon Usually dispatched within 6 to 7 months so we could get these in time for Christmas. Didn't know 6-7 months was an acceptable delivery time frame?

These policies are becoming a joke...

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Fair Pricing Violation
In reply to: Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja’s postby Seller_nT7psArrIHc2I

This happens all the time with books. Amazon don't seem to want the market to set the price but want to "Dictate" what you can sell at. All they will do is push more and more used books over to Ebay, which I have noticed is happening already.

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In reply to: Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR’s postby Seller_DqGeI5Gznx7T9

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHARHello again, thank you very much for all your help Sarah, Amazon successfully paid my money back 2 days ago and it will arrive in 5 business days. FINALLY I MADE IT WITH YOUR HELP ! THank you so much.

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by Seller_DqGeI5Gznx7T9
Amazon replied


I have requested my holdings funds and amazon wanted to video call with me. It was written 20 May, 10:00 am in Greenwich Mean Time, i live in london and we are in British Summer Time at the moment. Which means 10:00 am is 11:00 am here. I waited 15 minutes after 11:00 am for amazon to attend this meeting however they didnt. I think they might attended at 10:00 am. It is confusing and i missed my video call. What can i do now to rearrange a new meeting with amazon or are they going to send me an email again for other slots that i already choosed to attend this meeting ?


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Generic Listing & Hijak help
by Seller_mZBUTqwlyB6UL

I'm not sure if I can do anything here but wanted advice from other sellers.

We manufacture our own items and unfortunately we still have a couple of Generic listings left over from before we got Brand Registry.

We have the trademark in the right class for the item however, and we do not sell it to anyone else.

The generic asin has been on Amazon for a number of years.

I have come across another listing that has been added to Amazon that is using our image without our consent. - This hasn't been made with the same ASIN, its a Chinese Seller that has Brand registry and has created a brand new ASIN with it on. I've checked their trademark and they are not covered with the item that they have copied also.

Can i do anything?

This listing will also be a counterfeit product (as mentioned we do not sell to any other retailer - we only manufacture and sell to customers directly and therefore this counterfeit will not have our trademark on the product).


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by Seller_Hlb0vD6yOvI0U

Has anyone found a solution to this?

The error message prevents me from accessing my seller account, which means I can't see or process any orders which means my account will be at risk of deactivation.

I have tried to add a new charge method as my old card is no longer valid.

I have tried two different cards and still get the same error message. THERE WAS A PROBLEM. PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS ARE CORRECT.

All card details ARE correct, name spelled correctly, number, expiry date (which expires in about 9 months, not 6 or under). amazon have my same address as a bank.

I try several times until I can't try until 24 hours due to security reasons.

I have opened several cases with Amazon and no resolution. I have been told I need to verify my old card - I can't do as the bank account no longer exists.

I have been told get a Credit card instead.

Other Amazon reps have talked me through the process to add new charge method which I have already done so many times and the same happens. Error message appears.

I have screenshotted error message and I am getting nowhere!

Has anyone found a resolution to this? Please help, so frustrated

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Amazon is now refunding buyers for items received late whilst allowing them to keep the item. As most items are delivered late, buyers are making a killing. We recently sold an item (£329) which was shipped on time via Amazon shipping but delivered one day late, Two days later the buyer filed an A-Z claim citing the delivery was late. Amazon refunded the buyer and charged our account. Our Safe-T claim was rejected stating the delivery was late.

Believe me, I am not crazy, the customer collected the item and realised 2 days later that the delivery was one day passed the scheduled time and filed a claim. They got the item and a full refund. I will of course fight this case, but in meanwhile guys, let the world know of this Amazon get-rich policy for buyers and plaster it all over social media.

If anyone knows otherwise or has any advice, it will be much appreciated.

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Buyers get rich scheme on Amazon - everyone should know
In reply to: Seller_iwJp0LfqVksmO’s postby Seller_hz2AZ4BpEKcH2

I have had several claims for late delivery too.

The best one so far is a US customer claimed for later delivery 48 hours after placing the order.!

My store shipping settings are 10-12 days from UK->US which appears to make no difference to the Amazon algorithm.

The customer was given a full refund , I complained many times by email and phone with no luck. Unable to even raise a SAFE-T claim because of blah blah blah , nothing to do with the shipping time not being respected.

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Overseas Postings
In reply to: Seller_nRhZxElkqUPAM’s postby Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN

Just had a look at my integrated Royal Mail services with Amazon and all of the Overseas services I have with Royal Mail are not shown

I was told that choosing OTHER would not go against our VTR but it looks as though it is

What a mess

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Overseas Postings
by Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN
Amazon replied

Do I now have to send all overseas postings TRACKED as my VTR has plummeted overnight

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