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Royal mail linked account
by Seller_VbTyXbOPV2w1C
Amazon replied

I have linked my Amazon to RM and I buy postage from Amazon and its invoiced on my RM account as it linked, but again I see psotage fee on my Amazon report and Im going to charge two times ?

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Dear Seller-Community, dear amazon seller support,

I am writing you as we have now reached the status where we really do not know any further what to do. Several months ago we listed a so called "medical product" on our and - as we started newly with amazon - got surprisingly blocked. We received the following explanatio:

"Der Verkauf von Zahnsteinentfernern oder ähnlichen zahnmedizinische Geräten, die nicht für die Anwendung durch Laien bestimmt sind, eine Einweisung durch medizinisches Fachpersonal erfordern oder aufgrund einer Geschäftsentscheidung von Amazon vom Handel ausgeschlossen sind, ist auf nicht gestattet. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Ihr Produkt irrtümlich entfernt wurde, legen Sie Widerspruch ein und fügen Sie die Gebrauchsanleitung sowie Bilder des Produktes von allen Seiten bei. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie auf unseren Hilfeseiten unter "Medizinprodukte" Wir haben eine Kombination automatischer Methoden verwendet, um dieses Problem zu identifizieren und diese Entscheidung zu treffen."

As stated we provided all requested documents, certificates proved that this product is developed for the end-consumer. We also highlighted that there are competitors selling exactly the same product. So we got unblocked. This story repeated itself several times, until we got blocked on 28.06

Again we got the same reply, as stated above. Again, we provided exactly the same documents, but surprisingly without any success. We kept creating submissions, kept calling the hotline, just to receive the same empty words

"We do understand your concerns....."

We even collected evidence from other products, clearly highlight the "violation" of the product policy, a reason for which we were blocked, but the others not. We also highlighted that we will look for legal support as this is a clear violation of a fair competition. If amazon follows its product policy, then everyone should get the same treatment, but not this loose way

Question: Is there any other way we can find an agreement? Do you guys made a similar experience and if you solved it, how did you solve it?

What would you recommend us?

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Review Manipulation !!
by Seller_ZXkBCwIOco2SG
Amazon replied

Hi All,

I have found a listing in the same category that i sell, where reviews are being manipulated.

The product on sale is a wireless adapter sold on amazon UK under brand name UYICOO (ASIN B0CX16JNCR). The last few reviews are for a wireless adapter as listed, but thousands of older reviews relate to a completely different product which is listed on amazon US under the same brand UYICOO which is for a hair accessory(B07KK6KN1M).

I have previously posted about this about a month ago (Link to previous post) and @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM was able to unmerge the listings and the reviews that were unrelated to the product were removed

But i have just noticed today that the seller has managed to remerge the listing and now thousands of reviews to the hair scrunch are showing on their product again.

I have reported the violation via the account health page but received an automated response saying no violation has been detected although review manipulation is a violation of amazon policies

Does anyone know how they are able to do this or seen anything similar to this?

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM are you able to look into this again please?

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Referral Fees Series. Part 1
by Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers,

In reference to the Reduced referral fee for low-price Clothing and Accessories announcement, we want to share with you a series of posts about the Referral Fees.

Let´s start with the question: What are Referral Fees?

  • Sellers pay a referral fee on each item sold.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions or if there's additional information about the Referral Fees that you'd like us to cover in our next posts!



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Referral Fees Series. Part 1
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_aqTCnx7SDvKOO

Hi @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Thank you for the update.

Do you know when it was paid as I can not see any payments during the last 7 days?

The problem of having incorrect referral fees will still persist though as the referral fee is STILL WRONG for the product - it is still 15.3% when it should be 10.2%.

If it doesn't get changed, then I'm going to have to keep going through this laborious process of trying to get our money back.

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Referral Fees Series. Part 1
In reply to: Seller_aqTCnx7SDvKOO’s postby Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Hello @Seller_aqTCnx7SDvKOO!

Hope you are doing well.

I want to check if you have received the refund. According to my knowledge, the transfer has been approved and completed.



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Hi all

I have an issue that i see nobody else talking about and wonder if anyone can help.

I am signed up for UPS AVASK to send stock to the EU using UPS, and no matter what I do i get this error message.

"1 Error. [Carrier: UPS ] The UPS account details you entered are invalid. You should check and correct the details. If you do not have a 6-digit UPS account, visit the UPS website to sign up. For more details, visit the Cross-border shipment workflow FAQ. /gp/help/G858C88X5ZREBCG2"

I have tried everything possible to get around this. I have created numerous more UPS accounts, logged in and out, switched browser, cleared cookies, but nothing gets round this issue.

I am desperate now as I have a warehouse full of prepped stock ready to go. Please can anyone help



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Account Deactivated but Amazon keeps taking my money
by Seller_YpLtxIbsYGqK7

I sell in the US and a few years ago Amazon contacted me and said they would support me in expanding my business to the EU. They helped me until I started selling and then stopped replying to any of my questions. 2 years later with regulations we don't understand and poor margins we decided to exit the EU. After we sold out of all of our inventory we contacted Amazon and Avask to see what we needed to do to close out our VAT and Amazon accounts. I followed the directions I was given, closed our VAT account and deregistered VAT services, however I couldn't close our Amazon account because they said I have to wait 90 days from our last sale.

I kept getting notifications to enter a valid VAT number so I opened many cases to see what I should do and was basically told to wait. A few weeks ago I got a call from Account Health that I needed to enter a valid VAT number or my account would be deactivated. I explained that I have many cases open and that I'd been trying to close my account for months. Well yesterday they finally deactivated my account. The big problem is that I was in the middle of an open case where I have inventory "stuck" in a warehouse and I'm getting charged long term storage. Now that my account is deactivated any support case I make just gets an auto reply that my account is deactivated.

So they keep charging my credit card for long term storage, won't help me or speak to me at all until I provide a VAT number, but my VAT is deactivated and I can't reactivate it because only AVASK has access to my VAT account. I've felt stuck in a loop with Amazon before, but this has been the worst. I just want out. Any ideas? All my ideas have hit a dead end.

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EFN Problem
by Seller_DJqWlEby6fi8n

Serious problem with EFN, can anyone help? We are a UK own brand seller. We enrolled in the EFN program in the EU some time ago, and our products are stored in FBA warehousing in Spain. Because we are only VAT registered in Spain (not any other EU country), Amazon's rule is that products can only be stored in Spain. They are then distributed to customers both within Spain and in other EU countries. This works fine. However, the problem we are having is that when a customer returns a product that they bought in Germany (for example), this product is then sent back to FBA Germany. So far, also fine, because to abide by their own rules you would think Amazon would then forward the product back to FBA Spain (these are products in sellable condition). But they don't! Not only do they keep them in Germany (and other EU countries), they charge for storage there even though these products are not for sale because they are not in Spain. Also, because they are not in Spain when you go to Manage All Inventory and FBA Inventory, only the products in Spain FBA are listed. So we don't get proper visibility on those and these products outside Spain increase each time there is a return. And we are charged storage fees each month and now long term storage fees too, which are adding up. We have found out that only by doing a full Inventory Ledger report can these products be seen. We have contacted Seller Support and asked them these questions:

1. How do we stop returns being sent to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses?

2. How can we get the products that are already in non-Spain EU warehouse sent back to FBA Spain warehouses?

For number 1 we were initially told that the returns settings had been set up incorrectly but they were correct now, and that this would not happen again. However, it keeps happening.

For number 2 we were told that this is not possible, that they can only be sent to a third party address within the EU. We don't have such an address as we are UK based and rely on Amazon for warehousing.

We then contacted Seller Support again, and asked these questions:

A. Again, how do we stop returns being sent to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses?

B. As we did not request these products to be returned to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses (and this seems to be against Amazon's own policies), please can we be refunded the monies paid for non-Spain EU FBA storage fees?

C. As we don't have any address within the EU, if they cannot be sent back to Spain FBA our only option is to have these products destroyed (even though they are in sellable condition.

For A and B we received no response about this. For C we were sent information about how to send the products to a 3rd party address within the EU (which we don't have, and the question about destroying the products was ignored.

At this point we gave up with Seller Support and I contacted a third party Amazon service provider and asked them for a quote to get these products destroyed. They have now been looking into this for a week and they cannot yet find out how to do this.

Has anyone experienced a similar situation? Or if someone from Amazon would respond and help, even better. In all fairness we should really have the storage costs refunded, and be provided with a way to stop this happening again, otherwise it is a drain on our business and undermines the viability of the EFN program.







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It's been over a month, and I still have limited access to my Amazon selling service. I uploaded all my UK company documents and provided all necessary information on April 22nd. I've been checking my account regularly, but I haven't been prompted to provide any additional documents, information, or take any action.

I've opened three cases about the issue, but all I get is "we are in the final stage of our verification process" or "currently reviewing the information."

I will be very grateful for any recommendations or help.

Best regards.

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