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Account Deactivated but Amazon keeps taking my money

by Seller_YpLtxIbsYGqK7

I sell in the US and a few years ago Amazon contacted me and said they would support me in expanding my business to the EU. They helped me until I started selling and then stopped replying to any of my questions. 2 years later with regulations we don't understand and poor margins we decided to exit the EU. After we sold out of all of our inventory we contacted Amazon and Avask to see what we needed to do to close out our VAT and Amazon accounts. I followed the directions I was given, closed our VAT account and deregistered VAT services, however I couldn't close our Amazon account because they said I have to wait 90 days from our last sale.

I kept getting notifications to enter a valid VAT number so I opened many cases to see what I should do and was basically told to wait. A few weeks ago I got a call from Account Health that I needed to enter a valid VAT number or my account would be deactivated. I explained that I have many cases open and that I'd been trying to close my account for months. Well yesterday they finally deactivated my account. The big problem is that I was in the middle of an open case where I have inventory "stuck" in a warehouse and I'm getting charged long term storage. Now that my account is deactivated any support case I make just gets an auto reply that my account is deactivated.

So they keep charging my credit card for long term storage, won't help me or speak to me at all until I provide a VAT number, but my VAT is deactivated and I can't reactivate it because only AVASK has access to my VAT account. I've felt stuck in a loop with Amazon before, but this has been the worst. I just want out. Any ideas? All my ideas have hit a dead end.

Tags: Deactivated
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