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Results for "안전PGΒ⸨@MOONPAY_CALL⸩㎱기업은행가상㏘계좌대여⑪가상계좌솔루션º가상계좌api▒가상계좌pg사"

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Business Customer - Refunds, Partial Refunds, and Cancellations
In reply to: Seller_sSxf9ltVoIMz9’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM


Try the Amazon Seller app. Go into “Manage Orders”, search for your order.

Go into the order them at the bottom, evdots and “More”.

Do you have a refund option there?

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Hi Guys - Sorry this is a bit of a repeat thread but the last wasn't very clear.

The issue - Amazon Business customers, there is no way to either cancel, refund, or partially refund them. The button / option simply doesn't exist.

So for example I have an Amazon Business customer today who has received a damaged parcel. For any other customer I would just refund in full and move on, but as I have no option available I'm stuck. I have had cases raised with Amazon SS for months but with no response.

Has anyone got a DEFINITIVE step by step METHOD of how to deal with these orders? Preferably without annoying the customer even more.

Any help much appreciated

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Business Customer - Refunds, Partial Refunds, and Cancellations
In reply to: Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM’s postby Seller_sSxf9ltVoIMz9


Ty for the answer. It's defo not exactly as you describe. The buttons are all there up to the point I press 'dispatch'. Once dispatched I have no refund option so if for example the customer complains item arrive damaged then there's nothing I can do.

I think as you state it's about the 'payment' and as a business customer they have deferred it. I just wish I knew what to tell the customer, for example maybe I should just say 'Not my problem contact Amazon'. But that's not the normal sort of service we want to provide.



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Complaint about delivery driver
by Seller_3kjzjSKCHQszz

How do you make a complaint about a delivery driver. We had an item delivered yesterday but we were not in at the time. So what the driver did was open the package himself posted the contents through the door and then posted the empty packaging through the door. Surely this is against the law to open a package that is not yours as the driver could quite easily have stolen the contents.

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Deferred transactions
In reply to: Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM’s postby Seller_oavl4D3corf6S

If that’s the case it would really have detrimental knock on effect on my cash flow. I can’t find the communication anywhere in my inbox, would you mind sharing the subject of the email you received so I can search for it?

Many thanks.

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Deferred transactions
In reply to: Seller_oavl4D3corf6S’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

subject: Your Base Reserve policy: Changes postponed to 3 July 2024

Hello,Your reserve policy change – Postponed to 3 July 2024We recently notified you that we will move your account to the standard base reserve policy called “Delivery Date Based Reserve” or “DD+7”. To allow you additional time to prepare, we have postponed the date to 3 July 2024. What this means for your businessWhen the new reserve policy takes effect on 3 July 2024, funds from sales will be available for disbursement on the delivery date plus seven days. For example, if you ship an item on 1 June, and the delivery date is 4 June, the funds will be available for disbursement from 12 June. Why are we moving you to this policy?Sellers registered after August 2016 have operated under this policy for seven years. This change will standardise our reserve policies for UK and EU sellers and ensures sellers have sufficient funds to cover any financial obligations like product returns or customer claims. How to request additional supportIf you are concerned about the impact this transition has had, please contact us eu-uk-reserve-policy-extension at amazon and we’ll evaluate available options to help you, including a transition extension to 30 September 2025. How to prepare for this changeWe understand this change in policy may cause a one-time cash flow issue for your business and may temporarily impact your ability to disburse funds if your balance is lower than the reserve fund required. Please use this additional time to prepare, by ensuring you are able to manage any short-term cash flow challenges your business may experience when transitioned on 3 July 2024. If you have any questions about this change, please contact us through payments-investigate at amazon

There was also a link for more information but I can’t include it as the stupid forum thinks that it’s a non-Amazon link! 🤣. Just search for base reserve policy.

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Deferred transactions
by Seller_oavl4D3corf6S

Dear Sellers,

Is there a new account levels reserve policy that I am not aware of?

I get paid every two weeks and the account level reserve usually becomes the beginning balance after payment has been initiated but this time the beginning balance is much lower than the account level reserve from previous period and now showing as standard orders and the rest of the funds showing as deferred transactions.

I have contacted seller support but the person I spoke to didn’t seem to understand my question well and has escalated it to payments team but would like to hear from you all in the meantime if you are facing similar issues

Kind regards

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Business Customer - Refunds, Partial Refunds, and Cancellations
In reply to: Seller_sSxf9ltVoIMz9’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

I've checked recent orders by business customers, both FBA and FBM and all have the usual refund facility.

It's been a while since I received an order from a business customer who has chosen to pay by delayed payment (pay by invoice?) so I can't check those. Maybe those are the ones causing your problem?

EDIT - I found an order with delayed payment and that also had all the necessary refund options

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Hello. I am so tired with Amazon as an entrepreneur. My account was deactivated in UK hence affecting my overall business. I used the same details that got me approved in USA marketplace but UK team deactivated me. I have over 30,000 units of stock that I was shipping to FBA but now I am stuck in hole of debt.

How do you deactivate a new account in a marketplace that I wasn't even ready to sell in ???

If you are an Amazon Support please note that you are failing in your space , please note that you are causing entrepreneurs to go into depression.

I wasn't even going to sell yet in UK but for now I am stuck , depressed and tired.

I hope this can be resolved in future.

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Deferred transactions
In reply to: Seller_oavl4D3corf6S’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM

You might have been placed on "Delivery Date + 7" disbursement schedule.

Check your emails received from Amazon, you should have been sent one a few months ago.

Mine is kicking in on the 3rd July. Just great!

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