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Results for "토사장 【 @FT24CS 】 카지노솔루션분양 슬롯api 에볼루션파싱알 토지노솔루션임대"

(98 results)
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Thank you for contacting us with your grievance regarding the Amazon Payments Europe (APE) service. Amazon Payments Europe takes complaints seriously.

Amazon Payments Europe has looked into the matter and we would like to inform you that based on a review of your account and the information provided, we have concluded that we cannot verify the Value-Added Tax (VAT) establishment of the business in your selling account.

As a result, you can no longer sell on or any European stores. You should continue to ship open orders and respond to customer inquiries to avoid further impact to your account.

We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.

Why did this happen?

The document that you provided is not acceptable for verification.


Under Account Health:

We completed our evaluation of your submission. We do not have enough information to remove the violation at this time.

So, is something wrong with the documents or what is happening?

difficult to guess what is going or what Amazon wants ( if they know)




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You can now use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create high-quality product listings that are automatically tailored to Amazon’s store.

To get started, simply go to List Your Products and use one of the following options:

  • Enter a few keywords to describe your product in the Keywords tab and then click Create a new listing from the search results page.
  • Click the Product image tab to upload a product image from your device.
  • Click the Blank form tab to access Generate Listing Content, and directly enter a few keywords or upload a product image.

The tool will then generate the product title, bullet point, and description attribute content that you can review and edit.

Before you publish generated content to the Amazon catalogue, we recommend that you review it thoroughly and ensure all product details are accurate.

Our generative AI tools are constantly learning and evolving. We’re actively developing powerful new capabilities to make generated listings more effective, and make it even easier for you to list products.

For more information on how to use generative AI product listing features, go to List Your Products and Add one product at a time.

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We've been happily selling on Amazon UK for 15+ years. Have over 1K units in the FBA warehouses. We moved our business address end of April and changed this on our account. That's all, no other changes. Since then the requests for documents to verify our business have been extraordinary. We've provided every piece of info required, yet keep being asked for more, or for duplicates of what we've already provided. Well over 10 case logs / DMs via Twitter/X, direct messages to the 'verification team' and requests for escalation. Not getting anywhere and our stock is at risk of being returned. What on earth can we do, it feels like we're simply dealing with A.I. Why would a simple change of address warrant such ridiculous and pedantic requests for documents? Companies House are okay with our Limited business, so are HMRC, and our bank - documents forwarded to Amazon as proof. We've been a Limited business for over 30 years.

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_pbWIrPKbTsshy’s postby Seller_t0RVVEV2ZRciE

Good Day

We are having the same problem, and it seems to with the API of connecting software. The delivery service on all orders says OTHER: then the box has the service EG "Tracked 48"

This is now flagging as invalid VTR as it is other, that is what my ticket said. Though it never had an issue before. Either the API changed and other is now being added, instead of connecting in the service directly OR the API has always worked this way but they counted Other>Tracked 48 as Valid and now they do not (most likely option)

This is working across all our couriers from 31st May. We use Linnworks to connect in. I saw someone else using VEEQO. No confirmation on this, just speculation from the ticket, which has only had one vague response.

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_t0RVVEV2ZRciE’s postby Seller_UdCB3aWxjRwo9

We manually add our tracking each day and having the same problem so I don't think API is an issue. I thought I'd mention it as it's easy to go down one alley.

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_BXv7P6FsvKqSz

@Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

We're affected by this too, near perfect VTR score, now dropped below 95% over the last 2 days.

We've also received the low VTR email.

Case ID is 9878412422

Couriers affected - Royal Mail, Evri, APC & Parcelforce

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_RxyI5hIh398aX

Case ID 9878065132.

Carrier name : APC Overnight

Method : Next day

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_Y9fFZ8oEs17ES


Carrier APC Overnight

Next Day Courier Pack (CP16) & Mail Pack (MP16)

case ID: 9874783012

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_aHD0zBpDlhjBt

Carrier: APC - APC Overnight

Delivery Methods: RAPID APC Mail Pack (1kg) - APC Overnight - RAPID APC Scotland NC4

Case ID: 9873443212

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Are You Leveraging AI to Grow Your Business?
by Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

Hello everyone!

In today's ever-evolving business world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent and can provide significant advantages to our commercial operations. This is why I'm curious to know: do you use AI in your work, and if so, how?

Whether it's optimizing inventory management, personalizing product recommendations for your customers, automating responses to frequently asked questions, or even predicting market trends, AI offers a wide range of possibilities to improve the efficiency and profitability of our businesses.

  • If you are already using AI, what tools or technologies are you using? What benefits have you observed? Have you faced any challenges in integrating AI into your business?
  • If you're not using AI yet, what are your questions or concerns? What areas do you think could benefit most from integrating AI into your company?

Share your ideas, experiences, and thoughts in the comments below! This discussion is an opportunity for all of us to learn from each other and explore how AI can enhance our business practices.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


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