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Results for "34카카오톡업체⤏[ㅌㄹ@𝕀𝕊𝔼𝕌𝕃𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕂} 해외카톡팝니다↠pc카톡인증╴pc카톡사는곳⧨카톡사는곳◟"

(804 results)
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Amazon redirect Amazon FC
by Seller_D1GYBVXCilp4R
Amazon replied

Dear sellers,

Our freight company has told me that my order is supposed to be delivered to Amazon UK LBA4.

Due to LBA4 is busy, Amazon informed our freight partner to redirect the cargo to LTN7, does it affect the inventory update time? Does Amazon will finally internally move my cargoes to LBA4 from LTN7?


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Hi, I am letting people know that Amazon have changed their policy on Royal mail 2D Bar codes i.e Royal Mail scanned on delivery. Sometime ago I raised this with Amazon that all our packages have "valid tracking" but Royal mail only scan about 80% and was told not to worry as Amazon are aware and will disregard if when needed we provide valid tracking proof. ie we sent them copies of the delivery label. Well that has changed. Last Friday some listings were deactivated and I had to provide the appeal which I did as usual, but this time it was turned down After a long conversation the result was we either change to a different post method (which would add about £1.00 to the cost and on cheap items that is a big percentage) or buy the same service from Amazon!

I am uncertain what the motive behind this is, to be competitive we will need to buy postage from Amazon? What I tried to explain is that as far as the customer is concerned there will be no improvement Royal mail will continue to fail scanning packages. In addition as we use 3rd party software to process all orders, will it be more difficult? Will Amazon then get details of my orders from Ebay and our own website? I think this stinks and anyone using Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) should take note. Short term we will change to Royal Mail Tracked and accept less orders, longer terms we may have to buy shipping from Amazon, but before we do we need to consider the pros and cons

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Amazon Policy Change Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) scanned on delivery and VTR
In reply to: Seller_ztaOlsnPiZSvE’s postby Seller_zKEt2RiaID5EU

Thank you for letting us know, as i do still use this on the odd occasion!

Just a shoutout to you, depending on your volume, of course, we got Royal Mail Tracked rates cheaper than RM 24/48 CRL, I would give ask to get some rates from your Account manager.


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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
In reply to: Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai’s postby Seller_rdDHCgIIXbjBs

Hi @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Again the same issue with ASINs. Lost all BuyBox to all the ASINs.

After the BuyBox was lost, I spent so much to get the products ranked through PPC. Now, all that is lost as well.

This is the post of all my ASINs. Please help.

This month was going great and then lost the BuyBox again.

Please, I request you to help us.

Kindest Regards,

CC: @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH@Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

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Amazons titles costing us money.
In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

I think we have to face different issues; one is the bots that change category, and then you have a set of candles under sports - golf etc. The other issues is sellers who create listings without thinking. My favourite has to be those that copy the text of the wholesaler's product page including things like:

"this wholesale product comes in a cartoon of 24 units",

"check our website for other similar products that your customers will love"

"EAN 52098900938942"

"Thinking of visiting our showroom? Drop us a line and you will get a 10% discount"

"assorted colours and sizes in each cartoon"

"This Purchase is 24 Units "

"RRP £24.99"

We always have to be careful where we list our offers as the risk of having returns is very high if there is misleading information, some customers also try it on at the first occasion. I am expecting a A-Z any minute now as a customer complained that she got only one pack when in the listing there is a photo with three packs. The title and description are ok this time, they clearly state it's ONE pack but still.. I told her to return it if not happy but she wanted a refund and keep the item

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s postby Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

I am listing it as New. You have got me a bit confused by the two Individual options. l have an Individual selling Plan where I do not pay the £30 a month fee. When I look at Settings Account Info it says I am registered 'Sell on Amazon: Individual.' I had to provide items for verification. I only want to sell the one, self-published book! The selling guide for an Individual selling plan mentions that you can sell new items .... and there is no VAT on books in UK. Thank you JillyB for trying to help. After two weeks trying, I am at the end of my tether.

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

Amazon, in their wisdom (!), gave two totally different things the same name ie. individual. We have been complaining about this for years as so many new sellers do not understand the difference.

There is the Individual seller account (the legal entity) where you can ONLY sell off your own second-hand, used items, and not new items, and then there is the Individual selling Plan, which you say you have, as do not pay the £30 a month fee.

Yes, you can sell new items on the individual PLAN, but not with the Individual Seller ACCOUNT.......but as you are presumably selling your book for profit you DO need to be registered with HMRC as self-employed, as explained in my previous post.

I am guessing that your verification went through quite quickly ? - if you only applied for the Individual seller ACCOUNT. Setting up a Business Seller account takes longer as they have to verify your business info as well as your personal ID info. What did you have to supply for verification - if they only asked for personal ID details (bank, utility bill etc, then you do not have a BUSINESS seller account.

You do NOT have to be VAT registered, but you DO have to be registered with HMRC to sell for profit - as you say there is no VAT on books.

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

As this is a self-published book, then I assume you are listing as NEW ?

If so, you cannot have an Individual seller account to sell new items, you MUST have an Amazon BUSINESS seller account, be registered with HMRC as self-employed (probably sole-trader) and have submitted your UTR to Amazon. My apologies if you have already done that.

If you actually mean individual selling PLAN (where you do not pay the £30 a month fee), or do you mean Individual Seller Account ?

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Let’s Talk Price Discounts
by Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

Everybody loves a deal (and I am sure your customers will too).

I have seen a few threads in the forums asking about what Price Discounts are or how to get “strike-through pricing"?

Price Discounts are a time-bound campaign in which you can offer discounted prices on your products for up to 30 days and on a limited number of inventories. Price Discounts for products with a validated reference price will appear with a strike-through price in Search and on the Product Detail page.

The benefits of Price Discounts are:

  • Set a duration - Price Discounts can run between 1 to 30 consecutive days. The discounted price will automatically go live on the Start Date and will automatically end on the End Date you specify.
  • Set a budget - Budget capabilities allow you to easily offer discounted prices on a limited number of inventory that is defined by you. When creating a Price Discounts on a product, you can enter the number of units to offer at the discounted price. Once you sell through the committed units, the price will automatically revert to its regular price.
  • Increase conversion - Price Discounts can help you increase conversion and sell through inventory, including inventory on seasonal products at the end of the season.
  • Product discovery - Price Discounts may help drive additional customer discovery and sales, both during and after the discount has run.
  • View performance - While your Price Discounts is running and after it ends, gain insight into the impact it had with access to performance metrics such as Sales, Units Sold, Glance Views, Conversion Rate, and Sell-through Rate.

To be eligible for Price Discounts, you must be a professional seller with at least a 3.5 seller feedback rating.

Your products must meet the following criteria at all times:

  • Products must have at least a 3-star rating
  • Products must be in new condition
  • Discount must meet the following:
  • At least 5% off the 30-day lowest price bought by customers
  • At least 5% off the current price
  • At least 5% off the reference price for products with a validated reference price. Products without a validated reference price will not display a strike-through price or savings to customers
  • Adult products, restricted products, or otherwise offensive products are not allowed
  • A validated reference price, in order to show a savings comparison. For more information, go to Amazon Policy on Reference Prices

Well that just about wraps up today’s discussion on Price Discounts.

If you have any questions specifically around Price Discounts please feel free to leave them in the reply section below.


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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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