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Results for "61윈조이시세⊳[까턱KK2936]⤉엔포커머니시세⊞"

(256 results)
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I really need your urgent help/advice guys.

First of all, I'm not a new seller. I've been selling since September last year, I've achieved month on month steady growth on the UK marketplace. I currently have over 700+ active SKUs.

However, overnight, without any warning or notification, since 16 June, I have had a significant issue with my Amazon account: I have lost the BuyBox/Featured Offer for ALL of my listings.

As a result, in the last few days my daily sales have dropped from around £1000 to almost zero. In addition, my "Featured Offer %" has dropped to 0%. Btw, my account health is currently 248.

I opened several tickets without success, but chatted with Amazon Support who confirmed: "As of the moment your ACCOUNT is not eligible for BuyBox".

However, as to the reason why this happened and what I needed to do to get it resolved, I was told nothing but to wait. The problem is that I am losing money every day by not being able to sell anything, but I have to cover the costs of my business and order new products.

I cannot name here a specific ASIN, because this issue affects ALL of my SKUs (700+ listings), and given that it appears to be an Amazon-side problem. Therefore I am requesting your urgent assistance.

I have already emailed the Managing Director about this, but have not yet received a reply.

Can I somehow reach the team responsible to check my account and restore the Featured Offers in my account as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Thank you!


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Hello. our account was deactivated on 11 april 2024 and funds were hold. upon enquiry with multiple teams on emails, we waited for 60 days. now today on 21 june 2024 we had our interview call done for identity verification. we received email after the interview as mentioned below. i would like to know when the funds will be released as the person only verified my passport and ask few basic questions only. it went smooth. and what enforced team they talking about? as my account deactivated due to recent VAT issue. i will resolve it with the team once the funds will be released as per amazon withhold policy.

@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR@Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B your help will be appreciated if you could get this sorted asap and get my funds released please.

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I am doing FBA and Amazon keeps the buy box with 6-7 months of shipping time on some of my listings. How on earth can it be possible? It cannot be accepted as a normal shipping time and there is no chance to beat those prices. Amazon does not allow us to win the buy box.

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Greedy Seller
In reply to: Seller_soBD2wwhsVOww’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

it depends on the product, if I have a product that sells relatively well, have few or no returns, doesn't require much packaging, I am happy with 15%/20%. I agree with you, it's important to focus on the bottom line, what other sellers do or how much you sell is not important. I am up 67% from last June and yet I sell less products.

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For me,25% is minimum I know many sellers run at a margin way lower there's lots of busy fools on here. I currently average 35-40% daily/monthly.If any sku drops below 25% I just dump it & move on
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I kid you not, item delivered at 11:32 this morning, buyer filed an AtoZ claim at 12:01, I refunded seconds later, AtoZ granted against me?!

Amazon = incompetence personified.

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My account has been closed for over a year. Before that, I was selling in Mexico.

I made 4.5K dollars in sales. Then I applied to sell in the European market. My account was closed and I was asked for documents.

The documents they asked for were a business license and an invoice. Although I sent these, it does not open in any way.

My company is based in the United Kingdom and everything legal. I can't change my address or any other information.

No verification code etc. came to my address. My account was closed without verification.

I don't know what to do. I'm waiting for someone to help me.

I've added a performance report

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I need help from Amazon and anyone else who has had the nightmare of navigating this issue, currently UK account in the red and Saudi Arabia account restricted completely.

10 Cooler Master product ASINS have had a product safety violation, requesting DoC (declaration of Conformity), CE certificate, product images and copy of manual.

We've received all this information from Cooler master and submitted via the "submit appeal", this has now ballooned out to 16 cases?!

And the responses on the cases are fragmented and contradictory, from delete the listing to remake a listing against the affected ASIN.

And incoherent responses; like "we can't help as this is not a seller verification enquiry" or "please provide the reason for the safety concern"

AMAZON YOU SOURCE AND SELL THEIR PRODUCTS DIRECTLY AS WELL, surely you can ask your contact at Cooler Master, we've provided the same information you will have access to through Cooler Master. I would like to use stronger words, but this is a dumpster fire right now. I would like to add we have 0 sales on any Amazon marketplace for the ASINS listed below.

How do we fix this, where do we even begin to get the one account unrestricted and stopping the other one following suit?

I'm happy to not have any listing in my inventory associated with those ASINS, I do not need to reinstate the ASIN, I would like a fully operational account again please.

It's like watching your favourite pub burn down, what are we doing here Amazon?

Case ID - ASIN

9889291772 - ASIN: B00CY8VDAW

9889197002 - ASIN: B07RWJMQW9

9889203152 - ASIN: B08NHW9TJ8

9889089332 - ASIN: B08NHVW71G

9889317452 - ASIN: B08NHVV7SW

9889317482 - ASIN: B0BP26V3YS

9890457642 - ASIN: B08D9J2PSV

9890457652 - ASIN: B08NHW9TJ8

9890458502 - ASIN: B08D9L9XNN

9890458722 - ASIN: B08D9J276H

9890458732 - ASIN: B0BP26V3YS

9890459152 - ASIN: B08NHVW71G

9890461912 - ASIN: B00CY8VDAW

9890462062 - ASIN: B08NHVV7SW

9890462432 - ASIN: B08D9J9QMP

9890462922 - ASIN: B07RWJMQW9

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Blocked countries in global account
by Seller_QiHp9WlAqa6xv
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Im seeking help to open a case log in my global account. I have 14 countries listed in a duplicate seller account that I had not realized was open and became aware of duplicate account in December. The problem is that I only have access to and can open case logs in 11 of the countries. All of which I registered for and verified my account information with on the advice of seller support from the "main" seller account that I was selling in. There advice was for me to register and verify all countries in the duplicate seller account, get reactivated in that account, and then I could merge the accounts and be on my way to selling again.

The problem is, I cannot get access to 3 of the countries. They are blocked. I have no way of submitting the information. there are no call tabs for support because I cannot even choose them from the global merchant menu is the account. I only know they exist because I am being told they exist.

Even though I have submitted all the necessary documents and every other country is showing good health, the account remains deactivated. I have tried for months and I get no support. I have received a few emails with links to pages that say access denied. I have no idea what next steps should be and support is limited. I need to access the there countries, United States, Mexico, and Canada and cannot. I have tried everything and opened numerous cases with the "Main Account" and have not gotten anywhere. Please help if you can.

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Missing FBA Pallet Shipment
by Seller_Rp3RUlJg73s2q

On the 6th March Amazon took delivery of a pallet from us but, after 100+ days, the shipment is still listed as "In Transit"

We've raised several support cases and provided every document requested, including the signed delivery note, but the response is always the same; "we’ve determined that this shipment is not yet eligible for reconciliation".

We're clearly stuck in a loop where Amazon won't investigate until 60 days after a shipment checks-in - but that'll never happen because they haven't checked it in.

We've spoken to several support representatives who have promised to investigate ... then we get another automated email telling us it's "not yet eligible for reconciliation".

Has anyone else managed to resolve a similar situation? - I feel we're just going round in circles now.

Any suggestions gratefully received

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What should I do? The goods have arrived at the seller's hands. The claim has been approved.
In reply to: Seller_uRNttStKxfk4s’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

I think you have to get used to it, it's a dysfunctional system that makes no sense. And the very infuriating thing is that they apply different rules for FBA or us sellers.

When it snowed last year, one evening a customer opened an A-Z saying that her order had not arrived. It was meant to be there that day but you know with snow and everything, it would have been sensible to wait a day or two. She was immediately granted the A-Z. The following morning at 11 am the order arrived.

One of the last times I used Amazon Prime I got the notification that my order had been delivered, no one rang the bell and it was nowhere to be seen. Amazon CS told me I had to wait 72 hours before reporting it missing (it might have gone to the pub or something), Amazon Prime is terrible around here, they just drop things in random places.

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