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Results for "71보안유심파는곳⬏<텔레@𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐦>대포유심파는곳⊉세컨유심파는곳╨선불유심삽니다⸨선불유심거래┗"

(262 results)
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Amazon doesn't remove unfair feedback
by Seller_gEv1wCLlWibuA

One of our customers placed an order with us and requested a cancellation shortly. We cancelled the order 11 days ago, and the customer just left us 1-start seller feedback saying, "Cancelled this order still not received a refund."

Isn't that should be Amazon's responsibility to refund the customer when the order is cancelled? They say that they cannot remove the feedback as it is "a direct reflection of their Amazon shopping experience" and tell us that we should contact the customer even though the contact buyer button is gone!

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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS
In reply to: Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn’s postby Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE

thats hit and miss for me. I did try deleting PA and CA and relisted after 72 hours without any solution.

Nit sure about your but mine are all FBA listings and keep paying fees without sale.

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My Order Defect Rate 3.77%
by Seller_4TYlYmI9md0vs

The support team said " I have to complete the 5 -question quiz in my Account Health page, where you will be given an opportunity to take a five-question quiz regarding the ODR policy. You have 72 hours to take the quiz. If you pass the quiz, no plan of action (POA) will be required from you, or will your listings be deactivated. "

However, I CANNOT FIND any button OR LINK that I have to do this quiz in my Amazon page. Anyone can help? million thanks!

And How to i reduce ODR rate?

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DD+7 question
by Seller_9dIrIuWthiXwh


Our DD+7 kicked in on 19th June. Since, we've had no funds available to withdraw, having previously drawn down most days.

It says we'll have a chunk available on 3rd July at the end of the settlement period.

My question is, are we stuck having to wait until the 3rd, or will cash start to become available 7 days after the orders placed on 19th June were delivered?

The majority of our sales are FBA so those 19th orders would have been delivered on the 20th/21st, therefore I'm expecting cash to become available from the 27th.

Can anyone confirm?



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UK - Disbursement Issue
In reply to: Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR’s postby Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1

Hi Sarah, yes we did - here is the case ID: 9771277802. The status is ''transferred''.

I have also talked with the payment team via account support they accelerated the case to payment team but we haven't received any answers from the payment team since April 11, 2024.

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I kid you not, item delivered at 11:32 this morning, buyer filed an AtoZ claim at 12:01, I refunded seconds later, AtoZ granted against me?!

Amazon = incompetence personified.

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Even though i have explicitly stated in numerous emails and phone calls to various departments and email that, i have no intention of wanting to start re-selling on amazon, therefore the appeal process of reinstating my seller account doesn't hold. I simply would just like my funds reimbursed, the funds have been put on "reserve" regarding transaction that occurred 2 Years and 7 Months ago.

In summary, based on the guidance from Amazon's Health Account Specialist employer and confirmations from other Amazon employees, the prolonged withholding of my funds, exceeding £3,000, is unjustified. This is exacerbated by the fact that no chargeback claims, A-Z guarantee claims, or disputes have been filed by customers in the 800+ days since the funds were initially reserved. The prolonged withholding of these funds, coupled with the severe financial strain and the consequential impact on my mental health condition, makes it imperative that an immediate and favourable resolution is reached.

Given the clear guidance from Amazon's account health team, the confirmations from your employees, the extended time frame exceeding Amazon's policies and regulations, the severe financial strain caused by the withheld funds, and the consequential effects on my personal circumstances, I respectfully demand an immediate and favourable resolution to this matter.

Yet, they still assume and state i have to get my account reactivated first. i think they dont know their own policies and guidelines, even cross referenced against amazon "Funds Withholding Policy" with account health specialist who concluded i don't fall under this bracket too!

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I am trying to understand the following issue, where a secondary marketplace does not generate any listings statuses or issues when price is updated.

The Issue:

I created a standalone listing in the UK marketplace. to get the listings status I sent a get request`GET /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}` which worked fine and returned the listing status. Please check listings api.

Similarly, when I created another standalone listing in another marketplace, France, `GET /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}` worked fine and returned the listing status.


Let's say you want to create a listing in the UK and don’t want to create the same one in France. Amazon provides an option where you can edit the listing to add an additional marketplace (e.g., France).

To do that:

Hit the edit button on the listing created in the UK.

A new screen shows up, allowing you to add a new marketplace (France).

Once added, the same listing previously created in the UK will show up in France marketplace.

After this, if you go to UK marketplace and you update the price or the listing, sending a get request `GET /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}` will return a response indicating that a listing has been updated in the UK marketplace and nothing for France. However, if you update the price of same listing for France marketplace (which is the only value you can update; you can’t update the title or any other attribute), you receive nothing for both marketplaces.

Please check the following screenshot (for UK)

Please check the following screenshot (France)

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Funds Available - 0
In reply to: Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6’s postby Seller_afyjRDyMeCC5k

Once again they take advantage of 3rd party sellers.

Amazon have also held my money back, despite

1. All items are shipped by FBA so any problems are Amazons and not mine.

2. They hold around 2 months supply of my stock.

3. They have valid credit card in place (and an alternative card)

4. They are still holding a month's business account sales for 31 days before releasing

5. The business sellers sales which were released after 31 days are now being held for another 7 days.

6. I've been selling on Amazon for 18 years have 100% feedback and unblemished record.

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Funds Available - 0
In reply to: Seller_afyjRDyMeCC5k’s postby Seller_0msMReDTskp1Y

We're in a similar situation to you. The reserves for FBA sales and the invoiced to businesses sales (which have already taken up to 31 days to clear) really hack me off.

It seems like a cash grab totally out of proportion to any risk Amazon are at for returns or items going missing in transit.

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