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Results for "71원조이머니시세▒[텔ㄹㅔ@𝑲𝑲8465⦌⤄블랙잭머니상⦿"

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Trademark transfer and listings
by Seller_NRbSrvQsLSXts

Hi All

I currently sell a brand on Amazon owned by my Uncle. He has separate amazon account where the original listings were created but hasn't sold for last few years. He keeps the account open because we were worried the listings might disappear and wanted to have option to sell again. The brand is registered and my account is admin on the brand so I have access to a+ etc. He now wants to fully retire and sell me the brand/trademark. As he still pays £30 a month account fees.

1. I am worried if deletes his account the listings might disappear also. I assume they are stored in the brand registry so can someone assure me the listings will still be available and active on my account?

2. If I do buy the trademark do I tell brand registry about the change and move from admin to owner or is that not possible is admin the most I can be? If he deletes his account will the brand pass onto me in brand registry automatically or is there going to be some unforeseen issues?

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Trademark transfer and listings
In reply to: Seller_NRbSrvQsLSXts’s postby Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX

IMHO yes but hey this is Amazon and who knows what can happen?

Tread with caution and you are right in doing this and you may want to consider just dropping a case to seller support.

Seller support will not do anything with your account and will not trigger anything, they can only view things or refer it. It is just worth getting clarification (I say that tongue in cheek and rolling my eyes) as you also have to take what they say with a pinch of salt.

They will likely say they will look into it, provide an irrelevant link to seller university that leaves you none of the wiser but at least when the process happens you have a case on record that you can refer back to.

Without knowing the setup with the trademark, it will depend on whether this is held personally or held by a company. Depends then on whether you are buying the company or buying the trademark personally.

Trademark issues only generally arise when there is an infringement. You maybe just overthinking it. Once you own the trademark, I don't see any reason for contacting Amazon to say this has changed. If someone else was then going to do something to infringe it and you had to take issue, Amazon would then seek documentation from you to support the claim after the effect.

I have trademarks but they are owned by my company so it is an easy sell as if I sold my company the trademark still belongs to the company rather than me personally.

I think what is important as I stated earlier, the brand registry and the selling accounts are completely different and you don't have to have a selling account to be brand registered therefore whatever happens to your Uncle's account is absolutely irrelevant to the brand registry.

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FBA shipment, stock doens't match ASIN
by Seller_d8WfbEccuaGMc

Hi all,

I have had an email from Amazon this morning suggesting that the barcode of the stock i have sold does not match that of the ASIN. They have suggested creating a new listing which is ridiculous and state that the stock will be received as unsellable in 3 business days if not resolved.

I have sold the exact same stock on the exact same ASIN via FBA for well over a year now with no issues, so i am struggling to understand how this can all of a sudden be a problem.

I have opened a contact request but no doubt will get some generic automated rubbish back from Amazon. Has anybody had a similar experience of this and are able to shine a light?

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Hello Sellers,

I've noticed sellers facing issues on the Seller Forums, receiving violations on marketplaces where they don't actively sell, even with their accounts in Holiday Mode.

As an Amazon seller registered for multiple marketplaces within a region, you may later decide not to actively sell on certain ones. However, neglecting inactive marketplaces can lead to violations and impact your account health.

Here's a checklist to help you manage your account and listings effectively when you don't want to sell on a specific marketplace:

  • Put Your Account on Holiday Mode to prevent new orders and pause listings on the inactive marketplace, avoiding potential issues from unfulfilled orders. 📄Enable holiday mode
  • Delete all listings from the inactive marketplace's inventory. Even inactive (out-of-stock) listings can trigger violations affecting your account health, so it's crucial to remove them. 📄How can I delete specific product listings or replace all my listings?
  • Review and remove Build International Listings connections between your default and inactive marketplaces to prevent new listings from being created automatically. 📄 Remove a connection using Build International Listings
  • Regularly monitor the Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications for inactive marketplaces to quickly address any potential issues or violations.📄 Account health FAQ

Did you find this content helpful? Share your feedback and suggestions for future topics related to managing your Amazon seller account effectively.

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Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide
In reply to: Seller_xP044DLiavzY6’s postby Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr


You asked an important question here, and I see right now that this is confusing for the Sellers.

If you are logged in to the inactive marketplace and delete the listings from there, it will not affect your other stores.

For example, if you are logged into Spanish Marketplace and you delete the listings there, your UK listings will not be deleted.

Additionally, both options, Delete Product and Listing and Close the Listing, will be effective if you want to avoid potential violations.

  • Close the listing: This option makes the listing inactive; you can still revert this status when you decide that you want to sell it and make it active again.

  • Delete products and Listings: This option will remove the listing from your inventory. You should choose it if you know that you don't want to sell this product in the future in this store.

I hope it helps.

Let me know if you have more doubts.



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How do you guys recommend recording Amazon sales and expenses as a VAT registered business?

I'm just wondering if there is a helpful tutorial online somewhere that I'm missing.

A lot of the ones I'm finding are US based so are slightly different.

I just want to make sure I'm entering the right income and expenditure and not get myself in a muddle with the tax man. Currently I was downloading the Amazon Monthly Summary, cross referencing the VAT receipts for seller fees and FBA fees with the transaction report for the same month. The first month tallied fine, April and May I have some discrepancies with the amount of expenses on the summary report being lower than the amount being charged out on the VAT receipt invoices for fees.

I'm guessing it's something to do with refunds happening in a different month but just wondering how you enter your figures?


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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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I have been "told-off" for copy/pasting responses to seller support !
In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s postby Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Hello @Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9,

Hope you are doing well!

I have just received confirmation that the issue has been fixed. I would appreciate confirmation from your side as well.



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New one on me,

I have been "warned" for copy/pasting responses to seller support

(something we have never ever done)

"Unfortunately, reopening the case and copy pasting responses will not lead to desired outcome and may cause you escalations related to behavior issue."

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Fraudulent Seller Activity - Need Help!
In reply to: Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY’s postby Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Can you please provide me with the ASINs of the listings where you get the fraudulent claims?

Regards, Spencer

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