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Results for "75모바일카톡업체⬍[ㅌㄹ𝗜𝗦𝗘𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞} 해외카톡파는곳◞해외카톡구매⟶카톡인증업체↲카카오톡사는곳◅"

(385 results)
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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
by Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

I am new to Seller and opened an Individual account. I want to sell one single item, my self-published book. I Add Product, put the book’s ISBN in the Category and fill in everything else required. It appears in My Inventory and I get an email saying it will be available for purchase in 15 minutes. But it never does. Seller helpdesk tells me my listing ’is not currently assigned to a product category, therefore is not searchable’. It tells me to complete the following steps. First go to Edit and select Product Identity and then fill in ‘Recommended Browse Nodes/Item Type Keyword’ BUT THERE IS NO PRODUCT ID to be found. Heldesk told me it is under Product Description… but when I click on that I get a message saying ‘Restricted Edit Permissions. As you are not the brand owner for this product…’ etc. It stops me filling out anything under Brand Description’, (It is my own self-published book but, when registered, Nielsen book registry automatically lists all books on Amazon.) Helpdesk then tell me, as an alternative, to ‘Toggle Advanced View’ BUT THERE IS NO ‘ADVANCED VIEW option to toggle. I am now on my 10th case with Help about this over two weeks and can’t get them to understand that it is not possible to carry out their instructions, despite sending screenshots to show I can’t fill out Product Details and there is no ‘Advanced View option. Please, please… can anyone else suggest anything and put me out of my misery?

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Amazon wont pay me - No payment given since March 2024,
In reply to: Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR’s postby Seller_PLXfdrvOGjHe9

Hello Sarah, I have the same issue with Spain. for more than 15 month. from about Feb last year. I have tried everything. Naturally I have put my account there on holiday mode can you please help? They keep telling me the relevant department will get back in touch with e because they don't see any problems with me account. Can you also help me?

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Amazon wont pay me - No payment given since March 2024,
In reply to: Seller_0ujDo2icJlVGS’s postby Seller_PLXfdrvOGjHe9

Hello, I have the same issue with Spain. for more than 15 month. from about Feb last year. I have tried everything. Naturally I have put my account there on holiday mode. they keep telling me someone will call me

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Amazon wont pay me - No payment given since March 2024,
In reply to: Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR’s postby Seller_PLXfdrvOGjHe9

Hello Sarah, I have the same issue with Spain. for more than 15 month. from about Feb last year. I have tried everything. Naturally I have put my account there on holiday mode and guess what ,

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Royal Mail 48 No Longer Provides Valid Tracking??
by Seller_UztO9Zwus4cuF

We have always used Royal Mail 48 as our parcel delivery method.

Royal Mail 48 has a barcode tracking number.

This method has worked well for years. Yet since 31/05/2024 the barcodes no longer register with Amazon software. The Royal Mail website indicates that a oarcel has been delivered, with a photograph as evidence.

This is now impacting our valid tracking rating.

Has Amazon banned Royal Mail delivery???

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Greedy Seller
by Seller_UVeFCZoAA4mkx

Fellow sellers, I'm seeking some advice on a frustrating situation I've encountered with another seller undercutting repeatedly.

I initially found a product with great profit margins over 100% ROI and there is about 10-15 sellers. I matched the current Buy Box price and sales were going well for about a month. Then yesterday, another seller started hugging the Buy Box, going just 1p below the current buy box.

It's evident they are using a repricing tool to constantly undercut the lowest price by 1p in order to solely maintain the Buy Box themselves. While I understand the motivation to capture all the Buy Box sales, it's exasperating when sellers configure repricers so aggressively just to box others out.

This particular seller has over 200 seller feedbacks, so they are an experienced seller who surely understands pricing strategies. As a result of their relentless undercutting, my potential ROI on this product has plummeted from over 100% down to only 5-10%.

I've now sold out of my inventory for this item. My question for everyone reading is would you continue sourcing more of this product knowing you'll likely just enter another Buy Box battle? Or would you cut your losses and move on to other products?

I'm all for healthy price competition, but it feels unethical when sellers setup repricers to continuously undercut by the smallest increments just to own the Buy Box. I wish we could agree as a seller community to share the Buy Box rather than trying to monopolize it. But I realize that's unlikely to happen.

Any thoughts or advice on how to approach this type of situation would be appreciated.

Here's to better seller karma for all of us.

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Individual sellers
In reply to: Seller_lalxIKhKEYmxG’s postby Seller_QuM1AZgzfU9x4

A seller who said they weren't a business but an individual selling their own used items can choose one of two selling plans. One is 75p extra per sale, the other is £30 per month but no extra 75p per sale.

The former is called the individual selling plan, the latter the professional selling plan. You chose the professional selling plan.

If that's not you want then go into your account and choose to downgrade it. You'd then have to open a case and ask Support for a refund.

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Individual sellers
by Seller_lalxIKhKEYmxG

do individual sellers get charged £30, I authorised a £1 charge to verify my account then got charged £30, I read that you get charged 75p on each item you sell. Thanks

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book pricing.
In reply to: Seller_nT7psArrIHc2I’s postby Seller_nT7psArrIHc2I

Just got another one. I sell at £30. Two other sellers, 1 at £56 and the other at £76. I get deactivated and both of those are still in place.

Surely this is price fixing?

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Drop shipping
by Seller_J3JPTqow8Wpn1

In case anyone is searching for information on something similar, there is a scam going around at the moment where Ebay drop shippers are selling for below your RRP on Amazon, then claiming refunds.

Firstly this refers to a D2C product that we sell, RRP £9.99 via prime. Our brand is trademarked, and this product does well. Two months or so ago, our product suddenly jumped massively in refunds being initiated by Amazon. This is not an easy product to damage and all refunds seemed to be for items not received. This item fits through a letterbox.

We've been having terrible trouble with refunds, all to odd buyer names, who have sent a "gift" to a different address. To try and counteract this, we reported to Amazon - didn't really get anywhere, but also reported the sellers to Ebay. Ebay does take the listings down, but the sellers just put them straight back up again.

We decided to open an Ebay shop and sell for RRP, ie below what the drop shippers can sell for. However one drop shipper then changed their price to £1 below RRP. At this point I wondered did they have stolen property in their possession as they wouldn't be making any money buying at a higher price from Amazon. I had a family member order from them on Ebay to get a better idea.

The item was received from Amazon, with amazon's paperwork and a slip saying it was a gift. Two days later the same name on the gift cert receives a full refund from Amazon, not only for this item, but for another "gift" item to someone else. My family member's name was on the order for delivery address.

On looking back with a fine tooth comb through my refunds for the last few months, 70% of them are to odd names, ie double letters where they shouldn't be, back to front names etc. and for "gifts" to a different delivery address. We believe there's a team of people at this so that any one person doesn't get penalised for too many refunds.

Just to make anyone else on here wondering about their refunds rising aware.

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