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Results for "81카톡파는곳⊵(텔레@𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙐𝙇𝙏𝘼𝙇𝙆⦌국내pc카톡⋂pc카톡판매◣pc톡인증대행÷실명인증대행⋟"

(366 results)
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Amazon redirect Amazon FC
by Seller_D1GYBVXCilp4R
Amazon replied

Dear sellers,

Our freight company has told me that my order is supposed to be delivered to Amazon UK LBA4.

Due to LBA4 is busy, Amazon informed our freight partner to redirect the cargo to LTN7, does it affect the inventory update time? Does Amazon will finally internally move my cargoes to LBA4 from LTN7?


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by Seller_mIfWekSQiC5B1

I cannot contact Amazon in any way. My emails are not being returned. I can't make a phone call. I can't open a case. I have been a victim for 1 year. Nobody helps me. I have money left inside. I am now bankrupt. I lost everything because of Amazon. I have never seen such a careless platform before. It hurts now. I'm thinking of committing suicide. If I can't solve this situation, that's my only option.

Dear Amazon Account Specialist and Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is ALI OSMAN OZOGLU, and I am writing to urgently appeal the delete placed on my Amazon seller account (Account ID: ALSR3Z35BI019) on July 3, 2023, due to a "Returns and Refund Policy Violation Notification." I have received a notification stating that my account North America Marketplace is now deleted

Summary of the Situation:

Date of Restriction: July 3, 2023

Reason for Deleted: Returns and Refund Policy Violation Notification

Efforts to Resolve:

Hundreds of defense emails sent with detailed explanations and supporting documentation.

Multiple phone calls to Amazon service with similar assurances.

Despite these exhaustive efforts, my account remains restricted, and I have not received adequate responses or resolution to my issue. The promises made by your representatives have not been fulfilled, leaving me frustrated and significantly inconvenienced.

Request for Reconsideration:

I respectfully request a thorough review of my case and the immediate reinstatement of my North America Amazon marketplace. I assure you that I have always intended to comply with Amazon's policies and have taken steps to address any misunderstandings or errors that may have occurred.

Supporting Information:

Account Details:

Name and Surname: ALI OSMAN OZOGLU



Merchant Token ID: ALSR3Z35BI019

Phone Number: +905312892156

Given the significant amount of time that has passed and the lack of resolution, I kindly request that this appeal be escalated to a higher authority within the Amazon support team who can take immediate action. The continued restriction of my account is causing undue hardship and impacting my ability to use Amazon's services.


I trust that Amazon values its customers and their satisfaction. I am hopeful that this appeal will prompt a swift and fair resolution to my account restriction. I am more than willing to cooperate further and provide any additional information required to facilitate this process.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to a positive response and the prompt reinstatement of my account.

Due to this suspension, my money remained in the Japanese marketplace and the UK marketplace, as other marketplaces were also suspended. That's why I went bankrupt. Banks initiated enforcement proceedings against me. I lost my entire existence, everything.





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Hi, I am letting people know that Amazon have changed their policy on Royal mail 2D Bar codes i.e Royal Mail scanned on delivery. Sometime ago I raised this with Amazon that all our packages have "valid tracking" but Royal mail only scan about 80% and was told not to worry as Amazon are aware and will disregard if when needed we provide valid tracking proof. ie we sent them copies of the delivery label. Well that has changed. Last Friday some listings were deactivated and I had to provide the appeal which I did as usual, but this time it was turned down After a long conversation the result was we either change to a different post method (which would add about £1.00 to the cost and on cheap items that is a big percentage) or buy the same service from Amazon!

I am uncertain what the motive behind this is, to be competitive we will need to buy postage from Amazon? What I tried to explain is that as far as the customer is concerned there will be no improvement Royal mail will continue to fail scanning packages. In addition as we use 3rd party software to process all orders, will it be more difficult? Will Amazon then get details of my orders from Ebay and our own website? I think this stinks and anyone using Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) should take note. Short term we will change to Royal Mail Tracked and accept less orders, longer terms we may have to buy shipping from Amazon, but before we do we need to consider the pros and cons

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
In reply to: Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai’s postby Seller_rdDHCgIIXbjBs

Hi @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Again the same issue with ASINs. Lost all BuyBox to all the ASINs.

After the BuyBox was lost, I spent so much to get the products ranked through PPC. Now, all that is lost as well.

This is the post of all my ASINs. Please help.

This month was going great and then lost the BuyBox again.

Please, I request you to help us.

Kindest Regards,

CC: @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH@Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

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A-Z is a complete farce
by Seller_fj3M54GkuGQyT

I am posting this more to vent than anything.

I must say that I rarely get any A-Z claims so consider myself fortunate in that regard, however, I’ve had two A-Z claims in the past week and on both occasions, the Royal Mail tracking has shown that the orders have been DELIVERED.

Normally when we are unfortunate enough to have an item not arrive, the customer will request a replacement rather than immediately request a refund so it always peeks my suspicion when a customer immediately asks for a refund instead.

The first order even has a photo showing the delivery, together with the GPS map, yet Amazon have refunded the customer out of our funds anyway.

The second order just has the GPS map but still shows as delivered.

Both A-Z claims have been granted and the appeals rejected with the usual ‘we stand by our decision’.

It is wholly unacceptable where there is evidence of delivery that Amazon employees completely ignore the ‘evidence’ and refund the customer anyway, which leaves me wondering, at what point does this become Amazon being complicit in fraud against sellers?

Ok, these orders are relatively low value (one at £11 and one at £23), but when Amazon are constantly screwing sellers over and don’t give a rats backside about their sellers, this is just another nail in the coffin.

Absolutely sick of Amazon treating its sellers like scum.

I have already tried reaching out to the managing director email about these two claims but not holding out any help whatsoever.

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Charge Method Issues: Debit Card Suddenly Not Accepted After Renewal
In reply to: Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP’s postby Seller_N8sdIVWmCyj2a

any update @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

As like clockwork for the 5 week in a row my card has been listed as invalid when Amazon pushes my disbursement, received a email at 18:29pm to say my payment is on its way and then a email at 18:32pm with the usual “Action Required: Please Update Your Amazon Selling Account Credit Card”

Re added the card says it’s been verified but still can’t get into my account can see Amazon has also taken £1 from me as well for verification. I

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Amazon doesn't remove unfair feedback
by Seller_gEv1wCLlWibuA

One of our customers placed an order with us and requested a cancellation shortly. We cancelled the order 11 days ago, and the customer just left us 1-start seller feedback saying, "Cancelled this order still not received a refund."

Isn't that should be Amazon's responsibility to refund the customer when the order is cancelled? They say that they cannot remove the feedback as it is "a direct reflection of their Amazon shopping experience" and tell us that we should contact the customer even though the contact buyer button is gone!

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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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Fake 1 star rating which wasn't a verified purchase
by Seller_XNcRQKVtVCkVP


I am trying to remove a 1 star rating on my listing but no feedback was left by this person nor was it a verfiied purchase. Amazon have repeatedly said "they have investigated and have taken appropriate action" but the 1 star rating is still there. It's clearly a fake rating as no one purchased anything, I need some help to get this removed please.


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Royal Mail 48 No Longer Provides Valid Tracking??
by Seller_UztO9Zwus4cuF

We have always used Royal Mail 48 as our parcel delivery method.

Royal Mail 48 has a barcode tracking number.

This method has worked well for years. Yet since 31/05/2024 the barcodes no longer register with Amazon software. The Royal Mail website indicates that a oarcel has been delivered, with a photograph as evidence.

This is now impacting our valid tracking rating.

Has Amazon banned Royal Mail delivery???

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