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Results for "83국내카톡업체➵⸤텔그@𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙐𝙇𝙏𝘼𝙇𝙆⸥ pc카톡팝니다⧵국내카톡업체~모바일톡인증대행╭카톡사는곳≖"

(328 results)
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Good tax filing program for paying UK HMRC taxes ?
by Seller_Cspm2QSedth9f

What is a good PC program for filing UK HMRC taxes? I've been doing it manually on the HMRC website, but they suggested using a computer application. Any recommendations?

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We have a customer bought 4 different cravats all shipped together as it was one order. Customer has opened a return for 3 cravats and has been provided 3 different return labels by Amazon at our cost. Surely customer should only receive one returns label for the order rather that 3?

We have seen a big increase in customers orders “for choice” and sending lots of items back via the free returns label as a result our returns rate on Amazon is three times higher than eBay.

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PO Box address for seller account
by Seller_sdciVpJlMHpt3

Does anybody have any experience of using a PO Box address on Amazon, especially for returns?

We have been on Amazon for over 10 years, so not a new seller. We are moving from our business premises in a few weeks and will be using a residential address for a period. We do not want our residential address publically available for security reasons and have set up a PO Box address. This is no issue on any other marketplace or our website, but Amazon seem to be less than helpful with these type of changes.

All other business information will remain the same - company name, registered business address, company number, VAT number, contact details etc

- The return address will need to be changed to the PO Box address so that customers do not have our residential address.

- The ship from address can remain as our residential address if this information is not publically accessible and used only internally by Amazon. If it is shown publically then this would also need to be changed to the PO Box address.

Does anybody else do something similar or have any experience of it?

Thanks in advance




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How to offer free shipping on individual plan
In reply to: Seller_8poFPfArgAZgS’s postby Seller_QuM1AZgzfU9x4

They are correct in what they say.

For what it's worth the pro selling plan is essentially free once you get to 33/34 sales per month. It has also has other benefits that many sellers find useful.

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Dear Sellers Members,

We're sharing some crucial updates regarding the upcoming implementation of the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) in the European Union (EU), including Northern Ireland, under the Northern Ireland Protocol.

This regulation, set to take effect on December 13, 2024, marks a significant milestone in ensuring the safety and integrity of non-food consumer products in the EU market.

Here's a quick overview of what you need to know:

For listings on Amazon UK-based store, you don’t need to submit any information to Amazon. You must, however, submit the required information for listings on Amazon EU-based stores. For instructions, open this help page in the Seller Central website for the EU-based store, where you sell products in scope of the GPSR.

Scope of GPSR: Most non-food consumer products offered for sale in the EU will fall under the jurisdiction of GPSR, including used, repaired, and reconditioned items. However, certain exceptions apply, such as medicinal products, food and drinks, and living plants and animals.

Key Requirements:

  • Responsible Person: It's mandatory to have a Responsible Person established within the EU for your non-food products. Make sure to label your products with their contact information in one of the EU's official languages.
  • Manufacturer Information: Label your products with the manufacturer's contact details and, if applicable, the importer's information. Ensure the visibility of this information on both physical products and online listings.
  • Labelling and Traceability: Adhere to GPSR and existing labelling requirements. Ensure each product carries a unique identifier for easy identification. Provide necessary warning and safety information, both physically and in online listings.

Action Required for Sellers:

  • Proving Compliance to Amazon: Ensure compliance with GPSR requirements for EU-based stores. Non-compliant listings risk removal and ineligibility for flash sales.
  • Brand Owners: Verify product compliance, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry, appoint a Responsible Person, provide manufacturer information, and display necessary details on product pages.
  • Resellers: Verify compliance, provide Responsible Person and manufacturer information, display product pictures and safety information.
  • Removing Products from Sale: If not continuing sales in EU stores, remove affected products from inventory via Manage Inventory dashboard or FBA.
  • Displaying Information on Product Pages: Responsible Person and manufacturer information, along with relevant images and safety documents, will be displayed on product detail pages within 24 hours of confirmation.
  • Submitting Information to Amazon: Use the Add compliance information widget in the Manage your compliance dashboard to provide necessary details. Submitting Responsible Person and manufacturer information: FR DE IT ES

Remember, this post serves as a guide and not legal advice. For specific queries regarding compliance with GPSR, we advise consulting your legal counsel.

Previous News post: Prepare for the new General Product Safety Regulation.

Stay tuned for further updates and ensure your products are in alignment with GPSR standards for a seamless market experience.

Have a great day ahead!


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Greedy Seller
In reply to: Seller_UVeFCZoAA4mkx’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

That's selling for you. Personally I'd rather focus on products that might sell less but have less competition. If a new seller arrives and sell them for a lot less, I let them do it (unless I want to get rid of the products) and keep my ideal price. Soon or later they will go. If they stay, well I move on, there are lots of products in the sea.

If I take into account the returns, the packaging, the missing orders, the labour involved etc I'd rather have 100 products that sell 5 times a week each with a good margin rather than have one product that sells 80 times a day for 20p margin.

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Error 8040 turning in to nightmare and no help from seller support PLEASE someone help
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE

Hi @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK,

Sorry for delay in answer and hope you had a good vcation :).

Unfortunately, started facing the same thing again.

Listing created as FBM with proper variation and approval thn converted into FBA and variation broken and listing tuned in to "Search Suppressed".

Did full file upload and started getting error 8040 again.

Batch ID: 341135019892.

Opened a case and I am sure that case will be closed with comment relationship not approved.

Case ID: 9897050182

Again, I dont understand why amazon first breaks the variation and thn rect variation under 8040.

What is the issue that causing variation break and no answer from amazon or seller support on the same.

Luckily I did wait before sending these units to FBA after converting them to FBA.

It implies that I shall not send new FBA ASINs to FC. This not only creates the delay in making unit available but literly block a seller to list and send new ASINs to FC. Causing significant loss to my small business and hope you can help me in this.



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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - HUGE Delay
In reply to: Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN’s postby Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN

We have contacted the Amazon Health Account "Specialists" again. They keep telling us daily that our submitted information is being reviewed. This is ongoing for several weeks now.

We require someone from the Amazon Leadership Team to act upon our unlawful restriction on our funds.


Based on the "EU VAT on e-Commerce (EU VOEC) Legislation – 2021" as it is stated on your webside page:

{...From July 1, 2021, Amazon is responsible for collecting VAT on the following sales of goods delivered to customers in the EU where ordered through any Amazon storefront:

Goods delivered from inventory stored outside the EU with a shipment value of up to EUR 150; and

Goods delivered from inventory stored in the EU, irrespective of value, where you, the selling partner (sole trader or company/partnership), are not established in the EU for VAT...}

In our case, our company is based in Europe, in the Republic of Cyprus, as approved by Amazon on July 2023.

Our company sells ONLY via to Germany and Austria.

Therefore, the above-stated Legislation does NOT apply to us.

Amazon is actively undermining our business interests and infringing upon our EU company's rights to conduct commerce within the European Union by failing to accurately interpret and apply the EU VAT on e-Commerce (EU VOEC) Legislation of 2021.

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Having issues with Group VAT registration - UK uses "Making Tax Digital" however Amazon wants a paper version, which HMRC no longer issues. haven't answered emails

MCF and removal orders, and funds now held.

Anyone got any advice? Or forum MODs, any chance you can contact us?

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