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Results for "85아가씨유심판매⊭[텔ㄹ@ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴜsɪᴍ>pc카톡인증업체╟tm유심판매⇧국내유심팝니다⤂세컨유심팝니다☇"

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Transparency 2D barcode
by Seller_1x2QcK5X0OciP


I received he following email from Amazon.

Beginning 24 July 2024, these products must have a Transparency 2D barcode or serial number barcode in order to be listed on and dispatched to Amazon customers. You are responsible for ensuring that a Transparency 2D barcode or serial number barcode is on each of these products before dispatching them directly to customers.

I sell products and ship by myself as I am not registered as FBA.

Need advise.


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Transparency 2D barcode
In reply to: Seller_1x2QcK5X0OciP’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

the manufacturer (or possibly the distributor) or perhaps a rogue seller who has control of the product page on amazon.

has enrolled the product into Transparency - a unique serial number (provided by Amazon to the above)

and every time you sell one of these on amazon you need to register the serial number with amazon when you despatch.

but if you are using amazon shipping the label/transparency system is not compatible with that workflow if you use the portal.

also bulk buy shipping does not seem to work with transparency (it does not prompt) you need to buy the shipping labels 1 at a time .

I have reported the above to amazon multiple times - but no one seems to understand the issues and find a solution.

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
by Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

I am new to Seller and opened an Individual account. I want to sell one single item, my self-published book. I Add Product, put the book’s ISBN in the Category and fill in everything else required. It appears in My Inventory and I get an email saying it will be available for purchase in 15 minutes. But it never does. Seller helpdesk tells me my listing ’is not currently assigned to a product category, therefore is not searchable’. It tells me to complete the following steps. First go to Edit and select Product Identity and then fill in ‘Recommended Browse Nodes/Item Type Keyword’ BUT THERE IS NO PRODUCT ID to be found. Heldesk told me it is under Product Description… but when I click on that I get a message saying ‘Restricted Edit Permissions. As you are not the brand owner for this product…’ etc. It stops me filling out anything under Brand Description’, (It is my own self-published book but, when registered, Nielsen book registry automatically lists all books on Amazon.) Helpdesk then tell me, as an alternative, to ‘Toggle Advanced View’ BUT THERE IS NO ‘ADVANCED VIEW option to toggle. I am now on my 10th case with Help about this over two weeks and can’t get them to understand that it is not possible to carry out their instructions, despite sending screenshots to show I can’t fill out Product Details and there is no ‘Advanced View option. Please, please… can anyone else suggest anything and put me out of my misery?

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ’s postby Seller_FQHkqHJI5SqTh

Do what you think is right for you re. HMRC, but the online platforms have an obligation to report their sellers' earnings to HMRC and if HMRC think you have a tax liability they will come knocking; and I do speak from experience.

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_FQHkqHJI5SqTh’s postby Seller_iZL0ysZFrLJmN

Although you can earn up to £1000 in any tax year before you have to register with HMRC as a sole trader and by the sounds of it, the OP doesn't expect to make that much in a year if they only expect to sell 10-20 copies of their book.

From "Who must send a tax return ; you were self-employed as a 'sole trader' and earned more than £1,000" 6/4/24

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai
Amazon replied

I'm getting nowhere with Seller Support (Live Chat & Phone), made a ticket asking for escalation, E-Mailed CEO's office and got a pretty rude reply, I'm at a total loss as to what to do. I have lost the buy box for ALL of my key products and best sellers, I am the brand owner, I am the only offer.

I am stunned at how little support there is from Amazon, I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was THIS BAD. Absolutely no transparency what-so-ever, nothing on performance notifications, account health is perfect, no violations, I am enrolled on the new Account Health Assurance scheme (which gave me peace of mind for all of 3 days).

With the CEO's office giving me the cold shoulder, seller support sending me links to 'Seller University', spending in excess of 10 hours trying almost everything on my account blindly, I'm at a complete loss sitting here with next to no sales. So my last resort is this... a mega thread... I'm hoping with enough people complaining about the issue, Amazon MAY acknowledge this problem as a bug/glitch before I have to file for bankruptcy (no exaggeration) and when they do, I also expect no apology or compensation.

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
In reply to: Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai’s postby Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Hello @system (sorry, I can not tag you), @Seller_dbDICH2F3Tjez, @Seller_lcRZ4loTlWXKp, @Seller_KXyRWHcpbMNpI, @Seller_7qmuyqtmPDlJz, @Seller_Ly71b1L5YHhOA, @Seller_j2eO2n9PE5zf3, @Seller_jGZhGaLJngCDW, @Seller_4xba5LNKF5XTg, @Seller_ay4wxpfhpPm9I, @Seller_TiSdzeHySXYW0, @Seller_rPdw3H0qENJhg, @Seller_sg54Fq7GfBZzn, @Seller_b34OTwJWD2n8p, @Seller_Ltq0iKiIdyMv3, @Seller_7pDvjaP1zn6iT, @Seller_7WttAIiaCR7Ty, @Seller_8poFPfArgAZgS, @Seller_4W0LrmrKIJOW4, @Seller_HEOYZGWGTBXRN, @Seller_d8WfbEccuaGMc,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

You are right, unfortunately I can not be tagged.

I am keeping track of all the posts regarding the lost buy box/featured offer.

For those of you mentioned above, can you please provide me with a list of the ASINs that lost the buy box/featured offer?

For those of you who did not get tagged here, I have requested the same in other posts.

As soon as I have these ASINs I will share them with the appropriate team.

Regards, Spencer

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
In reply to: Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP’s postby Seller_SdKTeLmPb6ppB


Could you take a look at this ASIN for me:


I lost the BB for the last 3 months.

It is happening occasionally to other of my listings.

Many thanks!

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My Order Defect Rate 3.77%
by Seller_4TYlYmI9md0vs

The support team said " I have to complete the 5 -question quiz in my Account Health page, where you will be given an opportunity to take a five-question quiz regarding the ODR policy. You have 72 hours to take the quiz. If you pass the quiz, no plan of action (POA) will be required from you, or will your listings be deactivated. "

However, I CANNOT FIND any button OR LINK that I have to do this quiz in my Amazon page. Anyone can help? million thanks!

And How to i reduce ODR rate?

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My Order Defect Rate 3.77%
In reply to: Seller_4TYlYmI9md0vs’s postby Seller_390A855lnDJhu

Crikey i get palpatations when mine gets over 0.5%. 3.77% is wild. what were to AtoZ for? should you be suspended do you think you would have reasonable grounds for appeal?

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