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Results for "기업가상⸨텔 MOONPAY_CALL⸩경남가상계좌^가상계좌판매^경남은행가상계좌^대포통장직거래^계좌구매^대포통장임대^게임사이트가상계좌문의^통장임대매입^신협가상계좌"

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Reporting Buyers: Amazon's Duty of Care to Sellers?
by Seller_pvx82zrXMTSpX

Hello Sellers,

I hope this post, message, rant... whatever you wish to call it, finds you well.

We're at our wits end with fraudulent buyers. It's sad that we have become quite good with dealing with them and can poke a million holes in their stories. As our items are typically high-value, we gather a considerable amount of evidence with every single order we fulfil and every return we process. For example, every item is sent Royal Mail, Signed For. If the order contains more than one item, we take a picture of the packaged goods on a scale. We retain serial numbers of electrical devices and apply security seals on packaging that shows when things have been opened. We video record opening every single return from start to finish...

This is a small taste of the things we do to protect our business and I am sure you all take a wide-range of similar actions. Yet unfortunately despite all of these things we often lose false/fraudulent A-Z claims to "preserve the customer experience". Whilst we are unhappy this is the way this works, we understand that we are not alone.

With this in mind my real question or point is, why does Amazon not act on clear fraud and importantly what happens when it goes further than just a fraudulent A-Z claim?

In the last few months our business has been attacked across the internet by unhappy fraudsters, damaging our reputation on here and everywhere our business name graces and I have even had death threats to my personal Facebook account. Despite all of this, there is still no clear process to report a buyer on this platform for anything other than their messages.

Over the last two weeks, we have had another fraudster jump on the hamster wheel: making various claims to Amazon about the order they received was "not brand new", and when that failed "it didn't arrive/nothing in the box" before magically turning to "it is broken"; only for the item to be returned unopened in the same packaging we sent it out in. Amazon has been pulled in on three different occasions through A-Z claims where the buyer provided no evidence whereas we did, and they also engaged Amazon's general Customer Support an additional 2 times to make other various demands about how "the buyer can't return the item via that method, please sort something else out and be sure to reply within 48 hours". Why can't Amazon step in at any of these points, see from the evidence we have provided and they are reviewing that the customer is acting fraudulently and take steps to protect us? This buyer has now gone on to slate us across the internet and report our conduct to Amazon where we are facing a serious policy violation.

I waste so much time on these people and half the battle is Amazon's stance on this. Why is this buyer not banned from their platform or given a warning? Why can I not report this buyer for attempted fraud here? Why do I have a "serious policy violation" for telling this fraudulent buyer that has damaged my business across the internet that "Making false statements online about a business to damage their reputation is illegal and I will not hesitate to protect my business if you continue", after everything they have done right under Amazon's nose?

I spent half an hour of my Friday trying to report this latest fraudster to a Seller Support agent that did not even know what fraud was. This isn't good enough and I hope that this is an area which Amazon significantly improve in or failing that find themselves in court over one day. To be clear, we actively report fraudulent buyers to Action Fraud UK and encourage all sellers to do the same when necessary to protect businesses everywhere.

What is Amazon's Duty of Care to Sellers? We pay their selling fees and give them a commission of every sale, do they not owe us protection as sellers on their marketplace? Why is their no clear route to report these buyers here?

Please feel free to share your experiences, thoughts or comments below.

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Ive already posted 3 times today about trying to do listings when Amazon seem to be doing everything in their power to stop me.

Unbelievably I've now encountered a new problem

I'm just trying to do some simple edits of some of my current listings - change my asking price , correct a spelling mistake in my description of the book. etc. Each time the little red dot warning me something is wrong pops up on "Product Details". The problem is "Language Type" - I have to change "unknown" to "original language" .

This is another new box and , presumably, "unknown" has been put in as the default. It is not a difficult thing to correct but it is so annoying

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Not winning buy box as a new seller
by Seller_fkCx49hQJ7ZWl

Hi everyone,

Not sure how to say this but I am a new seller on amazon, the cheapest on all my listings but not won buy box at all. 0%. I sent 84 units to the coventry depot, inventory was then sent out to other depots around the UK currently 74 is available to sell. But like I said, nothing is selling. At all. Other sellers on the products are still making sales & winning buy box. Super confused. Has anyone experienced this before? Will my sales come after shipment is closed?

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Amazon has lost all images to a product
by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Just had a message from Amazon saying listing suppressed.

On checking all images for the product are no longer there. This product is a dressing gown that comes in 3 sizes, and all images for all variants are gone too. Now this has been an active item for many years. Ive just uploaded the images again but how come they were deleted in the first place?

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I need to opt out from DD+ 7 rule till september 2025

Amazon suggested it in mail to me, now I write to the adress:


and 0 response,

DD+7 is total nonsense,kills all joy from selling here

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DD +7 - what a con!
by Seller_58y2FhNkywdyp

well, gone onto this new system and its amazing how long they intend to hold onto my money.

firstly i seem to have lost daily disbursements so when the amounts finally get cleared (normal 2nd class so just over a week plus 7 days) i have to wait in some cases for another fortnight for the fortnightly payout.

plus the 4 to 5 days the bank transfer takes!

also although the individual transaction for each order appears on the list within 30 minutes, its taking a further 2 days to update the deferred balance!

what a con!

rant done



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Address delivery issue.
by Seller_PB3H5LljJ3zY0


I have noticed this issue since yesterday, for some reason on the listing, on my account is says this message,

'This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location.'

I have had 0 sales due to this issue and I am getting very worried. I was doing near enough to 300 orders a day. I have not changed anything on the settings.

Any help on how to fix this.


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Address delivery issue.
by Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP

Theres another 3 negatives gone on your account today, are you sure that you've nothing in performance notifications?

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I am writing regarding the deactivation of my Seller account, which occurred on May 23, 2024. The deactivation notice referenced Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, but I have not been informed of any specific violations, and I can confirm that I operate only one account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for months, but I have yet to receive meaningful support or clarity.

Timeline of Events:

08-20-2024 (11:09): I emailed disbursement-appeals to appeal the deactivation and request disbursement of my funds, which have been held for over 90 days. No response was received.

08-22-2024 (14:46): I received an email stating that to release my funds, Amazon needs to verify my identity and supply chain.

08-23-2024 (08:31): I received a link to upload documents and join a video call. I promptly uploaded my documents by 12:17:11 on the same day and joined the video call as instructed, but no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-23-2024 (19:22): I requested a scheduled video call via email, but received no meaningful response.

08-26-2024: I received an automated response asking me to complete the steps I had already fulfilled, including uploading documents and joining a call.

08-26 to 08-29: I sent multiple emails stating that I had been waiting for days, with evidence that I had joined the call. Again, no Amazon associate joined the call.

08-30-2024 (16:12): I received another automated response, again asking me to complete steps I had already done. I replied immediately, requesting assistance to schedule the call, but again, no resolution.

09-09-2024 (14:30): I contacted Amazon Account Health by phone and was advised to send evidence to the same email address, which I did at 15:04. No response was received.

09-10-2024: I received another automated email, ignoring my previous attempts and simply asking me to verify my identity once again.

09-20-2024 (22:53): I received an email stating that my funds could not be disbursed because I failed to schedule an appointment. This statement is inaccurate and unfair, as I have made every effort to comply with the process but have been repeatedly ignored.

My Request:

I have followed all the instructions provided by Amazon, uploaded my documents on time, and waited on multiple occasions for a representative to join the video call. Despite this, I have received no assistance and have been subjected to repeated delays and automated responses. The stress and frustration caused by this situation have been overwhelming.

I kindly ask for immediate intervention to:

Schedule the virtual identity verification video call at a specific, confirmed time.

Ensure that my account is reviewed fairly and that my funds are disbursed without further delay.

If this issue is not resolved promptly, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice to pursue this matter further.

Please treat this matter with urgency. I am happy to provide any additional evidence or clarification if needed.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.

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OUCH, Doubled
by Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

Is there any particular reason you keep updating your post to keep it top of the most recent forum posts?

What exactly do you want to know? Any seller of a reasonable volume could potentially get a spate of negative reviews that are genuinelly coincidence.

We had this week. 1 was for a none working return label (amazon fault) one was for an item that hadn't arrived (delivery was attempted) and one was for an order that said they had to pay for a return (there wasn't even a return request).

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