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Amazon Payment Account Verification Failed


I’m the owner of XYZ Ltd registered in UK but I am residence of Pakistan. My Amazon UK account was 1st time verified on 10 August 2021 and I started selling on 11 January 2022. My account was based on UK Ltd and Primary contact person is from UAE which is also added as director in my company. I am added as beneficial owner in my seller account ( I have 1x Primary contact person and 1x beneficial owner in my account information).
On 17 Jun 2022 my company office address was changed & I updated the new address in Companies House website and seller central as well. After updating my seller account go in to the verification again and Amazon asked for the additional informations.
I provided the required documents (beneficial owenr & primary contact person proof of address) but Amazon did not verify the beneficial owner information this time and suspend my account.
I am continusly submitting the appeals but the documents are rejecting. Now I am unable to understand where I am wrong and what exactly Amazon want.
I am attaching the all three notifications received from Amazon here, If someone can help me in this regard I will be thankful to you.

17 replies
Tags:Address, Registration, Seller Central, Verification
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Amazon Payment Account Verification Failed


I’m the owner of XYZ Ltd registered in UK but I am residence of Pakistan. My Amazon UK account was 1st time verified on 10 August 2021 and I started selling on 11 January 2022. My account was based on UK Ltd and Primary contact person is from UAE which is also added as director in my company. I am added as beneficial owner in my seller account ( I have 1x Primary contact person and 1x beneficial owner in my account information).
On 17 Jun 2022 my company office address was changed & I updated the new address in Companies House website and seller central as well. After updating my seller account go in to the verification again and Amazon asked for the additional informations.
I provided the required documents (beneficial owenr & primary contact person proof of address) but Amazon did not verify the beneficial owner information this time and suspend my account.
I am continusly submitting the appeals but the documents are rejecting. Now I am unable to understand where I am wrong and what exactly Amazon want.
I am attaching the all three notifications received from Amazon here, If someone can help me in this regard I will be thankful to you.

Tags:Address, Registration, Seller Central, Verification
17 replies
17 replies
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Looking at the notifications, it’s fairly straightforward what they want from you.
The first one states that the bank letters where out of date.
And it gives multiple options for a document that you can provide.
So what documents have you provided?
Are they at the same exact address as company details etc?

And I’ve just noticed on the second one, it’s telling you that the postcode is missing on seller central for the beneficial owner.

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Your title states that it’s your payment account that has failed verification not an ID verification. Have you changed your address with your bank to match CH / AMZ?

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Amazon Payment Account Verification Failed


I’m the owner of XYZ Ltd registered in UK but I am residence of Pakistan. My Amazon UK account was 1st time verified on 10 August 2021 and I started selling on 11 January 2022. My account was based on UK Ltd and Primary contact person is from UAE which is also added as director in my company. I am added as beneficial owner in my seller account ( I have 1x Primary contact person and 1x beneficial owner in my account information).
On 17 Jun 2022 my company office address was changed & I updated the new address in Companies House website and seller central as well. After updating my seller account go in to the verification again and Amazon asked for the additional informations.
I provided the required documents (beneficial owenr & primary contact person proof of address) but Amazon did not verify the beneficial owner information this time and suspend my account.
I am continusly submitting the appeals but the documents are rejecting. Now I am unable to understand where I am wrong and what exactly Amazon want.
I am attaching the all three notifications received from Amazon here, If someone can help me in this regard I will be thankful to you.

17 replies
Tags:Address, Registration, Seller Central, Verification
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Amazon Payment Account Verification Failed


I’m the owner of XYZ Ltd registered in UK but I am residence of Pakistan. My Amazon UK account was 1st time verified on 10 August 2021 and I started selling on 11 January 2022. My account was based on UK Ltd and Primary contact person is from UAE which is also added as director in my company. I am added as beneficial owner in my seller account ( I have 1x Primary contact person and 1x beneficial owner in my account information).
On 17 Jun 2022 my company office address was changed & I updated the new address in Companies House website and seller central as well. After updating my seller account go in to the verification again and Amazon asked for the additional informations.
I provided the required documents (beneficial owenr & primary contact person proof of address) but Amazon did not verify the beneficial owner information this time and suspend my account.
I am continusly submitting the appeals but the documents are rejecting. Now I am unable to understand where I am wrong and what exactly Amazon want.
I am attaching the all three notifications received from Amazon here, If someone can help me in this regard I will be thankful to you.

Tags:Address, Registration, Seller Central, Verification
17 replies
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Amazon Payment Account Verification Failed

by Seller_5Mhenj0ecv8hZ


I’m the owner of XYZ Ltd registered in UK but I am residence of Pakistan. My Amazon UK account was 1st time verified on 10 August 2021 and I started selling on 11 January 2022. My account was based on UK Ltd and Primary contact person is from UAE which is also added as director in my company. I am added as beneficial owner in my seller account ( I have 1x Primary contact person and 1x beneficial owner in my account information).
On 17 Jun 2022 my company office address was changed & I updated the new address in Companies House website and seller central as well. After updating my seller account go in to the verification again and Amazon asked for the additional informations.
I provided the required documents (beneficial owenr & primary contact person proof of address) but Amazon did not verify the beneficial owner information this time and suspend my account.
I am continusly submitting the appeals but the documents are rejecting. Now I am unable to understand where I am wrong and what exactly Amazon want.
I am attaching the all three notifications received from Amazon here, If someone can help me in this regard I will be thankful to you.

Tags:Address, Registration, Seller Central, Verification
17 replies
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Looking at the notifications, it’s fairly straightforward what they want from you.
The first one states that the bank letters where out of date.
And it gives multiple options for a document that you can provide.
So what documents have you provided?
Are they at the same exact address as company details etc?

And I’ve just noticed on the second one, it’s telling you that the postcode is missing on seller central for the beneficial owner.

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Your title states that it’s your payment account that has failed verification not an ID verification. Have you changed your address with your bank to match CH / AMZ?

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Looking at the notifications, it’s fairly straightforward what they want from you.
The first one states that the bank letters where out of date.
And it gives multiple options for a document that you can provide.
So what documents have you provided?
Are they at the same exact address as company details etc?

And I’ve just noticed on the second one, it’s telling you that the postcode is missing on seller central for the beneficial owner.

user profile

Looking at the notifications, it’s fairly straightforward what they want from you.
The first one states that the bank letters where out of date.
And it gives multiple options for a document that you can provide.
So what documents have you provided?
Are they at the same exact address as company details etc?

And I’ve just noticed on the second one, it’s telling you that the postcode is missing on seller central for the beneficial owner.

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Your title states that it’s your payment account that has failed verification not an ID verification. Have you changed your address with your bank to match CH / AMZ?

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Your title states that it’s your payment account that has failed verification not an ID verification. Have you changed your address with your bank to match CH / AMZ?

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