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FBA: New automated removal settings to fix stranded inventory in EU and UK

To help you manage your stranded FBA inventory stored in the EU & UK post-Brexit, starting today you can choose new automated removal settings.

You can:

  1. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and a separate local return address for inventory stored in EU countries.
  2. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and opt to dispose of inventory stored in EU countries where you do not have a local return address (and vice versa).
  3. Opt to dispose of inventory stored in the UK and other EU countries.

To check and update your current automated settings, go to Manage Inventory -> Fix Stranded Inventory -> Edit automatic action settings . In the pop-up window, you can select whether you’d like your stranded inventory returned to you or disposed of, and edit the ‘Days before automatic removal’ setting to speed up automatic removals.

If you don’t have a local return address saved, you’ll be asked to confirm it in the settings when you log into to Fix Stranded Inventory page for the first time. Remember to check both UK and EU Seller Central pages for automated settings, auto removal date, stranded SKUs, and available quantities as they will differ based on the location of your inventory.

For more information, go to stranded inventory required removals.

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FBA: New automated removal settings to fix stranded inventory in EU and UK

To help you manage your stranded FBA inventory stored in the EU & UK post-Brexit, starting today you can choose new automated removal settings.

You can:

  1. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and a separate local return address for inventory stored in EU countries.
  2. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and opt to dispose of inventory stored in EU countries where you do not have a local return address (and vice versa).
  3. Opt to dispose of inventory stored in the UK and other EU countries.

To check and update your current automated settings, go to Manage Inventory -> Fix Stranded Inventory -> Edit automatic action settings . In the pop-up window, you can select whether you’d like your stranded inventory returned to you or disposed of, and edit the ‘Days before automatic removal’ setting to speed up automatic removals.

If you don’t have a local return address saved, you’ll be asked to confirm it in the settings when you log into to Fix Stranded Inventory page for the first time. Remember to check both UK and EU Seller Central pages for automated settings, auto removal date, stranded SKUs, and available quantities as they will differ based on the location of your inventory.

For more information, go to stranded inventory required removals.

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FBA: New automated removal settings to fix stranded inventory in EU and UK

To help you manage your stranded FBA inventory stored in the EU & UK post-Brexit, starting today you can choose new automated removal settings.

You can:

  1. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and a separate local return address for inventory stored in EU countries.
  2. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and opt to dispose of inventory stored in EU countries where you do not have a local return address (and vice versa).
  3. Opt to dispose of inventory stored in the UK and other EU countries.

To check and update your current automated settings, go to Manage Inventory -> Fix Stranded Inventory -> Edit automatic action settings . In the pop-up window, you can select whether you’d like your stranded inventory returned to you or disposed of, and edit the ‘Days before automatic removal’ setting to speed up automatic removals.

If you don’t have a local return address saved, you’ll be asked to confirm it in the settings when you log into to Fix Stranded Inventory page for the first time. Remember to check both UK and EU Seller Central pages for automated settings, auto removal date, stranded SKUs, and available quantities as they will differ based on the location of your inventory.

For more information, go to stranded inventory required removals.

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FBA: New automated removal settings to fix stranded inventory in EU and UK

To help you manage your stranded FBA inventory stored in the EU & UK post-Brexit, starting today you can choose new automated removal settings.

You can:

  1. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and a separate local return address for inventory stored in EU countries.
  2. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and opt to dispose of inventory stored in EU countries where you do not have a local return address (and vice versa).
  3. Opt to dispose of inventory stored in the UK and other EU countries.

To check and update your current automated settings, go to Manage Inventory -> Fix Stranded Inventory -> Edit automatic action settings . In the pop-up window, you can select whether you’d like your stranded inventory returned to you or disposed of, and edit the ‘Days before automatic removal’ setting to speed up automatic removals.

If you don’t have a local return address saved, you’ll be asked to confirm it in the settings when you log into to Fix Stranded Inventory page for the first time. Remember to check both UK and EU Seller Central pages for automated settings, auto removal date, stranded SKUs, and available quantities as they will differ based on the location of your inventory.

For more information, go to stranded inventory required removals.

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FBA: New automated removal settings to fix stranded inventory in EU and UK

by News_Amazon

To help you manage your stranded FBA inventory stored in the EU & UK post-Brexit, starting today you can choose new automated removal settings.

You can:

  1. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and a separate local return address for inventory stored in EU countries.
  2. Input a local return address for inventory stored in the UK, and opt to dispose of inventory stored in EU countries where you do not have a local return address (and vice versa).
  3. Opt to dispose of inventory stored in the UK and other EU countries.

To check and update your current automated settings, go to Manage Inventory -> Fix Stranded Inventory -> Edit automatic action settings . In the pop-up window, you can select whether you’d like your stranded inventory returned to you or disposed of, and edit the ‘Days before automatic removal’ setting to speed up automatic removals.

If you don’t have a local return address saved, you’ll be asked to confirm it in the settings when you log into to Fix Stranded Inventory page for the first time. Remember to check both UK and EU Seller Central pages for automated settings, auto removal date, stranded SKUs, and available quantities as they will differ based on the location of your inventory.

For more information, go to stranded inventory required removals.

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