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Plan your shipment early for Prime Day 2022

We encourage you to prepare your Prime Day sale early and stock sufficient inventory of your products.

Due to ongoing global supply chain challenges, it might take longer than usual to ship inventory to fulfilment centres.

  • Participate in Prime Day by creating a deal. Submit your deals by May 13.
  • Plan and send your shipment so that it arrives at fulfilment centres before June 20.

Other factors that can affect the timelines of your shipment include logistics, weather, customs clearance, and carrier-related issues. Be sure to consider these factors when sending shipments, to ensure that they arrive at the correct fulfilment centre in a timely manner without affecting subsequent listing and sales.

For more information, go to Save Time Creating Shipments with Send to Amazon and Top 5 Tips for Success on Prime Day.

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Plan your shipment early for Prime Day 2022

We encourage you to prepare your Prime Day sale early and stock sufficient inventory of your products.

Due to ongoing global supply chain challenges, it might take longer than usual to ship inventory to fulfilment centres.

  • Participate in Prime Day by creating a deal. Submit your deals by May 13.
  • Plan and send your shipment so that it arrives at fulfilment centres before June 20.

Other factors that can affect the timelines of your shipment include logistics, weather, customs clearance, and carrier-related issues. Be sure to consider these factors when sending shipments, to ensure that they arrive at the correct fulfilment centre in a timely manner without affecting subsequent listing and sales.

For more information, go to Save Time Creating Shipments with Send to Amazon and Top 5 Tips for Success on Prime Day.

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Plan your shipment early for Prime Day 2022

We encourage you to prepare your Prime Day sale early and stock sufficient inventory of your products.

Due to ongoing global supply chain challenges, it might take longer than usual to ship inventory to fulfilment centres.

  • Participate in Prime Day by creating a deal. Submit your deals by May 13.
  • Plan and send your shipment so that it arrives at fulfilment centres before June 20.

Other factors that can affect the timelines of your shipment include logistics, weather, customs clearance, and carrier-related issues. Be sure to consider these factors when sending shipments, to ensure that they arrive at the correct fulfilment centre in a timely manner without affecting subsequent listing and sales.

For more information, go to Save Time Creating Shipments with Send to Amazon and Top 5 Tips for Success on Prime Day.

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Plan your shipment early for Prime Day 2022

We encourage you to prepare your Prime Day sale early and stock sufficient inventory of your products.

Due to ongoing global supply chain challenges, it might take longer than usual to ship inventory to fulfilment centres.

  • Participate in Prime Day by creating a deal. Submit your deals by May 13.
  • Plan and send your shipment so that it arrives at fulfilment centres before June 20.

Other factors that can affect the timelines of your shipment include logistics, weather, customs clearance, and carrier-related issues. Be sure to consider these factors when sending shipments, to ensure that they arrive at the correct fulfilment centre in a timely manner without affecting subsequent listing and sales.

For more information, go to Save Time Creating Shipments with Send to Amazon and Top 5 Tips for Success on Prime Day.

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Plan your shipment early for Prime Day 2022

by News_Amazon

We encourage you to prepare your Prime Day sale early and stock sufficient inventory of your products.

Due to ongoing global supply chain challenges, it might take longer than usual to ship inventory to fulfilment centres.

  • Participate in Prime Day by creating a deal. Submit your deals by May 13.
  • Plan and send your shipment so that it arrives at fulfilment centres before June 20.

Other factors that can affect the timelines of your shipment include logistics, weather, customs clearance, and carrier-related issues. Be sure to consider these factors when sending shipments, to ensure that they arrive at the correct fulfilment centre in a timely manner without affecting subsequent listing and sales.

For more information, go to Save Time Creating Shipments with Send to Amazon and Top 5 Tips for Success on Prime Day.

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