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Royal Mail 48 - Does Anyone Know The Answer?


I was discussing this yesterday on the forums and some people believe that Royal Mail 48/24 services pricing goes by the “average weight”, which I did believe at first because when I printed my end of day manifest/form it did seem to average the weight on it under the same line for RM 48 (it was something exact like 101g for 50 odd items).

For example Royal Mail 48 for large letters under 100g should be £1.16 each total, then over 100g (100g-250g) should be £1.60 total. However what worries me now is that I think it would always average ALL our under 100g letters at the 100g-250g bracket (£1.60), so we’d be overpaying on all the light items if this is true… (most of the stuff we send is very close to 100g and when it goes over it goes over by a lot).

I spoke to the Royal Mail sales team about this and they told me it only does that for Tracked Royal Mail 48/24 (not standard). But I don’t fully believe this yet - because of how the orders appeared on our manifest aka Amazon end of day form yesterday, does anyone know the truth?

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Tags:Lost shipment, Royal Mail
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Royal Mail 48 - Does Anyone Know The Answer?


I was discussing this yesterday on the forums and some people believe that Royal Mail 48/24 services pricing goes by the “average weight”, which I did believe at first because when I printed my end of day manifest/form it did seem to average the weight on it under the same line for RM 48 (it was something exact like 101g for 50 odd items).

For example Royal Mail 48 for large letters under 100g should be £1.16 each total, then over 100g (100g-250g) should be £1.60 total. However what worries me now is that I think it would always average ALL our under 100g letters at the 100g-250g bracket (£1.60), so we’d be overpaying on all the light items if this is true… (most of the stuff we send is very close to 100g and when it goes over it goes over by a lot).

I spoke to the Royal Mail sales team about this and they told me it only does that for Tracked Royal Mail 48/24 (not standard). But I don’t fully believe this yet - because of how the orders appeared on our manifest aka Amazon end of day form yesterday, does anyone know the truth?

Tags:Lost shipment, Royal Mail
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Thank you. Royal Mail have already looked into it and here’s their response:

" I have spoken with our products team, who have thankfully got back quite quickly!

They have informed me that CRL is based on an average daily weight. This is done separately for the products 24 & 48 so there is an average for each service. This is inclusive of Large Letter and Parcels.

I’m sorry I didn’t have this information on the phone, I was under the assumption of something else. I’m now coached in the right way!"

That puts this thing to a close, thanks again guys. :slight_smile:

118 replies
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Sorry not 100% what you are asking but yes, rm48 is still average weighted
Under 100g
101 to 250
251 to 500 and so on

If you are now sending your letters as LLs, and they are just under 100g and you are mixing these will an equal number or higher of items over 101g , then yes, they will be averaged over 101g and you’ll pay a higher price

If your under 100g items are say 50g , and you send many of these, you can slip the odd 150g to 250g item in and it won’t bring it over the 100g

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It averages the weight for each manifest independently. So todays average could be 60g, tomorrows could be 90, the day after that could be 110g depending on what you send.

You will be charged for everything at the average weight - so your mailing yesterday you would have paid £1.60 x 50 items because your mailing went over 100g.

Unfortunately unless you keep a track yourself there is no way of knowing your average until you manifest. You could like I suggested before put 20 items on scales and average them that way if you have a lot (then you just need the average of 5 lots of 20, and if its over 100g take out the heaviest item and see if that drops you under)

For Tracked you set up an average weight in advance, and you pay that amount no matter your actual average is for the day.

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Can you screenshot a few lines of your vtr report?

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I have just checked my numbers and under 100gr charges as £0.97 exc VAT so it is correct.

user profile

The manifest on c&d would be different from the manifest on Amazon, and they would average independently (I assume?)

So I suppose in theory you could put the heavier items through buy shipping, and the lighter items through C&D.

However I’m unsure if Royal Mail would appreciate it. Or buy your heavier items as 2nd class through Amazon buy shipping?

Really the only person who can decide whats best for you is you.

I made the decision to go CRL because that was best for me for multiple reasons, and when I took the loss off collections into account, and the fact that I can average my heavier items with my lighter ones, the price difference wasn’t as high as I thought it would be initially (considering I was going to to have to raise my letters by 15p anyway just to cover the cost of Amazons letter price over my OBA prices) But to decide that I put a lot of time with previous Royal Mail invoices, and spreadsheets with weights/sizes of a daily post working out what it could cost me to send by Amazon, CRL etc

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We did an Amazon webinar on shipping last month and they said they are disregarding low VTR when using RM click & drop.

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Its actually one of the reasons I decided to switch to RM48, to streamline the process.

We are always running out of bags, we even keep 20 spare just in case, as we can literally use 6 in 1 day, most days we use 3 or 4 just to split 2nd class up into its weight bands

Not to mention that they all need to be piled up somewhere prior to being put into bags, which takes sometimes 6 piles on a table, and they all need checked to make sure they’re going into the right bags etc.

Its all very time, and space consuming! Now with RM48 I can literally stick a label on it and throw it straight into the bag, and everything is going in the 1 bag! Its brilliant haha

20 bags should now last us over 2 weeks, instead of anywhere between 3 and 5 days :smiley:

user profile

I only use CRL but have always been told I must separate Parcels from LL into different bags.

However, I also use Amazon Buy Shipping and C&D for my other orders so I always end up with 2 manifests with different average weights - yet I can still put all Parcels in one bag and all LL into another whichever manifest they are on.

I believe you can create 2 manifests in Buy Shipping - you do some, manifest then do the rest so if getting right average weight for you is a problem that could be a workaround. But then they are all put in same bag anyway so how RM sort it all out I have no idea. Presumably, as the label is scanned it is weighed and the scan info show which manifest it belongs too.

user profile

We believe this is the case.

Since most of our items are between 100g-250g and some under 100g, we do 2 manifests at the end of the day, one for under 100g items and one for above.

user profile

Just send yourself a couple of 5g bubble envelopes out to your own home address or something, with nothing in it to bring the average weight down.
Cost: £1.16 x 2. = £2.32

Under 100g (50 items) = £58
Over 100g (50 items) = £80

£58 + £2.32 (Additional two items = £60.32
Saving you £19.68 every day!

Your welcome :slight_smile:


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Royal Mail 48 - Does Anyone Know The Answer?


I was discussing this yesterday on the forums and some people believe that Royal Mail 48/24 services pricing goes by the “average weight”, which I did believe at first because when I printed my end of day manifest/form it did seem to average the weight on it under the same line for RM 48 (it was something exact like 101g for 50 odd items).

For example Royal Mail 48 for large letters under 100g should be £1.16 each total, then over 100g (100g-250g) should be £1.60 total. However what worries me now is that I think it would always average ALL our under 100g letters at the 100g-250g bracket (£1.60), so we’d be overpaying on all the light items if this is true… (most of the stuff we send is very close to 100g and when it goes over it goes over by a lot).

I spoke to the Royal Mail sales team about this and they told me it only does that for Tracked Royal Mail 48/24 (not standard). But I don’t fully believe this yet - because of how the orders appeared on our manifest aka Amazon end of day form yesterday, does anyone know the truth?

118 replies
Tags:Lost shipment, Royal Mail
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Royal Mail 48 - Does Anyone Know The Answer?


I was discussing this yesterday on the forums and some people believe that Royal Mail 48/24 services pricing goes by the “average weight”, which I did believe at first because when I printed my end of day manifest/form it did seem to average the weight on it under the same line for RM 48 (it was something exact like 101g for 50 odd items).

For example Royal Mail 48 for large letters under 100g should be £1.16 each total, then over 100g (100g-250g) should be £1.60 total. However what worries me now is that I think it would always average ALL our under 100g letters at the 100g-250g bracket (£1.60), so we’d be overpaying on all the light items if this is true… (most of the stuff we send is very close to 100g and when it goes over it goes over by a lot).

I spoke to the Royal Mail sales team about this and they told me it only does that for Tracked Royal Mail 48/24 (not standard). But I don’t fully believe this yet - because of how the orders appeared on our manifest aka Amazon end of day form yesterday, does anyone know the truth?

Tags:Lost shipment, Royal Mail
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Royal Mail 48 - Does Anyone Know The Answer?

by Seller_Nx3Da5XPngGEm


I was discussing this yesterday on the forums and some people believe that Royal Mail 48/24 services pricing goes by the “average weight”, which I did believe at first because when I printed my end of day manifest/form it did seem to average the weight on it under the same line for RM 48 (it was something exact like 101g for 50 odd items).

For example Royal Mail 48 for large letters under 100g should be £1.16 each total, then over 100g (100g-250g) should be £1.60 total. However what worries me now is that I think it would always average ALL our under 100g letters at the 100g-250g bracket (£1.60), so we’d be overpaying on all the light items if this is true… (most of the stuff we send is very close to 100g and when it goes over it goes over by a lot).

I spoke to the Royal Mail sales team about this and they told me it only does that for Tracked Royal Mail 48/24 (not standard). But I don’t fully believe this yet - because of how the orders appeared on our manifest aka Amazon end of day form yesterday, does anyone know the truth?

Tags:Lost shipment, Royal Mail
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Most helpful reply

Thank you. Royal Mail have already looked into it and here’s their response:

" I have spoken with our products team, who have thankfully got back quite quickly!

They have informed me that CRL is based on an average daily weight. This is done separately for the products 24 & 48 so there is an average for each service. This is inclusive of Large Letter and Parcels.

I’m sorry I didn’t have this information on the phone, I was under the assumption of something else. I’m now coached in the right way!"

That puts this thing to a close, thanks again guys. :slight_smile:

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Most helpful reply

Thank you. Royal Mail have already looked into it and here’s their response:

" I have spoken with our products team, who have thankfully got back quite quickly!

They have informed me that CRL is based on an average daily weight. This is done separately for the products 24 & 48 so there is an average for each service. This is inclusive of Large Letter and Parcels.

I’m sorry I didn’t have this information on the phone, I was under the assumption of something else. I’m now coached in the right way!"

That puts this thing to a close, thanks again guys. :slight_smile:

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Most helpful reply

Thank you. Royal Mail have already looked into it and here’s their response:

" I have spoken with our products team, who have thankfully got back quite quickly!

They have informed me that CRL is based on an average daily weight. This is done separately for the products 24 & 48 so there is an average for each service. This is inclusive of Large Letter and Parcels.

I’m sorry I didn’t have this information on the phone, I was under the assumption of something else. I’m now coached in the right way!"

That puts this thing to a close, thanks again guys. :slight_smile:

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Sorry not 100% what you are asking but yes, rm48 is still average weighted
Under 100g
101 to 250
251 to 500 and so on

If you are now sending your letters as LLs, and they are just under 100g and you are mixing these will an equal number or higher of items over 101g , then yes, they will be averaged over 101g and you’ll pay a higher price

If your under 100g items are say 50g , and you send many of these, you can slip the odd 150g to 250g item in and it won’t bring it over the 100g

user profile

It averages the weight for each manifest independently. So todays average could be 60g, tomorrows could be 90, the day after that could be 110g depending on what you send.

You will be charged for everything at the average weight - so your mailing yesterday you would have paid £1.60 x 50 items because your mailing went over 100g.

Unfortunately unless you keep a track yourself there is no way of knowing your average until you manifest. You could like I suggested before put 20 items on scales and average them that way if you have a lot (then you just need the average of 5 lots of 20, and if its over 100g take out the heaviest item and see if that drops you under)

For Tracked you set up an average weight in advance, and you pay that amount no matter your actual average is for the day.

user profile

Can you screenshot a few lines of your vtr report?

user profile

I have just checked my numbers and under 100gr charges as £0.97 exc VAT so it is correct.

user profile

The manifest on c&d would be different from the manifest on Amazon, and they would average independently (I assume?)

So I suppose in theory you could put the heavier items through buy shipping, and the lighter items through C&D.

However I’m unsure if Royal Mail would appreciate it. Or buy your heavier items as 2nd class through Amazon buy shipping?

Really the only person who can decide whats best for you is you.

I made the decision to go CRL because that was best for me for multiple reasons, and when I took the loss off collections into account, and the fact that I can average my heavier items with my lighter ones, the price difference wasn’t as high as I thought it would be initially (considering I was going to to have to raise my letters by 15p anyway just to cover the cost of Amazons letter price over my OBA prices) But to decide that I put a lot of time with previous Royal Mail invoices, and spreadsheets with weights/sizes of a daily post working out what it could cost me to send by Amazon, CRL etc

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We did an Amazon webinar on shipping last month and they said they are disregarding low VTR when using RM click & drop.

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Its actually one of the reasons I decided to switch to RM48, to streamline the process.

We are always running out of bags, we even keep 20 spare just in case, as we can literally use 6 in 1 day, most days we use 3 or 4 just to split 2nd class up into its weight bands

Not to mention that they all need to be piled up somewhere prior to being put into bags, which takes sometimes 6 piles on a table, and they all need checked to make sure they’re going into the right bags etc.

Its all very time, and space consuming! Now with RM48 I can literally stick a label on it and throw it straight into the bag, and everything is going in the 1 bag! Its brilliant haha

20 bags should now last us over 2 weeks, instead of anywhere between 3 and 5 days :smiley:

user profile

I only use CRL but have always been told I must separate Parcels from LL into different bags.

However, I also use Amazon Buy Shipping and C&D for my other orders so I always end up with 2 manifests with different average weights - yet I can still put all Parcels in one bag and all LL into another whichever manifest they are on.

I believe you can create 2 manifests in Buy Shipping - you do some, manifest then do the rest so if getting right average weight for you is a problem that could be a workaround. But then they are all put in same bag anyway so how RM sort it all out I have no idea. Presumably, as the label is scanned it is weighed and the scan info show which manifest it belongs too.

user profile

We believe this is the case.

Since most of our items are between 100g-250g and some under 100g, we do 2 manifests at the end of the day, one for under 100g items and one for above.

user profile

Just send yourself a couple of 5g bubble envelopes out to your own home address or something, with nothing in it to bring the average weight down.
Cost: £1.16 x 2. = £2.32

Under 100g (50 items) = £58
Over 100g (50 items) = £80

£58 + £2.32 (Additional two items = £60.32
Saving you £19.68 every day!

Your welcome :slight_smile:


user profile

Sorry not 100% what you are asking but yes, rm48 is still average weighted
Under 100g
101 to 250
251 to 500 and so on

If you are now sending your letters as LLs, and they are just under 100g and you are mixing these will an equal number or higher of items over 101g , then yes, they will be averaged over 101g and you’ll pay a higher price

If your under 100g items are say 50g , and you send many of these, you can slip the odd 150g to 250g item in and it won’t bring it over the 100g

user profile

Sorry not 100% what you are asking but yes, rm48 is still average weighted
Under 100g
101 to 250
251 to 500 and so on

If you are now sending your letters as LLs, and they are just under 100g and you are mixing these will an equal number or higher of items over 101g , then yes, they will be averaged over 101g and you’ll pay a higher price

If your under 100g items are say 50g , and you send many of these, you can slip the odd 150g to 250g item in and it won’t bring it over the 100g

user profile

It averages the weight for each manifest independently. So todays average could be 60g, tomorrows could be 90, the day after that could be 110g depending on what you send.

You will be charged for everything at the average weight - so your mailing yesterday you would have paid £1.60 x 50 items because your mailing went over 100g.

Unfortunately unless you keep a track yourself there is no way of knowing your average until you manifest. You could like I suggested before put 20 items on scales and average them that way if you have a lot (then you just need the average of 5 lots of 20, and if its over 100g take out the heaviest item and see if that drops you under)

For Tracked you set up an average weight in advance, and you pay that amount no matter your actual average is for the day.

user profile

It averages the weight for each manifest independently. So todays average could be 60g, tomorrows could be 90, the day after that could be 110g depending on what you send.

You will be charged for everything at the average weight - so your mailing yesterday you would have paid £1.60 x 50 items because your mailing went over 100g.

Unfortunately unless you keep a track yourself there is no way of knowing your average until you manifest. You could like I suggested before put 20 items on scales and average them that way if you have a lot (then you just need the average of 5 lots of 20, and if its over 100g take out the heaviest item and see if that drops you under)

For Tracked you set up an average weight in advance, and you pay that amount no matter your actual average is for the day.

user profile

Can you screenshot a few lines of your vtr report?

user profile

Can you screenshot a few lines of your vtr report?

user profile

I have just checked my numbers and under 100gr charges as £0.97 exc VAT so it is correct.

user profile

I have just checked my numbers and under 100gr charges as £0.97 exc VAT so it is correct.

user profile

The manifest on c&d would be different from the manifest on Amazon, and they would average independently (I assume?)

So I suppose in theory you could put the heavier items through buy shipping, and the lighter items through C&D.

However I’m unsure if Royal Mail would appreciate it. Or buy your heavier items as 2nd class through Amazon buy shipping?

Really the only person who can decide whats best for you is you.

I made the decision to go CRL because that was best for me for multiple reasons, and when I took the loss off collections into account, and the fact that I can average my heavier items with my lighter ones, the price difference wasn’t as high as I thought it would be initially (considering I was going to to have to raise my letters by 15p anyway just to cover the cost of Amazons letter price over my OBA prices) But to decide that I put a lot of time with previous Royal Mail invoices, and spreadsheets with weights/sizes of a daily post working out what it could cost me to send by Amazon, CRL etc

user profile

The manifest on c&d would be different from the manifest on Amazon, and they would average independently (I assume?)

So I suppose in theory you could put the heavier items through buy shipping, and the lighter items through C&D.

However I’m unsure if Royal Mail would appreciate it. Or buy your heavier items as 2nd class through Amazon buy shipping?

Really the only person who can decide whats best for you is you.

I made the decision to go CRL because that was best for me for multiple reasons, and when I took the loss off collections into account, and the fact that I can average my heavier items with my lighter ones, the price difference wasn’t as high as I thought it would be initially (considering I was going to to have to raise my letters by 15p anyway just to cover the cost of Amazons letter price over my OBA prices) But to decide that I put a lot of time with previous Royal Mail invoices, and spreadsheets with weights/sizes of a daily post working out what it could cost me to send by Amazon, CRL etc

user profile

We did an Amazon webinar on shipping last month and they said they are disregarding low VTR when using RM click & drop.

user profile

We did an Amazon webinar on shipping last month and they said they are disregarding low VTR when using RM click & drop.

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Its actually one of the reasons I decided to switch to RM48, to streamline the process.

We are always running out of bags, we even keep 20 spare just in case, as we can literally use 6 in 1 day, most days we use 3 or 4 just to split 2nd class up into its weight bands

Not to mention that they all need to be piled up somewhere prior to being put into bags, which takes sometimes 6 piles on a table, and they all need checked to make sure they’re going into the right bags etc.

Its all very time, and space consuming! Now with RM48 I can literally stick a label on it and throw it straight into the bag, and everything is going in the 1 bag! Its brilliant haha

20 bags should now last us over 2 weeks, instead of anywhere between 3 and 5 days :smiley:

user profile

Its actually one of the reasons I decided to switch to RM48, to streamline the process.

We are always running out of bags, we even keep 20 spare just in case, as we can literally use 6 in 1 day, most days we use 3 or 4 just to split 2nd class up into its weight bands

Not to mention that they all need to be piled up somewhere prior to being put into bags, which takes sometimes 6 piles on a table, and they all need checked to make sure they’re going into the right bags etc.

Its all very time, and space consuming! Now with RM48 I can literally stick a label on it and throw it straight into the bag, and everything is going in the 1 bag! Its brilliant haha

20 bags should now last us over 2 weeks, instead of anywhere between 3 and 5 days :smiley:

user profile

I only use CRL but have always been told I must separate Parcels from LL into different bags.

However, I also use Amazon Buy Shipping and C&D for my other orders so I always end up with 2 manifests with different average weights - yet I can still put all Parcels in one bag and all LL into another whichever manifest they are on.

I believe you can create 2 manifests in Buy Shipping - you do some, manifest then do the rest so if getting right average weight for you is a problem that could be a workaround. But then they are all put in same bag anyway so how RM sort it all out I have no idea. Presumably, as the label is scanned it is weighed and the scan info show which manifest it belongs too.

user profile

I only use CRL but have always been told I must separate Parcels from LL into different bags.

However, I also use Amazon Buy Shipping and C&D for my other orders so I always end up with 2 manifests with different average weights - yet I can still put all Parcels in one bag and all LL into another whichever manifest they are on.

I believe you can create 2 manifests in Buy Shipping - you do some, manifest then do the rest so if getting right average weight for you is a problem that could be a workaround. But then they are all put in same bag anyway so how RM sort it all out I have no idea. Presumably, as the label is scanned it is weighed and the scan info show which manifest it belongs too.

user profile

We believe this is the case.

Since most of our items are between 100g-250g and some under 100g, we do 2 manifests at the end of the day, one for under 100g items and one for above.

user profile

We believe this is the case.

Since most of our items are between 100g-250g and some under 100g, we do 2 manifests at the end of the day, one for under 100g items and one for above.

user profile

Just send yourself a couple of 5g bubble envelopes out to your own home address or something, with nothing in it to bring the average weight down.
Cost: £1.16 x 2. = £2.32

Under 100g (50 items) = £58
Over 100g (50 items) = £80

£58 + £2.32 (Additional two items = £60.32
Saving you £19.68 every day!

Your welcome :slight_smile:


user profile

Just send yourself a couple of 5g bubble envelopes out to your own home address or something, with nothing in it to bring the average weight down.
Cost: £1.16 x 2. = £2.32

Under 100g (50 items) = £58
Over 100g (50 items) = £80

£58 + £2.32 (Additional two items = £60.32
Saving you £19.68 every day!

Your welcome :slight_smile:



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