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Is it just me or has anyone else’s seller central homepage gone weird.
Big boxes at the top and blank all the way down the middle its really off putting i don’t have an OCD i don’t think but its driving me mad cos nothing seems symmetrical.
Yeah I’ve also just seen this. Very odd! Maybe just a code issue that i’m sure they will fix soon
Yes appeared that way yesterday and hopefully it will go back to the old view as pointless big boxes at the top and lots of white space on the page. So many other issues (catalogue search) Amazon need to sort but ‘no lets fix what isn’t broke’
I have a banner saying they are trying a new Homepage-goes to what you describe if you click,but also says Return to old format.You should be able to click to old style.I agree the white space seems pointless.
Make sure you click on the stupid panels and leave feedback saying how pointless and obtrusive they are. Don’t forget everything at Amazon works on metrics, if enough people leave a 1 star review for the new boxes wasting space then they may eventually do something to fix it.
see this thread started 2 weeks ago about the home page:
My Sellercentral home page go back to the old good layout today and I hope it will stay like this because that new layout is terrible.
I’ve no problem with change, but when it is an epic balls up like this, I begin to wonder the calibre of the people Amazon employ to roll these things out. Amazon made a $10billion profit last year and clearly they are running a tight budget with their IT support for the site, the odd glitch is one thing, but FFS $10billion profit and we’re all sitting looking at white space!!! SACK THE CODER AND FIND ONE THAT CAN CODE!!
I changed to the new look page and have been using it for a couple of weeks, just come on to add more stock and it’s reverted back to the old style page now without me doing anything …
My homepage also went a bit weird this morning.
Here’s a screenshot. I had to increase the resolution to do a screengrab but I still couldn’t fit it all in and it creates huge white spaces.
Changing the resolution in my browser (Firefox) has in the past made it look better but it isn’t really working with this latest layout.