Read onlyHello everyone. Not knowing how to explain the case to Amazon, I ask for advice here, maybe someone has already passed and can help me. I started selling dropshipping products bought on Ali directly from the manufacturer and holder of the brand, therefore original. First I received some emails from competitors threatening to close the offers before being reported. Some threatened to do a test order and then report. The fact is that I had the supplier send all the documents of conformity of these products (wireless headsets of various models and one unit sold outdoor sunlight) and that I have sold about 104 units. Of these 104 units, 3 were not delivered because the customer asked to cancel the order by sending a claim for the delay, and I repaid the full amount. 4 complaints, of which 2 for the same product by the same person, were made on charges of non-original and damaged object. this happened on 3 different product models (randomness?) and not on a single model. They wanted to make me close all ASIN (4 asin) in short. I noticed that the usernames that appeared in the chat were always Chinese characters or invented English names, while the shipping addresses were all different. the complaints have all come from AmazonUK. Practically on 104 units sold, I received only 3 complaints for non-original items. Now here is the beauty: the competitors / customers opened complaints every time before having received their items, as evidenced by the shipping traceability history. Despite reporting their threat messages to Amazon and receiving confirmation from an AmazonIt agent that were indeed threats and false reports, my account has been SUSPEND by blocking my funds on all stores. I contacted Amazon and explained that these reports were just false and that it is not possible to say that a product is not original if you do not receive it (unfortunately, I had to explain it to him again since they ignore this key detail every time). they responded by saying that they want the invoices for the purchase of the products I sold to verify that they are original, and that they would like an action plan to prevent such episodes. I have asked the sellers on Ali and I sent them via email, but apparently they were not good, so I attached both screenshots with a lot of visible URL and name of Ali store visible, with number of order and relative tracking that has been inserted in the orders on Amazon, even attaching the original emails of the suppliers and communications with them, together with certificates of comparisons received in color pdf. Guess what? They were not enough! Absurd. After 1 month and a half, I am asked to submit an action plan that I promptly prepare and send, also asking to receive the release of my funds. Forward an action plan after documenting how to do it, it seems that it was accepted as I now receive a new Amazon pda email with new instructions. Here it is attached:
Communication 1:
your request has been received. However, it can not be completed right now.
Why does this happen?
Your account has been linked to the offer or sale of counterfeit products. The sale of counterfeit goods is prohibited and your funds could be withheld if you established that your account was used to sell non-genuine or illegal items.
How can I prove authenticity?
In order to prove the authenticity of your articles, we invite you to send documents such as invoices or letters of authorization of the brand. Your appeal must relate to all offers of non-genuine products and policy violations associated with your account. Details of all your non-genuine product offerings and your specific policy violations are available in your email or on the Notifications page in the Performance section of Seller Central: gp / customer-experience / perf-notifications.html.
An action plan is not necessary and there is no format defined for your appeal. Please send documents such as:
How can I send the requested information?
Send this information to
Within 7 days of receiving the appeal, we will examine it and respond with a final decision.
What happens if I do not send the requested information?
If we do not receive the requested information within 30 days or if your appeal fails, some or all of your funds will be retained in your account.
With regard,
Communication 2:
Your account is currently in a 30-day appeal period and is not eligible for reactivation or receipt of funds. We invite you to submit an appeal for your funds.
What happens if I do not present an appeal?
If your appeal for funds is unsuccessful or you decide not to file an appeal within 30 days, some or all of your funds will be held in your account.
What is an appeal?
Send your appeal to A successful application will resolve all the violations of the policy that led to the loss of your ability to sell on Amazon.
Details of all policy violations can be found in your e-mail or by viewing the Notifications page in the Performance section of the Seller Central: html.
Any future requests for funds that you send to Amazon could be considered as your final appeal.
With regard,
I add that I received several emails where he asked to pay the seller commissions to my debt, but I did not pay because my frozen balance is well above those commissions, so I do not know if I did well or not, but I decided to wait to pay the commissions, I would like to do this when my frozen funds are sent back to me.
Now I ask you in the forum how I should move, what should I write in the mail to Amazon and what I should attach. I have invoices for the purchase of all products, I have the certificates of conformity valid in Europe and also the logistic of the logistics that shows that the complaints were made before receiving the goods. I have the screens and order codes associated with the original Ali sellers, who own the brands of the products I sold. Maybe Amazon wants something that I do not have yet: a document that attests that Ali store holds that brand? Even if the same brand, Amazon sells on its own and advises all buyers to buy only products from the source that indicates the name of the shop from which I bought. I hope you can help me. Anyway really a huge effort to communicate or be able to manage this amazon seller marketplace. Absurd.
(sorry for my english)
On Aliexpress, the majority of goods offered for sale is counterfeit and violates someone’s intellectual property rights. Amazon will therefore never accept invoices from China as the proof of authenticity because the factory which sold the items to you isn’t the rights holder. The designs are just copies of products designed by someone else. That’s why you might find these people placing test orders and reporting you shortly after starting to sell them.
Since you don’t have any legit invoices, you will need to delete your entire inventory, admit your guilt and mention this in your Plan of Action to see if Amazon alows you to sell on their site again.
Here is an example appeal to address a similar case. You should write your own one based on it and then post it here for feedback:
You are drop-shipping goods from a notoriously dubious marketplace where many goods are fake or copies. Both are serious Amazon policy violations.
This is not a business and you will never be able to stay selling on Amazon with it.
You need to source products from genuine rights owners and sell them properly, by holding stock.
There is not much point in appealing unless you are going to completely change your business model.
Sorry, but even if we want to help OP and forum is for help, but OP is clearly a bit out of space or whateawer you call it.
Alibaba invoices = suspension 100%. You dont have to be rocket sciences degree pro to figure it out.
For sure mistakes happens and some sellers do it without intend to sell F…kes. This is true.
myself made probably around 100 transcations just to undesrants how it works.Lucky work me it was ages ago amd 0 of it was passed to Amazon. but in real life yes i have lost 2-3 K GBP
After transaction number 50, i have realised nearly with accuracy 99% what is fake or original
So YES it takes time