À compter du 1er janvier 2025, nous mettons en place une politique de déclaration des émissions de carbone qui règlementera comment et quand nous fournirons des estimations des émissions de carbone relatives à votre utilisation des services du réseau Expédié par Amazon et Expédié par le vendeur en France.
Pour plus d’informations, téléchargez une version PDF de la politique de déclaration des émissions de carbone. Vous recevrez vos premières estimations des émissions de carbone en juillet 2025.
L’équipe Amazon Services Europe
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L'utilité de choisir un transporteur neutre en carbone (La poste le fait je crois, j'avais vu des pubs la dessus) va être essentiel..
Si quelqu'un comprend quelquechose à la PJ avec leur mail concernant les "émissions carbone", merci de m'éclairer....
"Starting in 2025, where required by applicable law, we will provide you with carbon emissions estimates relating to your use of the Fulfilled by Amazon and Merchant Fulfilled Network services within France (“greenhouse gases information or “GHG Information”) at a minimum frequency of every six months. You may include the GHG Information as part of aggregated carbon footprint reporting, but you are not permitted to disclose the GHG Information as a standalone number without prior written approval from Amazon.
When will I receive the GHG information? You will receive your first report including GHG information in July 2025.
How can I access the GHG information? If you are a selling partner using FBA, you will be able to download the GHG information in .csv format directly from your FBA Reports dashboard. If you are a selling partner using MFN, you will either receive the GHG Information in .csv format directly to your email linked to your seller account or you’ll be able to download the GHG Information from Seller Central.
Why is this information important to me? This information will enable you to know the GHG Information for goods transportation services within France that we market or organize. If you have any further reporting obligation or otherwise as per the need of your business, you can utilize these values to derive your aggregate reports.
How do I calculate aggregated GHG of all my transportation operations? We will report GHG to you with the global standard of absolute CO2e ton. If you are getting these values from your other providers as well, you can simply add them all up to calculate aggregated GHG emission."