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Can someone please point me to a listing for a time machine?

Because Amazon wants me to show them a licensing agreement or get permission from a manufacturer to list an item that was created in the Amazon catalogue in 2014.

As you can imagine I'm finding this very difficult to do what with the listing being created 10 years ago, and it's recently putting the account I never use anymore because of gross incompetence like this at risk.

I have no doubt the other 165 listings I have that were all created between 2010 and 2018 will come under scrutiny next, so it would be helpful if I someone could help me travel back to late 2009 when I can get written permission from the manufacturer to list the products I buy from them, and sell them as the manufacturer's products with the manufacturer's name on them so I'm not breaching trademark by selling the manufacturer's items as the manufacturer's items using the manufacturer's brand.

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Can someone please point me to a listing for a time machine?

Because Amazon wants me to show them a licensing agreement or get permission from a manufacturer to list an item that was created in the Amazon catalogue in 2014.

As you can imagine I'm finding this very difficult to do what with the listing being created 10 years ago, and it's recently putting the account I never use anymore because of gross incompetence like this at risk.

I have no doubt the other 165 listings I have that were all created between 2010 and 2018 will come under scrutiny next, so it would be helpful if I someone could help me travel back to late 2009 when I can get written permission from the manufacturer to list the products I buy from them, and sell them as the manufacturer's products with the manufacturer's name on them so I'm not breaching trademark by selling the manufacturer's items as the manufacturer's items using the manufacturer's brand.

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Can someone please point me to a listing for a time machine?

Because Amazon wants me to show them a licensing agreement or get permission from a manufacturer to list an item that was created in the Amazon catalogue in 2014.

As you can imagine I'm finding this very difficult to do what with the listing being created 10 years ago, and it's recently putting the account I never use anymore because of gross incompetence like this at risk.

I have no doubt the other 165 listings I have that were all created between 2010 and 2018 will come under scrutiny next, so it would be helpful if I someone could help me travel back to late 2009 when I can get written permission from the manufacturer to list the products I buy from them, and sell them as the manufacturer's products with the manufacturer's name on them so I'm not breaching trademark by selling the manufacturer's items as the manufacturer's items using the manufacturer's brand.

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Can someone please point me to a listing for a time machine?

Because Amazon wants me to show them a licensing agreement or get permission from a manufacturer to list an item that was created in the Amazon catalogue in 2014.

As you can imagine I'm finding this very difficult to do what with the listing being created 10 years ago, and it's recently putting the account I never use anymore because of gross incompetence like this at risk.

I have no doubt the other 165 listings I have that were all created between 2010 and 2018 will come under scrutiny next, so it would be helpful if I someone could help me travel back to late 2009 when I can get written permission from the manufacturer to list the products I buy from them, and sell them as the manufacturer's products with the manufacturer's name on them so I'm not breaching trademark by selling the manufacturer's items as the manufacturer's items using the manufacturer's brand.

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Can someone please point me to a listing for a time machine?

by Seller_7LwAK3FfdwJbC

Because Amazon wants me to show them a licensing agreement or get permission from a manufacturer to list an item that was created in the Amazon catalogue in 2014.

As you can imagine I'm finding this very difficult to do what with the listing being created 10 years ago, and it's recently putting the account I never use anymore because of gross incompetence like this at risk.

I have no doubt the other 165 listings I have that were all created between 2010 and 2018 will come under scrutiny next, so it would be helpful if I someone could help me travel back to late 2009 when I can get written permission from the manufacturer to list the products I buy from them, and sell them as the manufacturer's products with the manufacturer's name on them so I'm not breaching trademark by selling the manufacturer's items as the manufacturer's items using the manufacturer's brand.

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