Read onlyI know seller support has always been hard work but we used to be able to edjucate them on how to fix things and eventually get issues sorted. However this last few months we're just getting complete nonsense back all the time and it feels like support is actually attempting to block any form of help whatsoever? This is crazy as ultimatly Amazon and us lose money. We've had endless cases of broken variation listings and usually these used to be fixed but now we're just told we cannot fix it due to Error 8040. No help on how to this just shutting cases down with staement like "this is in violation of our listing policy" um know, the listing is already there just broken. This problem is serious does anyone have any ideas on how to get through this as it is destroying our business
Hello @Seller_eh18p6n4mh4NW,
This is Sarah with Amazon.
Let's please continue the conversation in this other thread.
Creating duplicate threads can create confusion and disruption in the Forums and is against the Forums Guidelines.
I will be closing this thread as a duplicate of Impossible to reattach an orphaned child ASIN to parnet any ideas?
Kind regards,