Read onlyDear Amazon!
It just seems like the buyer meant to leave negative feedback for another seller that he purchased from, but accidentally left it to me.
Requested removal but was denied.
Please help with escalating the case to the right team.
The product has not even been delivered to the customer and he left me negative feedback saying "I returned it on 418/24 and never received a refund yet"
Feedback Date: 04/25/2024
Unfortunately, he mixing things up.
ID 15180573751
Order ID: # 111-2144626-9290614
The buyer left me negative feedback: "I returned it on 418/24 and never received a refund yet"
But he ONLY bought this item yesterday evening!!!
(Purchase date: Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 1:47 PM PDT)
This item was shipped today ONLY on Apr 25, 2024!!!
He can't return it because it hasn't even been received by him yet!!!
Purchase date: Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 1:47 PM PDT
Ship by: Thu, Apr 25, 2024
Deliver by: Mon, Apr 29, 2024, to Tue, Apr 30, 2024
He hasn't even received this item, but he left me Negative Feedback for some kind of return that he sent and did not receive a refund for it this doesn't make any sense because his item was just shipped today and he hasn't even received it yet!
100% this buyer made a mistake leaving negative feedback completely for a different item!
He never contacted me and never opened any Return or A-to-Z cases.
Could you please remove this negative feedback?
Thank you.
I had someone leave me negative feedback the day after an order was shipped. I contacted him and pointed out the order had not been delivered and he must have left feedback for the wrong order. I called an amazon associate and explained the situation and was ensured the feedback would be struck through with a line once it was delivered. I was told to contact amazon support if the feedback was not stricken. The feedback was not stricken and after a few attempts to get it removed, I was threatened by a bot that the matter was over and further contact about the issue would lead to an account suspension. If you make a further appeal, it is quite likely you'll get that warning too!
I'm afraid there is nothing you can do.
The one silver lining for me is that the same customer bought a much more expensive item from me the next month and did not leave feedback.
Amazon's entire feedback system needs an overhaul. Their bot that is programmed to review the feedback is awful. There needs to be common sense somewhere. If it is not important to Amazon, than they need to not count how heavily weighted it is for algorithms.
There's a lot of this going on, FB on cancellations and all of it negative, reported on both this forum and the other, where OSFE sellers congregate.
So much so, I'm thinking might often be other sellers, trying to ruin their competition's FB percentage.
There used to be an unofficial agreement that sellers wouldn't do this to their peers or anything that would affect other sellers negatively. Back in the day, a few were caught and their hand slapped(suspension of selling privileges for a week? Suspended from the forum for the same amt. of time? I can't quite recall).
Now, it's the Wild-West on this platform, run by ill-programmed BOTS. Getting worse all the time. Not helped by the fact, most actual buyers can't figure out how to remove their FB without the seller sending them directions.
Twice, we've had buyers beg us to phone them(leaving phone #'s) to walk them through the process of removal.
Don't you just love how professional it is here?