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On 10 November 2023, amazon uk amazon italia was also closed due to banned products.
After 90 days of waiting, it was said that a live interview will be held after payment. we made an appointment for 01. april as very difficult. our muhammed friend in the amazon seller support team made a live interview with us. we showed the documents they wanted. they said they would send an e-mail. but the mail did not come. while we were waiting for the mail of documents from us, the money in one of your accounts was confiscated. how is this. we want to meet with the seller support team. how simple it is not to say that we confiscated the money ...
Hi @Seller_4oaVYGLnd82wf,
Thank you for reaching out.
Could you kindly share the latest notification that Amazon sent to you?
Best regards, Ezra
Hello @Seller_4oaVYGLnd82wf,
Basically when the account is being deactivated the funds are being on hold until the Seller provides with the required documents and later once the account gets reactivated the funds will be released accordingly.
Having said that if your account is not re activated within the tenure of 90 days & the 90 days have passed. With regards to your query about funds/payment queries, please write to
Alternatively, you can also check the how the disbursement schedule works here.
You can check your payments summary by downloading the report to see if there were any disbursements. Check our help page for instructions.
Also visit to see why a disbursement may fail.
If you have any further queries please let us know. The community and I are here to assist you.