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Products listed in one department and billed as if in another

Can anyone help

I have been running round in circles since the 5th of this month

Having received and order for 6 variation of the same product I realised that I was been charge a higher rate for 5 of them

When checking it showed that the lower costs was for grocery items and the higher for Home and Kitchen

I sell under the department Grocery

With sub categories Food Cupboard > Baking Supplies > Icing & Decorations > Decorations > Cake Toppers > Cupcake Toppers

I have a product Tax Code: A_FOOD_CAKEDECOR

I do not own any ASINS just SKU’s and the ASIN’s were assigned via Amazon at upload.

I have been told that the products should all be in Home and Kitchen under cake topper

Why is it then that as I was approved to sell under Grocery, have all my products listed under grocery I should be paying the higher rate under Home and Kitchen.

Apparently, it’s because- that they feel Home and Kitchen is the right category for me to be billed under despite my listing under grocery.

I did sent a more detailed reply to @Spencer_Amazon Post 5 days ago though no reply so am reaching out to see if anyone can help at all

I own the brand and all products are branded and 100% edible

I should like to also point out that the listings have been running for almost 10 years in the Grocery section. None of my listings are showing in the home and kitchen-. I have again been told that they have to be billed in the higher fee category even though they are not listed in it. Nor can I have my products listed in two categories .







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Tags:ASIN, Fees, SKU
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Products listed in one department and billed as if in another

Can anyone help

I have been running round in circles since the 5th of this month

Having received and order for 6 variation of the same product I realised that I was been charge a higher rate for 5 of them

When checking it showed that the lower costs was for grocery items and the higher for Home and Kitchen

I sell under the department Grocery

With sub categories Food Cupboard > Baking Supplies > Icing & Decorations > Decorations > Cake Toppers > Cupcake Toppers

I have a product Tax Code: A_FOOD_CAKEDECOR

I do not own any ASINS just SKU’s and the ASIN’s were assigned via Amazon at upload.

I have been told that the products should all be in Home and Kitchen under cake topper

Why is it then that as I was approved to sell under Grocery, have all my products listed under grocery I should be paying the higher rate under Home and Kitchen.

Apparently, it’s because- that they feel Home and Kitchen is the right category for me to be billed under despite my listing under grocery.

I did sent a more detailed reply to @Spencer_Amazon Post 5 days ago though no reply so am reaching out to see if anyone can help at all

I own the brand and all products are branded and 100% edible

I should like to also point out that the listings have been running for almost 10 years in the Grocery section. None of my listings are showing in the home and kitchen-. I have again been told that they have to be billed in the higher fee category even though they are not listed in it. Nor can I have my products listed in two categories .







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Tags:ASIN, Fees, SKU
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Products listed in one department and billed as if in another

by Seller_uO041MVHNr3pA

Can anyone help

I have been running round in circles since the 5th of this month

Having received and order for 6 variation of the same product I realised that I was been charge a higher rate for 5 of them

When checking it showed that the lower costs was for grocery items and the higher for Home and Kitchen

I sell under the department Grocery

With sub categories Food Cupboard > Baking Supplies > Icing & Decorations > Decorations > Cake Toppers > Cupcake Toppers

I have a product Tax Code: A_FOOD_CAKEDECOR

I do not own any ASINS just SKU’s and the ASIN’s were assigned via Amazon at upload.

I have been told that the products should all be in Home and Kitchen under cake topper

Why is it then that as I was approved to sell under Grocery, have all my products listed under grocery I should be paying the higher rate under Home and Kitchen.

Apparently, it’s because- that they feel Home and Kitchen is the right category for me to be billed under despite my listing under grocery.

I did sent a more detailed reply to @Spencer_Amazon Post 5 days ago though no reply so am reaching out to see if anyone can help at all

I own the brand and all products are branded and 100% edible

I should like to also point out that the listings have been running for almost 10 years in the Grocery section. None of my listings are showing in the home and kitchen-. I have again been told that they have to be billed in the higher fee category even though they are not listed in it. Nor can I have my products listed in two categories .







Tags:ASIN, Fees, SKU
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