feedback removal
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feedback removal

hi is there anyone who can helpus with a this situation so we get multiple bad feedback from people who purchase something from us with out reading what they have purchased i have 1 person who ordered 50 x a product and was delivered 50 x the product but then leave bad feedback saying they ordered 100 x but they clearly have not i appeal this in a case log send the order details that clearly shows they have ordered 50 x but amazon still does not remove this feedback and we have multiple bad feedbacks about a customer ordering 1x of a product they recive it and leave badfeedback saying rip of i thought this was more than 1 item where the listing and order clearly states 1x

this is a constant battle we have every single month and we lose our feature offers because our ODR gets affected with bad feedback that is not true but amazon just instantly rejects our request this needs to change

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Tags:Account Health, Account users, Seller Support
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If it is a constant battle, then maybe there is something on your listings (title, description and images) that may be confusing customers.

If you post an ASIN, other sellers may comment on the listing.

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Would agree with the above @Seller_a27R0qd7Z7U5K if it keeps happening - there is likely a reason for it. Sometimes its not clear on listings what you are getting. Instances occur where the primary photo shows a multipack, even though 1 item is sent out, or vice versa.

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You have 2 choices, do nothing and hopefully customers will eventually have a better understanding or be proactive and make changes so it is clear on what they will be receiving.

Depending on your account type and with branding etc you can make changes with content and so some experiments to see if you get a better response from a different ad. Think they are referred to as A/B experiments.

It maybe that the customer who buy your product also buy it regularly from somewhere else offline or online. They see the pic, make the pruchase thinking they are getting it a bit cheaper and then when it arrives they have half the contents.

Whatever the situation, if you get messages like this and it is in the multiples, you have to identify that it is you that has this problem and you have to overcome it by making changes to the listings to wipe out any doubt.

You will not get Amazon to change or remove reviews. I have reveiws stating product was delivered late or not received. This is not a product review but they still stand. Better to have a comment to understand why a bad review has been given rather than just a one star with no comment. the comments will help you to do something about it if needed.

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Hello @Seller_a27R0qd7Z7U5K,

I'm Sarah with Amazon.

Can you share the order IDs so I can check if any action can be taken to remove the feedback?

Kind regards,


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