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Amazon and the Amazing Time Travelling Customers

by Seller_29AF2b8VJNr8z

I sell many items in the European marketplaces, for many reasons (none that I or any individual could possibly control) such as the Amazon IOSS number not being accepted by customs, customs errors like double charging the tax already collected by Amazon, items wrongly classified as restricted and many other issues, I have many A-Z claims for items not received, I usually contact the customer and resolve the problem, usually I send the items again. Obviously I get the buyer to withdraw the claim and the majority understand that the issue is from Brexit issues and not my error and they are happy to cancel the claim and allow me to fix the problem. This is now where the problems start, Amazon has been reversing the buyers decision to close the claim and they reassess the claim and grant it. This has been happening for years now and without exaggerating I must have contacted Amazon over 500 times about this issue. I show them the tell tale signs and I even contact them before they reassess the claim to tell them that it is going to happen (their usual answer is to tell me the claim was already closed). The signs that there will be an issue are I don’t receive notification of the claim being closed and the claim date and claim withdrawn date. Usually these are displayed incorrectly. I’ll just show you guys what I mean:

So apparently these people are opening the claim the day after they closed it, am I meant to believe that these people are time travellers? How is it possible that they managed to close the claim the day before it was opened? According to Amazon this is normal! Any normal person can see there’s something wrong, when I call up Seller Support the people on the phone understand there’s an issue, when I speak to a supervisor they also understand however when my case is transferred nothing is done. This has been happening for years without resolution. Just yesterday I received a claim from a customer in Sweden, he requested I resend the order when he returned from holiday, he cancelled the claim at 9.44am and at 9.53am the claim was granted again. Today another customer opened a claim and then closed it within a few minutes, I again received no notification but I did receive an email around 2 hours later telling me the refund was completed. Here are the words of the customer:

How can this be acceptable? I already sent the product to the client and tracking shows that the parcel will be delivered tomorrow and now because of Amazon’s error the customer has the refund as well as the order. The worst part is the original problem is nothing to do with me and I’m the person fixing the issue, it’s so demoralising to work the problem out with the customer only for Amazon to wipe all that work out for no reason and then to deny it’s happening when I have presented volumes of proof.








Tags: A to Z Claims
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