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Lost access to Premium A+ Content without any valuable reason.

Hi there,

We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted a ton of successfully approved Premium A+ designs, all of our items have a brand story applied to them and in other words - we cover the whole criteria about A+ Premium.

However, it has been recently removed from us and we are unable to apply changes to our existing A+ and create any new premium modules.

Amazon's A+ page advises that enrolment is granted every week, however customer support has advised us that it happens every new month. Anyway, couple of weeks have passed and now we are into a new month and access is yet to be seen.

We have had a couple of cases and get the same ''template'' responses from the associates and no progress made on this issue so far.

Just to mention again, we cover the whole criteria for Premium A+.

Has anybody managed to get this issue resolved or get in touch with somebody from Amazon who can do so? Sadly, support cases are not helpful in this scenario.


7 replies
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Lost access to Premium A+ Content without any valuable reason.

Hi there,

We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted a ton of successfully approved Premium A+ designs, all of our items have a brand story applied to them and in other words - we cover the whole criteria about A+ Premium.

However, it has been recently removed from us and we are unable to apply changes to our existing A+ and create any new premium modules.

Amazon's A+ page advises that enrolment is granted every week, however customer support has advised us that it happens every new month. Anyway, couple of weeks have passed and now we are into a new month and access is yet to be seen.

We have had a couple of cases and get the same ''template'' responses from the associates and no progress made on this issue so far.

Just to mention again, we cover the whole criteria for Premium A+.

Has anybody managed to get this issue resolved or get in touch with somebody from Amazon who can do so? Sadly, support cases are not helpful in this scenario.


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@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Winston_Amazon Could you, please look into this? Case ID: 9735365022 and another recent case: 9761488602

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Recently went through same issue. Lots of escallations and cases/calls to resolve. No reason given why it was lost either.

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Is this any help?

I am a handmade seller and as such, was automatically given Brand Registry. When I enquired (after setting up a store) why my products don't show when searching for my brand name (hence a bit pointless having set up a store!), this is the response I received today:

"The new version of Amazon Brand Registry requires brands to have an active registered trademark, and text that matches the brand name. For US trademarks, the trademark needs to be registered on the Principal Register.

Note: If you meet the registered trademark criteria, to avoid any disruption in service, we encourage you to enrol your brand in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

To get started, please visit: and use your existing Seller Central username and password. This is important as we want to make sure all your account information is carried over to the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

You’ll be asked to complete a new brand application for each eligible brand that you would like to enrol. You have to provide your trademark registration number, images of your design mark, logo images and the list of countries where you manufacture and distribute your brand.

You can also add authorized users to your account through Amazon Brand Registry Support after you enrol your brand by accessing “Contact us”, “Update your brand profile” and “Update role for user account”."

Perhaps you need to enrol in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry?

I now need to apply for a trademark of my Brand (4 months wait at IPO from research, but if you already have your TM, then maybe try this?

Hope it helps.

user profile


We have gained our access to A+ Premium back, however without any notifications or messages of why it was removed in the first place or why it was given back to us again.

Anyway, we are quite happy to have it back.

Thank you to everybody for the responses and their time!

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Lost access to Premium A+ Content without any valuable reason.

Hi there,

We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted a ton of successfully approved Premium A+ designs, all of our items have a brand story applied to them and in other words - we cover the whole criteria about A+ Premium.

However, it has been recently removed from us and we are unable to apply changes to our existing A+ and create any new premium modules.

Amazon's A+ page advises that enrolment is granted every week, however customer support has advised us that it happens every new month. Anyway, couple of weeks have passed and now we are into a new month and access is yet to be seen.

We have had a couple of cases and get the same ''template'' responses from the associates and no progress made on this issue so far.

Just to mention again, we cover the whole criteria for Premium A+.

Has anybody managed to get this issue resolved or get in touch with somebody from Amazon who can do so? Sadly, support cases are not helpful in this scenario.


7 replies
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Lost access to Premium A+ Content without any valuable reason.

Hi there,

We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted a ton of successfully approved Premium A+ designs, all of our items have a brand story applied to them and in other words - we cover the whole criteria about A+ Premium.

However, it has been recently removed from us and we are unable to apply changes to our existing A+ and create any new premium modules.

Amazon's A+ page advises that enrolment is granted every week, however customer support has advised us that it happens every new month. Anyway, couple of weeks have passed and now we are into a new month and access is yet to be seen.

We have had a couple of cases and get the same ''template'' responses from the associates and no progress made on this issue so far.

Just to mention again, we cover the whole criteria for Premium A+.

Has anybody managed to get this issue resolved or get in touch with somebody from Amazon who can do so? Sadly, support cases are not helpful in this scenario.


7 replies
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Lost access to Premium A+ Content without any valuable reason.

by Seller_TWBxModiU6bkl

Hi there,

We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted a ton of successfully approved Premium A+ designs, all of our items have a brand story applied to them and in other words - we cover the whole criteria about A+ Premium.

However, it has been recently removed from us and we are unable to apply changes to our existing A+ and create any new premium modules.

Amazon's A+ page advises that enrolment is granted every week, however customer support has advised us that it happens every new month. Anyway, couple of weeks have passed and now we are into a new month and access is yet to be seen.

We have had a couple of cases and get the same ''template'' responses from the associates and no progress made on this issue so far.

Just to mention again, we cover the whole criteria for Premium A+.

Has anybody managed to get this issue resolved or get in touch with somebody from Amazon who can do so? Sadly, support cases are not helpful in this scenario.


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@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Winston_Amazon Could you, please look into this? Case ID: 9735365022 and another recent case: 9761488602

user profile

Recently went through same issue. Lots of escallations and cases/calls to resolve. No reason given why it was lost either.

user profile

Is this any help?

I am a handmade seller and as such, was automatically given Brand Registry. When I enquired (after setting up a store) why my products don't show when searching for my brand name (hence a bit pointless having set up a store!), this is the response I received today:

"The new version of Amazon Brand Registry requires brands to have an active registered trademark, and text that matches the brand name. For US trademarks, the trademark needs to be registered on the Principal Register.

Note: If you meet the registered trademark criteria, to avoid any disruption in service, we encourage you to enrol your brand in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

To get started, please visit: and use your existing Seller Central username and password. This is important as we want to make sure all your account information is carried over to the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

You’ll be asked to complete a new brand application for each eligible brand that you would like to enrol. You have to provide your trademark registration number, images of your design mark, logo images and the list of countries where you manufacture and distribute your brand.

You can also add authorized users to your account through Amazon Brand Registry Support after you enrol your brand by accessing “Contact us”, “Update your brand profile” and “Update role for user account”."

Perhaps you need to enrol in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry?

I now need to apply for a trademark of my Brand (4 months wait at IPO from research, but if you already have your TM, then maybe try this?

Hope it helps.

user profile


We have gained our access to A+ Premium back, however without any notifications or messages of why it was removed in the first place or why it was given back to us again.

Anyway, we are quite happy to have it back.

Thank you to everybody for the responses and their time!

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@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Winston_Amazon Could you, please look into this? Case ID: 9735365022 and another recent case: 9761488602

user profile

@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Winston_Amazon Could you, please look into this? Case ID: 9735365022 and another recent case: 9761488602

user profile

Recently went through same issue. Lots of escallations and cases/calls to resolve. No reason given why it was lost either.

user profile

Recently went through same issue. Lots of escallations and cases/calls to resolve. No reason given why it was lost either.

user profile

Is this any help?

I am a handmade seller and as such, was automatically given Brand Registry. When I enquired (after setting up a store) why my products don't show when searching for my brand name (hence a bit pointless having set up a store!), this is the response I received today:

"The new version of Amazon Brand Registry requires brands to have an active registered trademark, and text that matches the brand name. For US trademarks, the trademark needs to be registered on the Principal Register.

Note: If you meet the registered trademark criteria, to avoid any disruption in service, we encourage you to enrol your brand in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

To get started, please visit: and use your existing Seller Central username and password. This is important as we want to make sure all your account information is carried over to the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

You’ll be asked to complete a new brand application for each eligible brand that you would like to enrol. You have to provide your trademark registration number, images of your design mark, logo images and the list of countries where you manufacture and distribute your brand.

You can also add authorized users to your account through Amazon Brand Registry Support after you enrol your brand by accessing “Contact us”, “Update your brand profile” and “Update role for user account”."

Perhaps you need to enrol in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry?

I now need to apply for a trademark of my Brand (4 months wait at IPO from research, but if you already have your TM, then maybe try this?

Hope it helps.

user profile

Is this any help?

I am a handmade seller and as such, was automatically given Brand Registry. When I enquired (after setting up a store) why my products don't show when searching for my brand name (hence a bit pointless having set up a store!), this is the response I received today:

"The new version of Amazon Brand Registry requires brands to have an active registered trademark, and text that matches the brand name. For US trademarks, the trademark needs to be registered on the Principal Register.

Note: If you meet the registered trademark criteria, to avoid any disruption in service, we encourage you to enrol your brand in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

To get started, please visit: and use your existing Seller Central username and password. This is important as we want to make sure all your account information is carried over to the new version of Amazon Brand Registry.

You’ll be asked to complete a new brand application for each eligible brand that you would like to enrol. You have to provide your trademark registration number, images of your design mark, logo images and the list of countries where you manufacture and distribute your brand.

You can also add authorized users to your account through Amazon Brand Registry Support after you enrol your brand by accessing “Contact us”, “Update your brand profile” and “Update role for user account”."

Perhaps you need to enrol in the new version of Amazon Brand Registry?

I now need to apply for a trademark of my Brand (4 months wait at IPO from research, but if you already have your TM, then maybe try this?

Hope it helps.

user profile


We have gained our access to A+ Premium back, however without any notifications or messages of why it was removed in the first place or why it was given back to us again.

Anyway, we are quite happy to have it back.

Thank you to everybody for the responses and their time!

user profile


We have gained our access to A+ Premium back, however without any notifications or messages of why it was removed in the first place or why it was given back to us again.

Anyway, we are quite happy to have it back.

Thank you to everybody for the responses and their time!

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