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Listing removed due to a food and product safety policy violation

Hello everyone,

I bought a product that I intended to sell on Amazon UK. I could see through using keepa that the product had been available for months (Not a new listing) and that there were no red flags.

I got the product delivered and was about to send it in when i noticed the listing has been taken down by amazon.

This product was just an Aloe Vera cream.

I received a food and product safety policy violation on my account and ive been going back and fourth with seller support for about a month but not getting anywhere.

I've given them CPNP certificates, Test reports, photos of the products packaging.

They've asked for a copy of a declaration of conformity certificate. When i do my research online its saying a cosmetic product doesn't require one?

I've not been given a straight answer to exactly why the listing was removed in the first place. All i can find in their messages is this:

(Removal Reason as per CSI - Simple Reconciled Product Data View). Any ideas what this means and how i resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity
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Listing removed due to a food and product safety policy violation

Hello everyone,

I bought a product that I intended to sell on Amazon UK. I could see through using keepa that the product had been available for months (Not a new listing) and that there were no red flags.

I got the product delivered and was about to send it in when i noticed the listing has been taken down by amazon.

This product was just an Aloe Vera cream.

I received a food and product safety policy violation on my account and ive been going back and fourth with seller support for about a month but not getting anywhere.

I've given them CPNP certificates, Test reports, photos of the products packaging.

They've asked for a copy of a declaration of conformity certificate. When i do my research online its saying a cosmetic product doesn't require one?

I've not been given a straight answer to exactly why the listing was removed in the first place. All i can find in their messages is this:

(Removal Reason as per CSI - Simple Reconciled Product Data View). Any ideas what this means and how i resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity
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Hello @Seller_cu3m4WaPboLEO.

This is Sakura from Amazon. Welcome to the Seller Forums.

Could you share the ASIN and the latest case ID where you sent all the documents ?



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Listing removed due to a food and product safety policy violation

Hello everyone,

I bought a product that I intended to sell on Amazon UK. I could see through using keepa that the product had been available for months (Not a new listing) and that there were no red flags.

I got the product delivered and was about to send it in when i noticed the listing has been taken down by amazon.

This product was just an Aloe Vera cream.

I received a food and product safety policy violation on my account and ive been going back and fourth with seller support for about a month but not getting anywhere.

I've given them CPNP certificates, Test reports, photos of the products packaging.

They've asked for a copy of a declaration of conformity certificate. When i do my research online its saying a cosmetic product doesn't require one?

I've not been given a straight answer to exactly why the listing was removed in the first place. All i can find in their messages is this:

(Removal Reason as per CSI - Simple Reconciled Product Data View). Any ideas what this means and how i resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

1 reply
Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity
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Listing removed due to a food and product safety policy violation

Hello everyone,

I bought a product that I intended to sell on Amazon UK. I could see through using keepa that the product had been available for months (Not a new listing) and that there were no red flags.

I got the product delivered and was about to send it in when i noticed the listing has been taken down by amazon.

This product was just an Aloe Vera cream.

I received a food and product safety policy violation on my account and ive been going back and fourth with seller support for about a month but not getting anywhere.

I've given them CPNP certificates, Test reports, photos of the products packaging.

They've asked for a copy of a declaration of conformity certificate. When i do my research online its saying a cosmetic product doesn't require one?

I've not been given a straight answer to exactly why the listing was removed in the first place. All i can find in their messages is this:

(Removal Reason as per CSI - Simple Reconciled Product Data View). Any ideas what this means and how i resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity
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Listing removed due to a food and product safety policy violation

by Seller_cu3m4WaPboLEO

Hello everyone,

I bought a product that I intended to sell on Amazon UK. I could see through using keepa that the product had been available for months (Not a new listing) and that there were no red flags.

I got the product delivered and was about to send it in when i noticed the listing has been taken down by amazon.

This product was just an Aloe Vera cream.

I received a food and product safety policy violation on my account and ive been going back and fourth with seller support for about a month but not getting anywhere.

I've given them CPNP certificates, Test reports, photos of the products packaging.

They've asked for a copy of a declaration of conformity certificate. When i do my research online its saying a cosmetic product doesn't require one?

I've not been given a straight answer to exactly why the listing was removed in the first place. All i can find in their messages is this:

(Removal Reason as per CSI - Simple Reconciled Product Data View). Any ideas what this means and how i resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity
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Hello @Seller_cu3m4WaPboLEO.

This is Sakura from Amazon. Welcome to the Seller Forums.

Could you share the ASIN and the latest case ID where you sent all the documents ?



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Hello @Seller_cu3m4WaPboLEO.

This is Sakura from Amazon. Welcome to the Seller Forums.

Could you share the ASIN and the latest case ID where you sent all the documents ?



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Hello @Seller_cu3m4WaPboLEO.

This is Sakura from Amazon. Welcome to the Seller Forums.

Could you share the ASIN and the latest case ID where you sent all the documents ?



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