We are brand registered and sell our our own products exclusively on Amazon. So far we have been using FNSKU labels but now thinking to use GTIN/EAN barcode label for a new product that we want to launch. We do not give resell rights to any other seller and we are the sole seller of our branded products. I have checked that the new product listing is eligible to be converted to using manufacturer GTIN barcode label.
My question is, is it better to switch to using GTIN manufacturer label for our new branded products or is it better to use FNSKU? Which approach is better in our case? I somehow feel that manufacturer barcode gives flexibility to sell products on any platform but at the same time adds risk in case a hijacker starts selling our product with poor quality with same barcode which Amazon comingles. What do experts think of any pros/cons please?
Regards, Jutt
Unless I’m missing something, I don’t think it matters as you can have hijackers even with fnsku labels. But you’re right, they won’t be able to commingle.