I sell custom products and sell unbranded items. All was fine until today when I tried to update the customisation on my listing but am blocked saying multiple offers on the listing, which is other sellers, however you cannot have other sellers on custom listings so I had a look and listing says 2 other sellers tbut when look who they are it's just me listed twice. Any ideas what the problem might me
Do you have both FBA and FBM offers perhaps?
If not try removing your offer, waiting 24 hours, making sure there is no valid offer then adjusting and reinstating it.
On a number of my listings I am showing on the product detail page as having 2 offers. On checking the inventory page I can see I only have 1 active offer.
I think it is a glitch as I have seen other sellers with 2 offers on some listings as well.
It is not a problem for me as I don't do customised products though.