buy box 0% for all 1000 items.
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buy box 0% for all 1000 items.

For all my items at UK store has been lost buy box. It shows 0%. All other marketplaces shows 98 and more %, and only UK 0%.

I have been wrote to support, but they do not helping me. I want to understand what is the reason of this problem. Account rate is very good, no problems in this. Shipping and all other metrics good. I want to understand the problem, and how to resolve it. I want to understand why at all marketplaces I have buy box, but in UK no. I am selling my own brand with one price. There is not reason to lost it. This is amazon technical mistake, I want someone to resolve this situation.

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Have you checked the listings to see if there is a buy box or are you just going by what the metric says, There have been times when ours is at 0% in the metrics but the buy box is there on the listing.

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Duplicate thread........

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