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Amazon Seller Support has been unable to resolve the issue for more than two weeks. Error 8541 when uploading product

by Seller_eVduQx9yhJ43s

The goods that have been sent to FBA, the listing has been deleted, and I can't get it back by uploading the product. What should I do?

Before June, I added a product via Add Product via upload and shipped it to FBA.

On June 1, I used the same template to update this SKU, and error 8541 occurred. If I deleted the SKU,

and re-uploaded it two days later, error 8541 still occurred.

I asked the seller support, she told me to use the large category template Sport to upload, but error 8541 still occurred, and the seller support told me to wait for the AMAZON team to solve it.


A week later, the seller support emailed back and said that there was no error, and I used the previous Sport Goods template to upload, but error 8541 still occurred. Then I waited for the seller support team to solve it again.


Another week later, the seller support team said to use the large category template AutoAccessory to upload, but error 8541 still occurred.

. . .

Detailed error description :

Die für die SKU bereitgestellten Angaben stimmen nicht mit den Angaben im Amazon-Katalog überein. Der/die item_id Wert/e stimmt/en mit der ASIN überein B0XXXXX, aber einige Informationen stehen im Widerspruch zu den Angaben im Amazon-Katalog: product_type (Verkäufer: 'CARGO_STRAP' / Amazon: 'BICYCLE'). Wenn dies die korrekte ASIN für Ihr Produkt ist, ändern Sie bitte die Informationen, so dass sie den im Amazon-Katalog vorliegenden Werten entsprechen. Andernfalls prüfen Sie bitte, ob Ihre Wert/e für item_id korrekt ist/sind.

Tags: Add a product, Listings, Product removal, detail page
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