I am listing a product in generic with no product id or brand. When I try submitting my listing a message comes up ‘gtin exemption required, apply now’. When I click on apply now it states GTIN is approved. However it does not allow me to submit the record.
I spent some time with the customer service rep and we recreated the listing, and I took full screenshots of the steps, saving at each step. Even if I save the listing as draft, and come back to it later it displays the record under complete your draft but upon clicking review and submit - it opens a blank record template which no data.
There should be no need to create multiple GTINs, and saved records should still be populated with data. My GTIN was approved on the 25th October and since then it has created multiple GTINs, each time not recognizing on the input form that a GTIN is already approved. External product ID flags up with apply for GTIN, and when you click it each time its states it approved.
This is a never ending loop and does not allow you to submit a product listing,
My Case ID 10456640072, has all the full product listing walk through
Hello @Seller_PB3tHSCzeBqSF
I have a look on case provided ending 0072, and according to their resolution they state the GTIM exemption has been provided to the categories not the subcategories. They advise giving time for system to update and try to add the categories. Did it work?
I am also facing this exact loop that's sending me around in circles. Did you get this resolved?