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Fraudulent Seller Activity - Need Help!

We currently sell on a high traffic listing with high competition. On 3 occasions in the last 6 months, we have had fraudulent rights owner complaints. Each time from random gmail addresses. Somehow they are creating fraudulent documents to convince Amazon that they're the rights owner/ agent and then getting sellers removed from the listing.

How do we know it's fraudulent?

- The manufacturer is a billion dollar company, they would not be using gmail addresses for notifications

- Each time the email address is a different gmail address with no company details

- The same connected sellers all from the same part of the UK, are always the only remaining sellers

We can't get our invoices approved as they don't have the right owner details that are fraudulent and which Amazon will not share with us.

We need someone in Amazon CS to look in to this but no one wants to look in to it.

Can someone let us know who we can get in touch with?

6 replies
Tags:Product authenticity
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Been 10 days since we contacted UK directors office and still no reply

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Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Can you please provide me with the ASINs of the listings where you get the fraudulent claims?

Regards, Spencer

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The ASIN is B093KZ8CR2, they have managed to fool Amazon in to thinking they are the IP rights holder by using a bogus gmail address. The company that produces these is a multi billion dollar company.

Pretty much most the sellers you see on that listing are their claimants own companies. Anyone not linked to them that goes on to the listing gets an IP complaint with the gmail address as the contact.

We know this is fraudulent because they did this a few months prior with a different email address and then a few months before that with another different email address.

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Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I checked with our partner team and you have received emails with instructions on how to solve your issue since you last posted.

The latest one was sent today.

Here are a few steps for you to take:

1 Check your notifications in Menu > Performance > Performance Notifications.

2 Go to your Account Health pages under Policy Compliance, you see a notification dot. Click on the link and it will show you how to appeal.

3 As a professional seller you can request a call with the Account team by clicking the CALL ME NOW button.

I hope this helps.

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hi Spencer,

Please note the following points:

1 - No notifications for B093KZ8CR2 have come through to my email in the past week, neither do any show on my performance notifications.

2 - Your directors office did not even bother replying to me

3 - I know have another notification for ASIN: B0CTTPFFRK , again from the same email address to say my other test kit looks like theirs. Again my listing has been removed. I called your account health team, they agreed my listing is not in violation. However as the only option in my performance notification is to produce an LOA from the rights owner (even though I'm not selling their product) or to ask the rights owner to retract the complaint, those are my only options.

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Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am going to send you a private message.

Regards, Spencer

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Fraudulent Seller Activity - Need Help!

We currently sell on a high traffic listing with high competition. On 3 occasions in the last 6 months, we have had fraudulent rights owner complaints. Each time from random gmail addresses. Somehow they are creating fraudulent documents to convince Amazon that they're the rights owner/ agent and then getting sellers removed from the listing.

How do we know it's fraudulent?

- The manufacturer is a billion dollar company, they would not be using gmail addresses for notifications

- Each time the email address is a different gmail address with no company details

- The same connected sellers all from the same part of the UK, are always the only remaining sellers

We can't get our invoices approved as they don't have the right owner details that are fraudulent and which Amazon will not share with us.

We need someone in Amazon CS to look in to this but no one wants to look in to it.

Can someone let us know who we can get in touch with?

6 replies
Tags:Product authenticity
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Fraudulent Seller Activity - Need Help!

by Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY

We currently sell on a high traffic listing with high competition. On 3 occasions in the last 6 months, we have had fraudulent rights owner complaints. Each time from random gmail addresses. Somehow they are creating fraudulent documents to convince Amazon that they're the rights owner/ agent and then getting sellers removed from the listing.

How do we know it's fraudulent?

- The manufacturer is a billion dollar company, they would not be using gmail addresses for notifications

- Each time the email address is a different gmail address with no company details

- The same connected sellers all from the same part of the UK, are always the only remaining sellers

We can't get our invoices approved as they don't have the right owner details that are fraudulent and which Amazon will not share with us.

We need someone in Amazon CS to look in to this but no one wants to look in to it.

Can someone let us know who we can get in touch with?

Tags:Product authenticity
6 replies
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Been 10 days since we contacted UK directors office and still no reply

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Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Can you please provide me with the ASINs of the listings where you get the fraudulent claims?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

The ASIN is B093KZ8CR2, they have managed to fool Amazon in to thinking they are the IP rights holder by using a bogus gmail address. The company that produces these is a multi billion dollar company.

Pretty much most the sellers you see on that listing are their claimants own companies. Anyone not linked to them that goes on to the listing gets an IP complaint with the gmail address as the contact.

We know this is fraudulent because they did this a few months prior with a different email address and then a few months before that with another different email address.

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I checked with our partner team and you have received emails with instructions on how to solve your issue since you last posted.

The latest one was sent today.

Here are a few steps for you to take:

1 Check your notifications in Menu > Performance > Performance Notifications.

2 Go to your Account Health pages under Policy Compliance, you see a notification dot. Click on the link and it will show you how to appeal.

3 As a professional seller you can request a call with the Account team by clicking the CALL ME NOW button.

I hope this helps.

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hi Spencer,

Please note the following points:

1 - No notifications for B093KZ8CR2 have come through to my email in the past week, neither do any show on my performance notifications.

2 - Your directors office did not even bother replying to me

3 - I know have another notification for ASIN: B0CTTPFFRK , again from the same email address to say my other test kit looks like theirs. Again my listing has been removed. I called your account health team, they agreed my listing is not in violation. However as the only option in my performance notification is to produce an LOA from the rights owner (even though I'm not selling their product) or to ask the rights owner to retract the complaint, those are my only options.

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am going to send you a private message.

Regards, Spencer

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Been 10 days since we contacted UK directors office and still no reply

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Been 10 days since we contacted UK directors office and still no reply

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Can you please provide me with the ASINs of the listings where you get the fraudulent claims?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Can you please provide me with the ASINs of the listings where you get the fraudulent claims?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

The ASIN is B093KZ8CR2, they have managed to fool Amazon in to thinking they are the IP rights holder by using a bogus gmail address. The company that produces these is a multi billion dollar company.

Pretty much most the sellers you see on that listing are their claimants own companies. Anyone not linked to them that goes on to the listing gets an IP complaint with the gmail address as the contact.

We know this is fraudulent because they did this a few months prior with a different email address and then a few months before that with another different email address.

user profile

The ASIN is B093KZ8CR2, they have managed to fool Amazon in to thinking they are the IP rights holder by using a bogus gmail address. The company that produces these is a multi billion dollar company.

Pretty much most the sellers you see on that listing are their claimants own companies. Anyone not linked to them that goes on to the listing gets an IP complaint with the gmail address as the contact.

We know this is fraudulent because they did this a few months prior with a different email address and then a few months before that with another different email address.

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I checked with our partner team and you have received emails with instructions on how to solve your issue since you last posted.

The latest one was sent today.

Here are a few steps for you to take:

1 Check your notifications in Menu > Performance > Performance Notifications.

2 Go to your Account Health pages under Policy Compliance, you see a notification dot. Click on the link and it will show you how to appeal.

3 As a professional seller you can request a call with the Account team by clicking the CALL ME NOW button.

I hope this helps.

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I checked with our partner team and you have received emails with instructions on how to solve your issue since you last posted.

The latest one was sent today.

Here are a few steps for you to take:

1 Check your notifications in Menu > Performance > Performance Notifications.

2 Go to your Account Health pages under Policy Compliance, you see a notification dot. Click on the link and it will show you how to appeal.

3 As a professional seller you can request a call with the Account team by clicking the CALL ME NOW button.

I hope this helps.

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hi Spencer,

Please note the following points:

1 - No notifications for B093KZ8CR2 have come through to my email in the past week, neither do any show on my performance notifications.

2 - Your directors office did not even bother replying to me

3 - I know have another notification for ASIN: B0CTTPFFRK , again from the same email address to say my other test kit looks like theirs. Again my listing has been removed. I called your account health team, they agreed my listing is not in violation. However as the only option in my performance notification is to produce an LOA from the rights owner (even though I'm not selling their product) or to ask the rights owner to retract the complaint, those are my only options.

user profile

Hi Spencer,

Please note the following points:

1 - No notifications for B093KZ8CR2 have come through to my email in the past week, neither do any show on my performance notifications.

2 - Your directors office did not even bother replying to me

3 - I know have another notification for ASIN: B0CTTPFFRK , again from the same email address to say my other test kit looks like theirs. Again my listing has been removed. I called your account health team, they agreed my listing is not in violation. However as the only option in my performance notification is to produce an LOA from the rights owner (even though I'm not selling their product) or to ask the rights owner to retract the complaint, those are my only options.

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am going to send you a private message.

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hello @Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY,

I am going to send you a private message.

Regards, Spencer

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