Read only@Winston_Amazon @Sarah_Amzn@Julia_Amzn@Sakura_Amazon_
Why can't I raise a SAFE-T claim against order 026-0169219-7562709? We sent this item to the customer (Amazon Buy Shipping was used to purchase the DPD delivery label and DPD tracking shows that the item has been delivered to a another business 2 doors away from the customer who ordered it)
The "Contact Buyer" on the order is Amazon Business EU SARL and the person we sent the item to is a Business Customer. The actual customer received a CSBA refund on 06-July-2024 (there is no return request raised and we have not received a message) so I am presuming the reason for the refund is non-delivery. Normally in these circumstances we can raise a SAFE-T claim and provide the DPD delivery information etc, but if I try and raise a SAFE-T claim I get the following message "Seller needs to be debited to be eligible to file SAFE-T claim"
Please explain to me why I can't raise a SAFE-T claim, or when I will be able to.
This screenshot shows our payment for the order, then the CSBA refund by Amazon (we did not manually refund it)
Could one of you please look into this as a matter of urgency. We have sent £450 worth of goods to one of your business customers, the invoice was paid, then a credit note issued the same day. The goods were delivered by DPD (Amazon Buy Shipping used) to another business very close to the customer and DPD have provided a delivery photo. Why can't we raise a SAFE-T claim - we have not received the goods back.
@Seller_qaeFM8emsINcudid you ever get this resolved? I'm in the same situation and have just been getting the generic 'we're looking into it' reply. @Winston_Amazonare you able to help me please? Case ID 10103254082
Hello all Sellers,
If you have any questions or would like to gain more insight into the SAFE-T process, including how to file and manage SAFE-T claims, mark your calendars for September 10, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (BST). During the event, you will have the opportunity to post your questions in the comments section of the dedicated SAFE-T Ask Amazon thread. We will ensure that your questions are forwarded to our SAFE-T Team, who will provide comprehensive responses.
Please note that this event is designed to address general inquiries, and we will not be able to provide specific advice or feedback on individual claims.
We look forward to engaging with you and addressing your queries,
Find out more on Get answers about SAFE-T at a Managing Returns – SAFE-T Claims Ask Amazon Event on September 10, 2024!