Read onlyI reported a seller earlier who is piggy backing on one of my listings
(Listing has my trademarked brand name, private label products that I make complete with branded packaging)
got this reply
Thank you for submitting your notice of infringement. We cannot take action on your report because of the reasons listed below.
Amazon respects a manufacturer’s right to enter into exclusive distribution agreements for its products. However, violations of such agreements do not constitute intellectual property rights infringement. As the enforcement of these agreements is a matter between the manufacturer and the retailers, it would not be appropriate for Amazon to assist in enforcement activities.
what does it mean exactly?
I guess brand registry as usual never bothered to read the form?
Likely means they think you are selling a generic product that others can also buy and stick their name on?
That sounds like they think you have agreed a distribution deal with the other seller. Did you file the correct complaint?
yes, as beleive so
I filled out the brand registry form and selected the top option
keep submitting it will remove it eventually
Write this
This seller is not authorised to sell our trademark goods. They are sourcing and selling parallel imports and counterfeits. We are the sole manufacturer of our brand and not authorised this seller to send alternatives brands and pass off as our brand.
they should remove it after this
I did couple times, otherwise you will get generic answers from amazon. Good luck.
Most important make your product photo, and competitor, can be in one photo.
Provide order number, that you did buy from competitor. T
just done it again and got a different reply
You have not provided sufficient evidence to support your request for the removal of the reported content. We cannot take action on or complete any requests in your report for the reasons listed below.
You have not provided evidence that these products were illegally manufactured, recopied, or unlawfully obtained. We respect a manufacturer’s right to enter into exclusive or selective distribution agreements, but we do not help to enforce these agreements. Enforcement of these agreements is a matter between the manufacturer and distributor.
All notices of intellectual property infringement must include:
– The name and email address of the person submitting the notice, plus any additional contact details.
– The rights owner name, if the notice is submitted by an agent of the rights owner.
– Identification of the intellectual property right asserted, by registration number, if applicable.
– Identification of the specific content on Amazon believed to be infringing, by ASIN or URL.
– Statement that the information in the notice is accurate.
– Statement that the submitter is authorized to act on behalf of the rights owner and has a good-faith belief that the use of the content is not authorized by the rights owner, its agent, or the law.
all the above was given through the form